THE SHRINE OF REMEMBRANCE STAND-OFF: Cowards in Costumes Intimidating Protestors
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published September 27, 2021

When you have invested countless years training to be a “hero,” only to pathetically stand before the very Shrine that commemorates the courageous Australian heroes of old as the villain of the present; merely an armoured coward amongst 100s of militarised cowards; all taxpayer-attired and outfitted with the accoutrements and weapons of an urban soldier; prepared to menace and intimidate; to brutalise and actively engage in an unprovoked assault on your own unarmed fellow citizens; having tactically surrounded them all with your legion of forces; every uniformed individual "taking orders" to desecrate the ANZAC Spirit by brandishing and presenting weapons in the direction of the War Monument of the Fallen — knowing full well that you eagerly awaited the very command that was promised, to gleefully showcase your violence by indiscriminately firing rubber bullets into the fleeing backs of Australians (as Dan ordered) — as if you were sadistically hunting verminous “humans" in the park.
With the Shrine of Remembrance reflected in your visor, what did you reflect upon in that moment? Your abject failure as a true human being?
You are not Australian.
You embody all that was fought in past wars to keep Australia free; and your very presence on that hallowed ground as you "confronted" those peacefully protesting the Fall of Victoria at your very hands — is nothing short of a travesty of purpose, and a historic betrayal of all Victorians.
Congratulations on dutifully enforcing and collapsing Victoria into a dysfunctional Police State — the Mad Premier could not have imposed his evil-lunacy without you.
You are not a man, for you are not even human.