2026: Melbourne's Communism-unwealth Games?
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published January 19, 2022
Melbourne has emerged as the likely host of the 2026 Commonwealth Games!
How unlikely!
We will surely be utterly bankrupt, and utterly incapable of hosting anything that might resemble the previous celebration of elite athleticism amongst formerly free Commonwealth Nations.
Given the current trajectory of the Victorian Stasi Police State: will the "Athlete's Village" be the repurposed Mickleham 'Centre For National Resilience" (aka "quarantine/concentration facility") where "athletes" are gathered and processed, before being chosen (based on "specific characteristics") to engage in all manner of inhumane "sporting events" as a spectacle for the Technocratic Tyrants and their legion of dead-eyed devotees?
Let us hope that Andrews, and Sutton and all responsible for signing-off and creating the propaganda that materialised this heinous "Quarantine Facility," will eventually enjoy their much deserved retirement, as they stare-out from the electrified cyclone fence from within...
Now, that would be supreme poetic justice!