1 MILLION JABS IN 5 WEEKS: The War Against Us!
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published August 16, 2021
We are at war with our government.
Absurdly extending the already disproportionate and unnecessary lockdown by a further two weeks, imposing a curfew, and closing children's playgrounds are all part of the "inspired" campaign to "get a million jabs into a million arms" in the next five weeks.
The Victorian Government has been forthcoming with their heinous agenda, and they have revealed the true reason for why they are extending the lockdown and increasing the suppression measures: to coerce vaccination — "1 million jabs in 5 weeks."
We are being subjected to this overt tyranny as an aggressive vaccine-marketing stunt — nothing more.
It is a malicious attempt to artificially induce fear, demoralise, and to further compel both obedience, and the uptake of their largely undesired medical experiment.
Absolute criminality — and a clear-cut Crime Against Humanity.
Like all those who initiate war, and wage war against their people, they will eventually be trialled for their war crimes, and criminal acts.