PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published July 21, 2021
The Victorian "case numbers" today were always going to be slightly higher than yesterday to validate the decision to extend the lockdown: a basic psychological tactic.
In the last 24-hours, 58,355 tests were officially conducted at a cost of $180 a PCR test — to determine just 23 dubious "cases," and further justify the housebound imprisonment of every Victorian.
This one day of testing with a methodology exposed as being completely 'unfit for purpose,’ has cost the Victorian taxpayers: ten million, five hundred and three thousand, and nine hundred dollars: $10,503,900
They are using our stolen tax to perpetuate the "pandemic" fraud, and to further thieve our future and siphon the vitality of our days; as they recklessly, and ruthlessly paralyse our lives, and jeopardise our livelihoods.
Our future is being stolen as they suffocate our present moment.
10-million squandered in just one day!
All this to prevent the unlikely likelihood of a 90-year-old in a nursing home somewhere dying of a stroke, a heart attack, or the simple expiration of a natural human life-cycle ALSO "dying with COVID..."
This MUST end!