CFMEU PROTESTS AGAINST “NO JAB, NO JOB” MANDATE: Timeline: September 18 until September 23 (various writings)
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published September 20-23, 2021
September 18
Melbourne Tradies and Construction Workers stage a ‘street tea-break’ protest against (ostensibly) ‘COVID tea-room closures’ on worksites — a prelude to the forthcoming CFMEU protests against the “No jab, No job” mandate introduced in the coming days.
September 20

Whenever a Devil leads, and whenever he makes decisions for all, he will always decide upon Hell, and lead all Hell bound.
18-months of Pathocracy (the rule of a Psychopath) has brought Victorians to the brink of mass civil uprising: alas, it is inevitable to exorcize the possessing Devil, free the possessed, and to renew and cleanse the bedevilled soul of our once "most liveable city."
Thus, it begins with the CFMEU betrayal...
CFMEU State Secretary, John Setka, clearly negotiated a dastardly deal with the Devil Andrews to literally stab all his represented construction workers in the back via the shoulder (no jab, no job); indeed, Andrews made a similar deal on behalf of all Victorians with the Pharma Cartels — stabbing each of us in the back in a cunning betrayal that seeks to have everyone bare shoulders in submission to the drug lords.
We must never let evil men with evil alliances to make evil choices that take away out right to choose — that is defaulting to evil.
Choose as you will — by your will alone.
And how you choose in the days to come will be historic.
September 21

While the emasculated males of Andrews' Death Cult compliantly cower behind masks and closed doors — the Men of Melbourne have risen.
Thus, the necessary spiral of strong male defiance has finally begun; the curve is turning its first Fibonacci loop as it enlarges —emboldened and energised— and it will continue to come back around with an ever-wider arc as it continues to spiral ever-outwards, ever-larger, and ever-away from that which has attempted to control it.
What we are witnessing is the beginning of a complete spiralling out-of-control...
And it should make us all smile.
September 21
Ah, the irony of squandering taxpayer money to arrogantly barricade and fortify Melbourne CBD to thwart a single day of protest on Saturday the 18th... (the failed “Ring of Steel” that the protestors outsmarted by relocating to Richmond) you cannot stop the inevitable pushback against evil when it has finally been exposed to the Light!
There will be no preventing the ever-rising uprising that will surge against such tyrannical inhuman decrees: they simply cannot stand.
Days of protest have begun!
What we are witnessing is Nemesis finally rising to clobber Andrews' Hubris: the beginning of the Petty Tyrant's comeuppance.
These are Dan Andrews' last days...
September 21
The CFMEU State Secretary now speaks in "Leftist Bot-think"
Having sold his soul and negotiated the sale of the souls of his Union members, John Setka chose to frame the inevitable pushback by opening the all-too-trite Leftist suitcase-of-slurs:
"Scum of the Earth," "drunken morons," "neo-Nazis," "Far Right Extremists;" with yesterday's CFMEU protest being "hijacked and infiltrated by violent Anti-Vaxx" provocateurs associated with those behind the Globally-coordinated Freedom Rallies (allegedly organised by a "movement" from within Germany - insinuating a neo-Nazi origin and inspiration.)
Of course all of this is absurd, and none of it is true.
It seems that anyone who disagrees, or adopts a contrary opinion or stance to the Cultic Left and their Mad Cult Figurehead, Dan Andrews, (the current extremist threat), must be reflexively dehumanised and demonised by these imagined attributes, assumed fake alliances and nonsensical motivations.
It is all divisive lies.
Everyone protesting John Setka's complete sellout of his CFMEU Union members are real people, with a real grievance against a real injustice (forced-vaccinations) — not the "evildoers" they are being portrayed as being.
It is not "Anti-Vaxx," or "neo-Nazi," or "Far Right Extremist," to object to medical coercion (foreshadowing medical apartheid) and to refuse to partake in a glaringly sinister experiment that demands total submission or unemployment: it is human.
It is inhuman to think otherwise.
September 22
It has been theorised that when human forces act to oppress the collective human creative potential (violating both freewill and free expression) the occluded "energy" eventually finds violent release and expression through cataclysmic natural phenomena — floods, earthquakes and tremors etc...
...or it could just be the march of the construction workers...
September 22
The 'neo-Nazis' in attendance are easily identified by their official badge IDs and corresponding uniform.
Victoria's Chief Commissioner of Police Shane Patton also condemned the protesting [policing] "cowards" who took to the streets of Melbourne for a second day of violent demonstrations [intimidations].
With a few modifications [...], his announcement truly reads as the current "mission statement" for an entirely exploited VicPol under pathological command.
"Crowds [of VicPol] like this, they're for [full of] cowards. Cowards who seek (to hide) their identity and conduct other activities to do other things that if they were by themselves they wouldn't have the courage to do," Commissioner Patton said.'
It pretty much sums up the core motivation and current ethos of his goon Gestapo — now internationally recognised for their unique speciality in brutalising women and the elderly, especially 'elderly women.'
True cowards — many now behaving like the phantom neo-Nazis they themselves shamelessly embody.
September 23
The "Spirit of the ANZACS" was only "desecrated" yesterday by those who fired rubber bullets upon the unarmed protestors who had gathered at the Shrine of Remembrance to voice their justified dissent.
These brave people represent the true embodiment of the ANZAC Spirit (this is a spiritual war, after all). Those present at the "standoff" were all Australians under the same tyrannical regime: one side opposing the tyranny — the other dutifully enforcing the will of the Tyrant.
The true "virus" is the contagious mind-disease of Authoritarianism — and many are still infected.
These feverish protests are symptomatic of macro-societal distress, and they will only end once the tumour has been cut from the diseased mind — Dan Andrews must be removed from the head of Victoria to restore the health of the body.
The "Spirit of the ANZACS" is the resistance of Evil: and this current Evil must be resisted.