AUSTRALIA DAY PARADE CANCELLED: Will July 6 Commemorate Future Andrews' Day Parades?
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published January 10, 2022
July 6, 1972: "Divine Seizer's" (Dan Andrews) birthday: the future date of the Andrews' Day Parades?
The simultaneous cancellation of the Australia Day Parade and the 3-month extension of the "declaration of a pandemic" according to the recent accrued powers bestowed upon our Supreme Leader — will ensure that the pleather jackboots of the adoring Left will jubilantly mask-march to commemorate his divine birthday in years to come!
We will probably witness a pyrotechnic display of such lavish proportions and extraordinary expenditure — that some might even speculate that years of state-hoarded fireworks denied NYE revellers in the past, could not have been better appropriated to mark the birth date of one who bankrupted every aspect of Victoria (mentally, morally, ethically, spiritually, economically and our collective health), AND yet, "saved us!"