PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published August 19, 2021
So, 57 "case numbers" today.
Firstly, the lockdown-siege has already been extended by two weeks. Thus, the new daily case numbers need to justify the continued restrictions — so they will fluctuate by design to falsify the level of manufactured threat.
This is an obvious psychological strategy.
There is nothing real or worrisome about the supposed "daily case numbers” — other than the authoritarianism it underpins and emboldens.
The "cases" were never going to be lower than the previous days of 20-something when the stated plan is to get '1 million jabs in 1 million arms in the next five weeks' by coercion.
The Andrews Government's lockdown-siege has been implemented with the expressed purpose of deteriorating the collective resistance toward submitting to the "vaccine." It is an audacious and criminal plan that denies the individual's freewill decision to decline. Thus, strategically, the lockdown must be maintained to meet the objective it has been intended to achieve.
The daily case numbers will remain consistently "threatening"... but, ironically, this is also a "reverse siege" on the invested perpetrators. If we hold out long enough (which we will!)... their agenda, and those attempting to advance it at all costs will ultimately collapse.
This will cost them everything.
Do not budge — the answer was "no," yesterday, and the answer will be "no" tomorrow.