PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published August 20, 2021
It must be truly perplexing for those utterly invested in the “Pandemic Narrative” to witness the people of France protesting a Vaccine Passport and mandatory vaccination. The spirit of modern Western Democratic ideals originated from the French Revolution, and the national motto of France: "liberty, equality, fraternity” has defined a social and cultural attitude of opposition to oppressive Government. The people of France have collectively woken to the global agenda, perhaps having never slept — and they are actively resisting the implementation of the Techno-Medical-Fascism that it deceptively ushers.
Meanwhile, in Melbourne, the COVID-Cult-Woke are none the wiser, and many are dutifully complying their way to dystopian damnation.
It is a marvel that many in Leftist Melbourne hold the view that any opposition to the encroaching evil (for it is unequivocally evil) could only happen amongst “conspiracy theorists of Far Right political persuasion” that are “selfishly advocating for personal freedom in contempt of the lives of others.” In idiotic hive reflex, they have labelled such individuals as “White Supremacist” and “Anti-Vaxxers,” when in truth, such people truly care more for the welfare and lives of others than the hollow mantras offered by these “virtue signallers.” The irony is, the Woke are truly comatose and morally and mentally atrophying; while the Awake keep guard, actively resist, and make sure that everyone’s freedom is preserved — even for those who are in their detached coma, unaware that their life-support (and the life that they knew) will eventually be turned off by their simpering compliance.
"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” — the French are again showing the way!