12-02-22 CANBERRA FREEDOM CONVOY: A Precautionary Word...
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published February 15, 2022
Now that a few days have passed since the Canberra Freedom Convoy, and the Freedom Camp that amassed at the EPIC showgrounds were permitted to protest safely, peacefully and without government countermeasures — it is with immense relief that it was not infiltrated and undermined by potential Intelligence meddling.
Anything was possible, and all potentialities should have been anticipated in this current Authoritarian climate: the Australian Government is literally waging a PsyOp War on the Australian citizens.
Indeed, Shadowy-Intelligence Operatives are only too eager to conflate the genuine Freedom Movement with nonsensical ‘far-right, neo-Nazi ideologies,’ and eventually classify the entire movement as a national threat populated by “domestic-terrorists.” They are attempting this worldwide, especially in America. Their potential tactics are already apparent. Outside of the predictable media-programming and propaganda, they are willing and capable of anything. They have certainly been experimenting with the MKULTRA-inspired “ice-addled psychotic driver” (the most infamous being the “individual” in Melbourne who had been meticulously observed, and tracked for days, until the harrowing moment in which he drove his vehicle into a Bourke Street crowd with robotic detachment (as he was followed by numerous unmarked cars that “failed" to intervene); and ASIO Chief, Mike Burgess, has already foreshadowed that the most likely (and Patsy orchestrated) scenario in the imminent future will be a “lone-wolf attack” “originating” from within the Freedom Movement. I dare say, it will be from without, but imbedded within.
I half expected the doors of the Australian Parliament House to be found unlocked on the day, and the Freedom Crowd cordially welcomed and pleasantly escorted into the building by friendly ACT Police Officers all parroting the pleasantry of: “Morrison welcomes you all! He has asked for you to come in” … and as the peaceful throng wove their bemused and curious path into the building… suddenly… Intelligence Plants within the crowd would be signaled in coordination to instigate violence, and effectively hijack and derail the movement. In the aftermath, and forevermore, the ‘Freedom Movement’ would be associated with an attempted “insurrection” by “domestic extremists.”
The Enemy is certainly capable of this.
Let us not forget that this was EXACTLY what happened on January 6th, 2021, at the United States Capital, in which sloppy FBI infiltration, and duped Washington Police Officers ushered in a peaceful gathering of those protesting the brazenly stolen US Election… and then triggered a “riot” (using incognito Antifa, and FBI Agents) and strategically labeled the confused and chaotic reaction as an attempted “insurrection” instigated by President Donald Trump’s alleged incitement: a ludicrous Impeachment charge that was later completely dismantled.
Those unfortunate Washington Police Officers who were briefed on the day to allow Trump supporters access to the Capital Building, “On Trump’s request,” and who were only too happy to open the doors, and usher people in, were most likely amongst those six who reportedly “committed suicide” as a means of silencing any investigative confession that might expose their naïvely pivotal role.
It is always best to be mindful of what we are truly up against, and to never lapse into complacency and underestimate the depth of depravity, cunning, and sheer malice that will be leveled against any perceived opposition to Authoritarianism, especially when the Enemy is vulnerable to exposure, and backed into a corner… always be aware my friends: for to be forewarned, is to be forearmed; and to be mindful of all such scenarios is essential to pre-empt and diffuse such plans before they might be executed at our collective expense.
‘The price of freedom is eternal vigilance’ - Thomas Jefferson