A Chronology of Facebook & Telegram posts from December 27, 2021 - Present)
NOTE: This is primarily for myself to preserve material that will eventually be erased, or simply lost in feeds elsewhere. I have posted it here to preserve 10,000+ words of past social media posts (across Telegram and Facebook) that have guided my thinking and ultimately contributed to the writing of more extensive pieces on Substack. In this collated format, I can constantly update with new posts, and download an archived data file via Substack for future reference.
August 9, 2023
The Commonwealth Bank (CBA) has just posted a record profit of $10.2 billion (the obscene pilfering of the fruits of hard-working Australians.)
Congratulations CBA for being an entirely parasitic enterprise that gluttonously siphons the life-force and directed consciousness of human labour that has been converted into income.
Congratulations CBA for triggering despair, destitution, and fracturing marriages and families for your bloated profit-gloat.
Congratulations CBA for systematically crippling and collapsing numerous small businesses everywhere, while you overfill your coffers to the detriment of society and its aspirations and dreams.
Congratulations CBA on hoarding $10.2 billion of Australia's wealth, OUR wealth, a token of wasted human energy and paralysed human potential — all thieved in a deliberate RBA-Government-Bank-conspired financial coup against the people...
We need to transition to zero profit banks that are philanthropically motivated and serve society; rather than the current financial system that benefits shadowy billionaire oligarchs and their calculated debt-traps — now, will this happen before, or after the pitch forks?!
August 4, 2023
Well, first Victoria and now Canada have cancelled their respective Commonwealth Games.
This foreshadows the planned abolishment of the Commonwealth union, and the erasure of the unique national status that defined each democratic country.
A reordering of these independent nations into a single and homogenous AI-governed "One World" depends on the eradication of such Commonwealth identities.
Both the Canadian and Melbourne governments were amongst the world's most draconian in their respective approach to the pseudo-plague. They each acted irrationally to absolutely demoralise the morale of their nations, and to demolish the economic prosperity and abundance of the people. Both countries, with their industrialised First World economies and infrastructure, have been targeted for compete WEF/UN land-grab and conquest.
The cancellation of the Commonwealth Games signals a slow transition from freedom to slavery, where the former common wealth of the people will have been stolen to usher in common poverty.
July 31, 2023
Andrews committed to the 2026 Victorian Commonwealth Games amidst the heightened trauma of an unfolding "New Normal" that was to be unending.
The Games were undoubtedly factored into the Victorian agenda...
Surely the plan was to develop the five chosen regional zones (Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo, Gippsland and Shepparton) into "15-minute" human containment hubs — complete with the necessary surveillance infrastructure and temporary "athlete villages" (akin to the "Centre for National Resistance" camps) to ensure the implementation of the unfolding agenda.
And then it all fell spectacularly apart...
Normal returned, digital passports and mandates were abolished, and things slowly resumed and appeared outwardly as they had once been...
This was NOT the plan...
Indeed, there was an insidious plan for those four regional zones, and there still is... but it is currently not coming to pass as they had originally schemed and envisioned...
Pulling the plug on the 2026 Commonwealth Games was the result of the plug having first been pulled on the perpetual pandemic agenda...
There is simply no other explanation for why Melbourne City (the logical choice) could not have served as the host location...
July 28, 2023
Everything you did Mr Sutton, everything you recommended, and everything you oversaw was done in complete service to the perpetration of wilful Evil.
Nepotism gifted you a fraudulent "professorship" as you were suspiciously groomed to become the "handsome face" to help peddle the Big Lie alongside the hunchback-of-Melbourne...
You helped collapse Melbourne into medieval barbarity, and as such, you should rightful be punished according to medieval customs: having your mouth bound by an iron mask, and brought out every Saturday to be displayed in a public pillory, somewhere near Parliament, for Victorians and their children to piff rotten fruit at...
July 28, 2023
Andrews vision for a resurrected SEC (100% green renewables) is dependant on the eventual eradication of cheap gas. Everything must be electric. Once everything is electrified — all electricity can be monitored and restricted according to Carbon Credit Scores and permitted allocation.
The push for EV vehicles also advances the overarching agenda to achieve absolute control of the power grid: absolute control of YOU!
July 25, 2023
Nobody asked for Twitter to be renamed ‘X’, and nobody truly wants Musk’s vision of an ‘everything app’ that already exists in CCP China as the insidiously invasive WeChat.
An ‘X’ everything app will ultimately require an obligatory Digital ID and incorporate CBDCs and ensure a centralized surveillance that will be foundational for ushering in an era of Social Credit Scores and Carbon Credit quotas.
All this only benefits the burgeoning Technocracy and the panopticon of digital monitoring and control that they hope to install around every aspect of human life...
July 10, 2023
When you never "had it in the bag," …use the filthy bag you have… to suffocate all, and any opposition.
Meta is the digital branch of the Transnational Corporatocracy and it intends on assisting its little corporate "Aussie" outpost to advance the required UN/WEF agenda by "fact-checking" falsehoods and fictions into the only "reality" approved by the Corporatocracy.
It won't take 'No' for an answer.
Ultimately, this blatant Private Public Partnership (PPP) between Meta and our captured "government" is an aggressive business and marketing decision.
Expect "support" to dramatically and inexplicably "increase" as Australians everywhere develop an unexpected "clarity" that encourages an "uptick" in "enthusiasm" that was hitherto nonexistent.
June 26, 2023
'NO' Vote takes the lead by 47-43%
"In this week’s federal Newspoll, conducted with a longer-than-usual fieldwork period (June 16–24) from a larger-than-usual sample of 2,303 people, the “no” vote to the Indigenous Voice to Parliament took the lead by 47–43%, reversing a “yes” lead of 46–43% three weeks ago. Newspoll figures are from The Poll Bludger."
"In the polls from Newspoll and Resolve, support for the Voice has crashed since April. In the April Resolve poll, the “yes” vote was ahead by 58–42%, and in Newspoll it was ahead by 53–39%."
'Support has crashed since April...' I would like to think that I've had a little hand in this crash, and more than a few typing fingers:
June 9, 2023
A thought struck me today...
"AI BigGov-OneGov"
The clownish incompetency of most global politicians misleading Western democracies is surely intentional.
Our "elected leaders" are glaringly immoral, consistently inept, and often buffoonish liars.
All of them.
Most are universally loathed by their governed constitution — yet, they remain in government, often remarkably "re-elected" ...for now.
However, I suspect that something is planned, and gradually being installed into our reality...
It may be surmised that future Government, that is, a consolidated Global Government as envisioned by the precepts of the emerging NWO will be entirely AI administered.
There will be no more human government, no more unfit "politicians" in this "utopian technocratic future."
It will be AI that will rule the masses and make the executive decisions on behalf of the voiceless-governed. Indeed, AI will be without the pronounced foibles and shortcomings of corruptible politicians of a bygone era.
AI will always be unerringly "right." It's "choices" will be inevitable and unquestionable.
AI will "save us" from miscalculated human policies and their legacy of catastrophic failure (attributed to the limitations of simply being human).
"It will be egalitarian, sustainable, equitable, non-discriminate and inclusive..."
...that is...the technocratic rule of what will ultimately be an all-pervasive "AI BigGov-OneGov" will enslave everyone equitably without discrimination as it sustains those human psychopaths that reside behind its anti-human algorithms (the so-called oligarchical Elites) to ensure the egalitarianism of humanity: all, and everyone — reduced to equal serfs and slaves.
Human leadership must be shown to be obsolete to save the climate, save the economy, save the people... and AI will be the new "champion..." it will be part of The Great Reset...
And behind it all, the hidden Globalist Parasites will continue to instruct their very-trusty AI puppet to make the choices they desire to guarantee the outcomes they require...
I fear this is the deliberate trajectory we are on...
April 24, 2023
There is some real devilry behind "The Voice," and, as always, the Devil is in the details... my two research pieces have been endorsed and wholeheartedly supported by Josephine Cashman whose extensive research correlates and substantiates my core contention: that The Voice will be used to steal Australian land from all.
Josephine Cashman is an Aboriginal Australian lawyer (acclaimed Prosecutor), entrepreneur, and a former member of the Prime Minister’s Indigenous Advisory Council (appointed by Tony Abbot in 2013). She is also a whistleblower! Pertinently, while occupying the Indigenous Advisory Council, Cashman discovered a plot by the United Nations to use the decoy of the “Aboriginal” and “Indigenous Rights” to asset-strip Australia and to remove all private land ownership.
Follow her work, share the TRUTH and help counter the deceptive narrative that hopes to trick Australians into forfeiting our country to Transnational Globalists.
The stakes couldn't be higher (the literal loss of Australia, and our Australian way of life), and the value of factual information and truth is essential for delivering all Australians from this evil...
Knowledge is power, and ignorance truly endangers. Share the knowledge, and help amplify the power of the people!
One you know, you KNOW - and it's a 'NO!'
April 13, 2023
Eight days ago I published a contentious piece regarding the forthcoming Australian Referendum on voting for ‘An Indigenous Voice to Parliament’ (referendum scheduled for sometime between October to December). I ventured to expose what I believe is the true agenda, and the insidious Transnational Corporatocracy behind it, and was admittedly a little apprehensive in regards to its general reception.
Fortunately, the underpinning truth (and the warning) contained within my article has resonated, rippled and amplified concentrically beyond all expectation. It was read and shared by Steve Bannon on his Telegram (Trump’s former right-hand man), and endorsed and shared by Josephine Cashman, who is an Indigenous Australian lawyer, entrepreneur and former member of the Indigenous Advisory Council to an Australian Prime Minister. Interestingly, Cashman reached the exact same conclusion outlined in my article and left her advisory position – that the Corporatocracy (United Nations) is attempting to use the cover of the “Indigenous” to steal White assets and Australian land for the exclusive exploitation of Transnational Corporations.
The Voice is a Globalist attempt to steal Australian farms and regional Australia.
This single article has doubled my previous subscriptions (all of which were accumulated gradually over the last eight months) – all within just 8 days! It has amassed 18,000 reads and shows no sign of languishing as each day the views continue to increase… on a personal level, and as a passionate writer and researcher and communicator of truth this has been a phenomenon.
I am immensely grateful! Thank you to all who have recently subscribed; those that have been with me throughout; and especially to those that have deemed my work worthy of a paid subscription.
I will endeavor to always write fearlessly and continue to produce quality content deserving of your valued readership.
March 30, 2023
Our Australian Federal Government is not our government — it only governs on behalf of an unelected Transnational Corporatocracy (rule by corporate interests) that has parasitised our parliament.
The parasite must consume, sustain and fractal-replicate itself by way of deception — lest the unwitting host recognises its insidious presence and takes decisive measures to sever its crippling influence.
Our parliament is entirely owned, and the Corporatocratic owners are clandestinely acting to impose their desired business model (Techno-Feudalism) upon their "Australian" business.
Thus, Albanese is not our Prime Minister, he is merely the selected regional prime-implementer of a business agenda he must ratify by deception on behalf of the Corporatocracy. Hence, all radical actions and proposals currently advanced by such a compromised parliament, and presented by Albanese, are being made to covertly advance a Techno-Feudalism in which the Corporatocracy can irreversibly reduce every citizen to digitally-yoked serfs.
Their "virtuous concern" for the Aboriginal (as presented by the proposal of a 'Voice to Parliament') truly only concerns their potential to exploit our First Nations Peoples for their exclusive benefit.
Basically, a "white government" would be using a "Blak facade" to advance a Globalist "Reset" agenda to appropriate land out of the hands of current "white" ownership and back to the "Indigenous" — but, truly, right into the taloned-claws of the Globalists.
It will probably start with the "appropriation" of vast swaths of soon-to-be "sacred" and "repatriated" farmland.
This is a key part of their plan: You will own nothing, and THEY will be happy.
March 28, 2023
Yeah, the 'problem of staggering scale' is that our own national intelligence apparatus (operating within, and beneath a $680 million building in Canberra) are strategically breaching the cyber-security of major companies and hacking the data of Australians to justify the forthcoming (problem: reaction: solution) implementation of a Digital ID for everyone who wants to access the internet.
A Digital ID will prevent all such "hacks."
Without it, you will remain offline. With it, they will establish a comprehensive behavioural profile that collates every keystroke, every transaction, every social media post — and it will all contribute to your unique Social Credit Score and any potential deduction (and token reward) from a CBDC issued Universal Basic Income scheme...
The Optus, Medicare and Latitude Financial "hacks" were all the work of our own compromised "government" (or, rather the oligarchical Corportocracy that owns them, and, by extension, us) in service to a burgeoning technocratic agenda of digital enslavement of all.
March 26, 2023
Alas, one nation now clasped within the talons of the deranged progressive-left; one country sure to be torn asunder and utterly strip-torn by the ravenous gouging of the NWO beak.
March 19, 2023
Who is this Thomas Sewell guy; I mean, who is he really?
The man and his saluting minions are the cartoonish manifestation of everything the Left has endeavoured to conjure and accuse the Freedom Movement of harbouring amongst its ranks and influence. Such claims were always propagandised fiction (advanced by the Andrews' Government and his legion of left-leaning socialist dupes) — weaponised to demonise all opposition; to tarnish and neutralise all threatening truth, and truth speakers.
...then, along come these unfunny clowns to put on a brazen public stunt that wins zero sympathy...
Thomas Sewell and his militant pals seem to be an all-to-convenient caricature of the dreaded 1940s "boogie-man" — especially at a juncture where anyone who questions the "official narrative" is accused of being a neo-nazi...
...and, suddenly... here they are... staunch and defiant on the steps of parliament; they must be everywhere... such a preposterous claim MUST be true! Andrews was right!
Again, who is Thomas Sewell, and who are his minions... are they truly agent provocateurs, because they are certainly acting and functioning in the public sphere as such... Their stunt has literally substantiated the hysterical claims of the Left, while advancing the idea of the omnipresent "domestic terrorist threat" that has been imagined by our government as means to further seize individual liberties and erode privacies...
ASI0 patsies? Sure seems so.
March 11, 2023
A SOLUTION TO THE MORTGAGE CRISIS: It is inevitable that the Reserve Bank of Australia will continue to increase the cash rate with the strategy of bringing millions to the precipice of mortgage default — begging not to be pushed over the edge.
It may be reasonably speculated that the tactic of incrementally increasing the cash rate to inflict ever more pressure on the borrower is akin to a financial "lockdown" — psychologically priming, and eventually coercing the future acceptance of a pre-contrived solution.
Might such a solution have already been foreshadowed by the Albanese Government's trial scheme in which eligible first homebuyers were able to purchase their property by literally going halves with the Federal Government?
Will such an offer be mercifully extended to all suffering mortgagees who are now faced with the prospect of losing their homes? Will the financially dazed and bamboozled accept the offer, allowing the government to take on fifty per cent of their burden, to halve (temporarily) their tremendous repayments... might they beg for this after a period of protracted pain?
...and then a seventy five percent, and then a total takeover as the RBA coordinates with the government to further wring the wealth from the people —where they will eventually owe nothing, but ultimately own nothing as well: pitiful peasants at the mercy of the whip of their Technocratic Feudal Lords?
March 10, 2023
WHO is in the business of perpetuating sickness and death, so this sudden concern about forcing governments to intervene and impose restrictions on salt intake is surely intended to further reduce collective health (The 2030 deadline is the telltale code).
It is doubtful that excess dietary salt has ever had a detrimental effect on the human organism. Sodium is essential for the correct volume of circulating blood and tissue fluids in the body. If anything, people are probably consuming too little salt; and perhaps poor quality salt that has been overly processed and artificially iodised. The 'too much salt' myth has always deflected from the true killer: sugar.
March 9, 2023
The notion that all that was being done, was being done to drastically reduce "human carbon" was almost too horrific to entertain.
Surely, not! Surely they wouldn't?! SURELY!
However, as Homo sapiens sapiens "mysteriously" expire en mass everywhere that shoulders were naively double, triple, or quadruple punctured — it is now horrifyingly apparent: they surely did!
It IS everything we dissenters conjectured it would be, and truly wished it was not... it is absolutely horrific...
March 9, 2023
War is hell. They are selling it as if it were inevitable, as if it were Hollywood, as if we would win...
A US-provoked pacific war against China to preserve the unipolarity of US hegemony would not be won by Australia. We must not let them propagandise, and eventually sacrifice our nation as the next "Ukraine".
In the aftermath, generations of Australians would be needlessly slaughtered, an entire nation erased and occupied — and a hellscape raized over all we have known and cherished.
Australia would be finished.
Perhaps that is the plan.
March 4, 2023
Every cash rate increase by the Reserve Bank of Australia is intended to syphon wealth, induce anxiety and trauma, and systematically prime the unwitting masses to eventually accept a CBDC reset of global financial institutes — the "vaccine" to the dollar sickness.
The end goal: your superannuation has been looted, your assets relinquished — you will owe nothing, but you will also own nothing and be completely owned by the Technocrat Oligarchy.
March 1, 2023
For every dollar they freely flittered to bribe the people to stay home — they will take back three, and for some, they will take their home.
You play fake pandemic games, you get real pandemic prizes...
Understand the rigged game, the Players and the played:
February 28, 2023

No, no, not a Wuhan "leak," but MUCH earlier at China's Level 4 "sister" lab in Fort Detrick, Maryland, US — in which a direct partnership between the two countries and a rotating roster of scientists (both American and Chinese) were part of an ongoing operation that involved specimen exchange and co-research between BOTH countries.
Wuhan is basically an international American lab in partnership with factions of the globalist-allied Chinese government.
The Fort Detrick lab (that's de trick, really) was abruptly closed in August of 2019 and all research halted indefinitely... something had... err... leaked...
Coincidentally, a suspicious "outbreak" of hospitalisations for EVALI (E-Vaping or use-Associated Lung Injury) peaked in August 2019 throughout America just before Fort Detrick was quarantined for 'safety reasons.' EVALI associated with "vaping" was uniquely an American "outbreak" (bizarrely occurring nowhere else in the world where E-cigarettes were sold) and presented much like the lung issues that came to be associated with the disease expression of the virus-to-end-all-viruses... ah, the plot thickens as much as the obfuscation continues to thin... the Chinese hand-in-it-all is truly inseparable from the guiding American arm.
February 26, 2023
Certain factions of the 'Voice to Parliament' are proclaiming the need for 'blak sovereignty' and 'a right to self-determination' (for their race) outside of the existing strictures of "white" Australian government (but, bizarrely, within the "white" Australian Federal Parliament.)
Ironically, the much vilified 'Sovereign Citizen,' (an individual of any race residing in Australia) shares a similar libertarian ideal — a preference for less external governmental interference and a desire to be left alone to self-determine (within reason.)
It would seem that a fundamental human desire for self-determination (amongst those valuing liberty), whether 'blak or white,' is universal and transcends race.
Perhaps all Australians need a real Voice in parliament rather than the Corporatocracy shills and psychopathic betrayers of humanity that currently infest our parliamentary chambers...
February 24, 2023
Obviously this "bust" is yet more tedious narrative propaganda (like the Medicare "Russian" data hack) but it begs the question: when will Russia bust the Australian (ASI0) "spy ring" that operates in Australia against Australians — as it absurdly vilifies, profiles, and seeks to dangerously equate "conspiracy theorists" as "domestic terrorists?"
February 22, 2023
If 'summer 2024' is anything like this summer and the general Maunder Minimum global trend — expect the grass to be covered in frost.
February 21, 2023
I wrote about this last week. Indeed, if you remain circumspect and discerning — you can "prophetically" read the signs of the times and literally predict tomorrow's news, yesterday...
... for tomorrow's "prophesy" today — I invite those yet to subscribe to follow me on my Sub-stack:
Rolling blackouts and what is truly behind them: https://open.substack.com/.../energy-lockdowns-and...
The real agenda of Andrew's 100% renewables SEC vision: https://open.substack.com/.../beware-the-state...
Global "energy crises": https://open.substack.com/.../the-coming-energy-lockdowns...
February 21, 2023
Ah, Jacinta, you will not be remembered: 'As someone who always tried to be kind.'
You will be remembered as 'a kind of gene-ocidal fanatic' who was the primary facilitator of morgues now stacked with New Zealand's young and old.
No wonder you opted out of running again... as you attempt to run from the crime scene...
February 19, 2023
Someday, you'll walk around a store, pick up your grocery items, pack them into bags and simply leave as the omnipresent AI surveillance calculates your every movement, and upon exiting simply bills you for each item placed in your bag by confirming facial recognition and implanted Digital ID...
...after penalising, or rewarding you for your carbon choices... until you learn to be "better".
February 18, 2023
The problem with current "Artificial Intelligence" is that it has been algorithmically defined by a leftist-dominated Tech industry.
Thus, current AI has been utterly contaminated with the ideological pathology of Progressive Liberalism: a non-human "mind" instructed on the ideals of anti-human psychopathy — rotten at the core.
February 16, 2023
Never mind that summer (including the first autumnal month of March) is typically defined by warm "scorching" weather, and that this Australian summer has been defined by many unseasonable wintery days.
February 13, 2023
There is a laughable irony in the present "shooting down" of supposedly Unidentified Flying Objects over US airspace... that may be "alien" in origin, but are obviously weather balloons (like the recent Chinese one).
In 1947, Roswell, New Mexico, what was first presented in the initial press reports as a 'crashed UFO' was soon revised to be only a "weather balloon"... all dissenters, researchers and military personnel (involved in the recovery) who suggested otherwise were harassed, debunked, silenced and disappeared... now, 75 years later, what is clearly a 'weather balloon' is not being ruled out as a UFO of potentially "alien" origins... interesting times...
Yeah, yeah... I know, Project Blue Beam... but there is compelling evidence to suggest that there are genuine elements to such a deliberately obfuscated phenomena that are not related to any potential Secret Government PsyOp... and there is no way such craft could be 'shot down' by our paper planes...
February 11, 2023
There is something undeniably sinister in the pursuit of a Voice to Parliament — especially given the fascist proclivities and policies of our government.
Every Australian should be suspicious of the concealed agenda.
Given that the Australian Federal Parliament, and all States are entirely captured, and work exclusively for the Globalist Corporatocracy and against the Australian people — a token Indigenous (unelected) but constitutionally required "voice" in such a Parliament will also be absolutely captured.
Such a "voice" will be weaponised against "White Australia."
Is the ultimate goal to exploit the "aboriginal" as a means of upheaving and corralling the outlier towns, farmers, and remote non-indigenous communities into 15-Minute Smart City gulags by forced land repatriation/confiscation?
February 9, 2023
So, the RBA is concerned about further reducing employment to counter inflation. Alas, too many Australians have been profiting from gainful employment —how dare they increase their standard of living exponentially.
Thus, the RBA is pursuing a calculated degradation of people's livelihoods with each cash rate increase — diminishing the means to comfortably support their families and to retain a positive outlook for the future.
Each cash rate increase is designed to plunder and impoverish.
Stress-related issues with mental health and physical health will increase, and lives will be forfeited in nihilistic desperation, as domestic violence and broken families accumulate and the joy in society is constricted and siphoned away as misery — all in the absurd pursuit of decreasing "inflation" that truly exists as a convenient fiction to shackle the masses to perpetual anxiety, and indentured enslavement.
The Big Four Australian Banks made $28.5 billion in profit last financial year. A tremendous profit at our stupendous loss.
We need ZERO profit banks.
February 4, 2023
Kill Hates attends the Australian Open to put a hex on Djokovic, and in his failure, departs Melbourne with our summer to warm his cold blood... what a spiteful Serpent!
February 2, 2023
Reminiscent of the 'Night of the Long Knives' in which Hitler asserted his supremacy by purging former accomplices, rival figures and disagreeable party members — billionaire, Igor Kolomoisky, one of the MAJOR puppeteers pulling the strings of little white-nosed Zelensky, having financed his comedy series and his presidency and the ideological evil that has become the parasitised "Ukraine" ...has been targeted by a coordinated raid conducted by Ukrainian forces...
...the rats are scurrying as fellow rats go hunting n' scavenging for scraps amongst the wasteland of evil in its throes...
January 25, 2023
Was it actually once 'Hopkins,' but taking into account the native accent — it was simply better to go with the phonetic pronunciation?
Zero charisma, and the antithesis of masculine; this pathetic beta-boy exudes a first impression of unmistakable ineptitude — and only he knows the exit-order of the clowns he was able to fit in his clown-car troupe when fully made up as his true self. It is his secret, and his secret alone... but he was always last for the loudest ringside applause.
He has an undeniable aura of vicious authoritarianism, and a sadistic desire to compensate for his inherent shortcomings by legally inflicting fear, misery and coercion upon others. His worming and weaselling should make for quite the political farce in the weeks to come... Surely he cannot last 8-months until the next election? I forecast tremendous political upheaval in the months to come... he will be ousted in disgrace!
"And I want every New Zealander to come forward, but human behaviour suggests that there will be some people who we actually... really have to go out and look for... and some of that may spill into next year [...] I cannot say we not going to have some hesitant people, or some people who just haven't come forward that we don't have to go out and find next year" (2021) — Chris Hipkins (on the foreshadowed hunt for the unvaxxed)
January 19, 2023
With the 2023 Davos gathering about to conclude (16th-20th) it is certainly interesting that the WEF-endorsed former Prime Minister of New Zealand has also concluded her reign of "progressive" terror...
It is certainly an interesting coincidence... she was their glorified darling...
New Zealand has certainly been "progressed" into appalling regression under her anti-human leadership...
Might Ardern have had a moment of compunction, and perhaps, just perhaps, finally comprehended the sheer enormity of her actions — and the inescapable pitchfork justice to come?
January 17, 2023
With a 'heavy heart,' 'heartbroken,' and 'heartfelt sympathies,' the disingenuous media presents the daily grief expressions of the families who have lost a celebrity/sportsperson (and it is daily!) Suddenly, their loved one was gone — after their most vital of vital organs expired in a direct mirroring of such words.
Like a needle-tipped dagger thrust through the heart... many by their own hand, many, by the many hands of the persuasive and coercive mob and the mentality that defines them; some, the youngest, unexpectedly stabbed through the back by their own ever trusting parents — all, a profound tragedy unfolding...
For every one such headline, there is a graveyard of headstones amongst the common folk...
What they were attempting to do was certainly known in advance by some; what they have done — shall be historically lamented for generations to come...
January 13, 2023
Ah, Perrottet, a certain dress-up 20-years ago is currently giving you a media dressing-down; but, truthfully, as unfunny as such a costume might have been both then and now — the current regime in the U-Krain is ideologically dressed in the exact same unfunny joke, and, yet, they are receiving our political, media and financial blessing!
Surely there is an ironic joke in all of this!
January 12, 2023
Men of mendacity, males of malevolence...
...a five hour BBQ of conspiratorial chatter...
January 7, 2023
ANSWER: All key conspirators complicit in conspiracy strive for secrecy to succeed. A secret revealed is a crime uncovered. Their playbook is that "there is no playbook."
December 28, 2022
The years ahead will see such "funds" completely looted... but don't worry, if you have a high enough Social Credit Score and remain utterly obedient — you'll be able to live out the remainder of your enslaved retirement years on a Universal Basic Income (UBI) scheme...
January 1, 2023
It might just be a good year, after all... our first former Nazi, former Pope... aka Senator Palpatine (Popatine) aka The Emperor... has been claimed by the Dark Side...
December 29, 2022
Some truly ghoulish and macabre happenings in the sunny state of Queensland of late...
..."cop killing ambushes" ..."murderous rampaging house-invading youth"... and, today: "a father and daughter incinerated in a shed days before wedding"...
...something in the water?
...something in the syringe?
...something in the electromagnetic telecommunications network?
... something ain't right...
Indeed, darkness and devilry is certainly afoot...
December 27, 2022
The real "gas crisis" is the deliberate governmental gaslighting of the populous to consider seasonal climate as being something other than seasonal climate
December 27, 2022
Menticide, Democide, Iatrogenocide
How about we stop allowing The Powers That Be decide?
December 25, 2022
"Explosive device" and "gun" found in a car after suspicious occupant conveniently flees...
Will they also find that he was pro-gun, anti-authority, unvaxxed and had a dossier of dangerous "conspiracy theories" stuffed in a briefcase concealed in the boot?
December 21, 2022
Ah, be careful of those "theorists" who delight in dismantling "official narratives" and revealing the truth of the conspirators...
It seems they are '...quite violent and very, very strange people – who ...(you)... would probably cross the street to avoid in person.'
These "conspiracy theorist" types must be both physically and mentally repugnant, and capable of untold violence! Dangerously ugly! Subhumans!
...Or so they would like the compliant unthinking masses to believe...
Indeed, our "government" (aka Controllers) have determined that these "sorts" of people, the discerning 'critical thinkers,' are quite the threat to the "sweet dreams" of the sleeping-slaves they hope never to awaken...
... and they certainly intend on acting to preemptively dismantle and mute alarm clocks everywhere...
... and like the dehumanised and demonised Untermensch that the 1940s Germans addressed with persecution, and eventually ghettoisation and a genocidal solution — this ominous attitude (demonisation and dehumanisation) is a foreshadowing of the coming campaign to suppress free speech, and to punish all independent thought/thinkers...
The threat is real: Think like the Hive, buzz in accord with the Hive — lest the Apiarist smoke you out of the social Honeycomb!
"Elise Thomas, a senior online data analyst at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, said when a violent event involves conspiracy theorists, there is regularly an immediate “shying away from the uncomfortable truth”.
“To realise that, actually, some of the people they’ve been communicating with are quite violent and very, very strange people – who they would probably cross the street to avoid in person – I think that is a bit of a shock to the system,” Thomas said."
December 20, 2022

The TARA TRAIN TRIO plot thickens...
Shell QGC, one of Australia's biggest gas producers had bought up substantial amounts of land in the Tara block region.
The ABC revealed that:
'On Wains Road, where Wieambilla resident Alan Dare was shot and killed, some blocks are worth as little as $1,500, while next door there are properties worth up to $2 million, owned by coal seam gas company QGC — which went on a buying spree in 2014, acquiring blocks to help establish its gas network.'
Are such properties only worth up to '$2 million' once acquired and exploited for fracking?
Now, what if you were a trillion dollar industry during a gas bonanza ("shortage crisis") period, and the little man simply would not leave his little property for your big operation to roll on through? What measures might such a historically unscrupulous company take to surreptitiously acquire the land, and the neighbouring property?
Might there be something more here?
I'm not claiming anything definite, but it sure is bizarrely coincidental and damn suspicious!
December 16, 2022
When politicians are discussing the need for "terrorist reforms," and potential online monitoring and filtering to "crackdown" on the dissemination of "misinformation" and "conspiracies theories" — it becomes chillingly apparent that the "Train Trio" has become yet another problem-reaction-solution Hegelian episode.
Not saying it didn't happen, not saying people didn't die — just saying it is being exploited to further restrict and erode basic human liberty, privacy and freedom of speech... and that raises many questions about the "official narrative."

December 15, 2022

The ABC journalists responsible for this blatantly macabre, and undoubtedly fictitious "backstory" on the Train Trio have really overworked the whole: "they killed cops, so let's give the ringleader a history of hunting and slaughtering pigs... maybe the dumb public will make the pig=cop connection."
What unconscionable, farcical and utterly irresponsible sensationalism — all paid for by taxpayers.
December 14, 2022
With no intent to be insensitive, but with every intent to derive the truth:
How is it that our media knew almost instantly that Gareth Train (the "missing" Nathaniel's brother) was a dangerous "conspiracy theorist," but, still, days later, has yet to present a single picture of Gareth Train and Stacey Train?*
*first photo of Stacey Train has finally been released: https://www.msn.com/.../wieambilla-shooting.../ar-AA15fVEz
December 14, 2022
DAVID LIMBRICK of the Liberal Democrats has WON and will retain his upper house seat!
The verminous Fiona Patten, Andy Meddick AND Rod Barton have all been successfully fumigated from the upper house of Parliament!
December 14, 2022
Before the life-sustaining and life-forming 'carbon' was propagandised as a 'warming pollutant' that could be restricted and taxed, and thus used to restrict and tax everyday humans — scientists were concerned with 'global cooling' (an approaching 'glacial period', between the current warmer 'interglacial period') and that a lower sunspot output (current Maunder Minimum) would eventually result in the return of a Mini-Ice Age.
Our planet experiences cycles of Mini-Ice Ages (glacial periods) and according to the current interglacial period and cycle trend — we are long overdue.
Perhaps we'll witness a 'white Christmas' in Australia in the years to come...

December 13, 2022
Nathaniel Train, former school teacher, has a 'heart attack last August at school' and completely "disappears" in October — only to be randomly "found" 14-months later during a police check at his brother's rural property, along with his brother, and his brother's wife, and a whole lot of ammunition and the desire to unleash their arsenal upon immediate discovery...
...what an utterly peculiar and implausible narrative...
...now, what is the ACTUAL story, the real circumstances and the true sequence of events?
December 12, 2022
Adem Somyurek of the Labor DLP (a former Labor Party defector, whistleblower, and vehement Dan Andrews opponent) has defeated Fiona Patten's tReason Party.
Patten has conceded, and will vacate her Northern Metropolitan parliamentary seat in the upper house legislative council.
Her predictable Patten of underhanded "brothel negotiations" had brought orgasmic delight to the tyrannical impulses of the Andrews' Regime — she (along with Ratnam and Meddick) were always there to satisfy his insatiable lust for power.
Her crucial vote on multiple SoE extensions (culminating in "The Bill" of December 2021 of which she helped draft, and wholeheartedly supported) effectively destroyed businesses and ended lives, and ultimately enabled the burgeoning biosecurity police state that had imprisoned, terrorised and coerced all Victorians.
Our collective freedoms and the bodily autonomy of the masses were thieved by her hand...
Ah, the poetic irony of losing an upper house seat that had been occupied for 8 years to the very man that opposed your Bill...
Traitor, begone!
December 8, 2022
Time, and time again... the repeat of history.

December 6, 2022
Many years ago, I met a 33 Degree Master Mason who claimed his missing right eye was the result of a shrapnel injury sustained in his youth. He had recently immigrated from Canada, and at the time of our first conversation he was 87-years old. He was my neighbour and died at 92.
In his advanced years he wasn't afraid to talk, and in our conversations he revealed that upon attaining the 33 degree — Masters (based on their innate propensity and ambitions) were often advanced beyond the Lodge and integrated into either what is understood as the "Illuminati," or a little known rival counterpart: The Quorum.
He never revealed whether he progressed.
The Quorum supposedly represents an elite brotherhood of adepts that counter the machinations of the Illuminati and effectively serve as a counterbalance.
Perhaps, Elon Musk actually represents such an individual? Rather than merely serving self, they aspire to serve others.
Many are currently focusing on the concerning Neuralink chip and the implantation of such a device that is supposed to re-establish functions lost by quadriplegics. I certainly do not trust Musk, but any sort of mass chipping of the population could easily be achieved on a nano level and surreptitiously (hypothetically) introduced by syringe...
The war is a spiritual one, and only time will truly reveal the side pivotal global actors have chosen.
December 6, 2022

Behold the Schwabstika!
Each year the Davos Demons gather at the APEC CEO Summit and plot and scheme our incremental enslavement.
Each year the logo changes, and this year they brazenly declared their ideological vision: 'WELCOMING THE FUTURE' by returning to a most unwelcome German past.
December 5, 2022
It is not like the Reserve Bank of Australia was ever going to reveal the mechanisms of the trap they were setting for those they intended to trap...
December 3, 2022
It seems the leading cause of death will soon be 'sleep' — people of varying ages are now tragically dying while 'in it.'
One can only speculate that these unfortunate "forever sleepers" might not have gotten enough, or perhaps too much?
Unsweet dreams?
Maybe slept in, or croaked-up on the wrong side of the bed?
Pillow too hard, pillow too soft?
Forever shuttered after catching some shut eye?
A disregard of the threat of not letting the bed bugs bite?
Perhaps, even an abrupt climate change crisis due to inaction above/under their doonas, etc?
The nightmarish stuff of Elm Street, really...
December 3, 2022
ABC - "Not Fake News"
Truthfully, not necessarily "fake," but, rather, delightful fiction for Dunning Kruger types that sneer at reality while relishing narratives created specifically to indulge their prevailing leftist fantasies.
Basically, stories told, and retold and resold to vulnerable minds with our tax dollars — the ABC: True News for a Fake Reality
December 2, 2022
Meddick the Mendacious
And now he is gone...
To substitute an obsessional love for animals with a misanthropic loathing of humans, has nothing to do with heart, and everything to do with hate (and misguided vengeance).
Mr Meddick, it is evident that none truly voted with their heart, but the fact that you have been ousted, and have lost your upper house seat after your treasonous and heartless vote on that "Bill" (and for having given the decisive vote to extend the State of Emergency TWICE), well, your loss is sincerely heartfelt, celebrated and karmically poetic.
Barton, Meddick and Patten have all lost their seats. Only the Rat remains, having gnawed and burrowed her way into the lie of the carbon cheese.
November 30, 2022
Barton begone!
Presently, every indication suggests that the treasonous Rod Barton of the Transport Matters Party will lose his seat in the upper house.
As his thirty-pieces of silver roll around and clink in the boot of his taxi on the road to damnation — let it never be forgotten that this man gave the crucial vote for that "Bill." This man endorsed Evil.
What an unwittingly appropriate last post as MP — we all saw the snake!
November 29, 2022
Fiona Patten currently has a 'less than 50 per cent chance' to win her upper house Reason Party seat over the DLPs Adem Somyurek!
One of the key collaborators and proponents of the tyrannical "Bill" is about to be ousted by one of the prominent opponents!
May this reality manifest, and may poetic justice be delivered upon the treasonous!
November 27, 2022

"And in the End Days, our skies shall witness tremendous clouds of cotton gather — and anxiety shall give way to elation, as tampons rain freely like a mighty hail upon all Victorians; and there shall be much rejoicing for the devilish promise that was kept... before the weeping and the wails of the sorrows to come..."
November 26, 2022
Alas, Victoria!
There are lessons in suffering, and clearly the collective suffering was still not enough for the lesson to be learnt. Thus, Labor-voting masochists, are also Victoria's legion of sadists — inflicting pain upon all, and perversely delighting in it.
A new season of suffering shall rapidly descend upon all Victorians, and suffer they shall, suffer you and I; suffer young, suffer old; suffer present, and suffer future; suffer one, and suffer all —because of the profound ignorance and complicity of the Stockholm Coward Class.
There is a tremendous societal lesson still to be learned, and learnt it shall be, even if it literally kills them.
Keep the faith, keep the heart and keep the Light.
November 26, 2022
May the "Butcher of Victoria" be buried in a shallow Mulgrave today!
November 24, 2022
Twitter was literally a bird in the throws of rigor mortis, seemingly alive, occasionally twitching, but truly kept animated by the vast parasites that writhed within its bowls and organs.
Musk has literally torn out the infected guts, replaced it with taxidermist stuffing and careful stitches — and placed the blue bird on the mantle for all to witness.
Quite remarkable, really.
Follow me on Twitter: Stephen Reason @stephen_reason
November 23, 2022
Today, CFMEU members swarmed Birrarung Marr to ambush and intimidate Mathew Guy's press conference as they chanted, "Hands off our jobs!"
What a confused rabble.
Ironically, Guy was announcing a new project to develop above a vast section of unsightly 'undecked rail land' near Federation Square.
Whatever happened to "Everyday, Everyday!" and "Fck Dan Andrews!" Oh, that's right, Setka sold you out upon accepting Andrews' bribe, and then the majority of CFMEU members accepted Setka's trickle-on bribe money to eventually take it in the shoulder like cowed gimps...
Money over health, money over principles, money over everything...
It's all about jobs isn't it blokes, all about being flushed with criminally looted taxpayers' cash... until your heart stops suddenly, or your arteries clog up with clots... like the fate of many of your mates...
And today, you're worried about opposing and preventing the leadership of Mathew Guy — a man who didn't hold your various industries hostage at needle point...
Your money, your choice, right?
November 22, 2022
'Labor takes Melbourne council to court over removal of Victoria election campaign billboards' - The Guardian, Nov 22
Oh, are you sure that is what they are doing?
Perhaps, just perhaps, the decision by Darebin city council to 'remove Labor candidate billboards' might be a merciful act to conceal the magnitude of community hatred towards these destroyers.
In fact, they are actually doing Labor a favour!
'The Insta-famous 'Ass Lic R' in Fairfield has been removed. Many travelled from miles around to be photographed beside it!
Labor MP, Kat Theophanous, has had her major billboards on Station Street, Fairfield, regularly defaced and creatively graffitied.
These candidates shouldn't be running for re-election — what they ushered under their leadership should give cause for them to run for their lives!

November 22, 2022
There is a new colloquial saying (post National Rollout) amongst blowflies everywhere.
When one or more of their own drop in short succession, or in the same unfortunate episode, they buzz anxiously amongst themselves:
"They're dropping like humans!"
November 20, 2022
Now, the question remains: to what extent has Dan Andrews' "cabinet" been penetrated — was it a mere swab, or did he take the whole Schwab?
The latter seems most evident.
November 18, 2022
The treacherous CFMEU leadership forced all their members to literally "shoulder" the burden of the Labor government's mass-experimentation campaign.
These trade unions, overseen by the cretinous secretary, John Setka (Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining & Energy), were amongst the first of all mandated industries, and were specifically targeted by Andrews as they posed the most formidable opposition — with the collective means to thwart the National Rollout by unionised protest. Alas, the CFMEU took the bribe, and Setka betrayed each member with a backward shove into the awaiting iron maiden ...and the rest of Victoria haplessly followed...
The unions were conquered, and their capitulation ushered in the complete trampling of the rights and autonomy of all Victorians.
In the aftermath, many multitudes were either rendered unemployed, or left gripping their chest in excruciating throes of pain — with hearts now irreparably scarred, or permanently stopped: a RDO forevermore.
Surely 'protect our RDOs' and 'increase our wages' are but pathetically trivial non-issues in contrast to ACTUALLY re-electing a homicidal megalomaniac?
November 18, 2022
CNN recently broadcast footage of Kherson's "liberation" and inadvertently revealed to all left-leaning Americans the very real Na-zi contingent celebrating beneath the flag.
Zelensky banned CNN and revoked their media credentials the very next day... as only a Nazi regime would... how... ironic...
November 17, 2022
Now, this Guy is not really the sort of guy that Lady Victoria needs — but she certainly needs someone other than the current gaslighting abuser who romances with the promise of free tampons.
November 17, 2022
Sam Bankman-Fried
Seems the weirdo-lad has had his whole life and forthcoming death perfectly mapped out for him as a self-fulfilling prophesy of "riches to ashes" encoded in his name.
If the evidence proves conclusive that FTX was truly a money laundering crypto-operation that recycled looted American taxpayers dollars -once gifted to Ukraine- back into Democrat Coffers, leaving nothing for those Ukrainians attempting to sieg-heil a passing cash cab... well, lad, your fate is predetermined...
Fried, indeed.
November 15, 2022
'75% of Americans believe that the country is headed in the wrong direction,' and we are supposed to accept that when given a chance to adjust course, they defied all historical odds and pundit predictions to double-down on the same destructive trajectory of Dem-olition?
Not a chance.
Another one obviously thieved from the people.
November 11, 2022
I initially thought they might "know who they are," because they worked up the road at the ASIO headquarters — perhaps meeting fortnightly for afterwork drinks on a Friday?
Surely they are the exact same people who staged the "Optus data hack" as a pretext for the ol'Hegelian switcheroo of problem, reaction, solution = Digital ID?
Surely they are our own government?
I think we know who they are, too, truthfully.
November 9, 2022
Last night, as the moon eclipsed an eerie rust red — Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, the preeminent evildoer amongst a verminous bloodline of evildoers, 'passed peacefully' into the yawing pits of Hell.
He returned to a hero's welcome.
November 6, 2022
If you have any honest, and repentant connections within VicPol, ask them about Andrews and the infamous "stairs" episode.
They will all reveal the same thing: he was bashed at a Mount Martha mansion owned by Linsey Fox (where many millionaires were also in attendance) for 'sexually assaulting' a minor.
All of VicPol know.
The second question should be — how do they feel knowing that their organisation is complicit in concealing the truth of this repugnant crime from the Victorian people?
October 13, 2022
A dollar in hand is worth two-thousand in the bank.
Think of the potential "technical problems" with a Central Bank Digital Currency... they might just get technical — and focus their problems on little ol'problematic you...
October 12, 2022
Of course it was never going to stop transmission (they merely jest and feign about not knowing whether it would stop transmission before their worldwide rollout) — it was always the weaponised means to transmit! They had to get it in everybody, to get it out amongst everyone, everywhere...
October 10, 2022
Two of the worst people ideologically possessed into believing they are two of the best.
You only get released 'without charge' for politically staged acts of disruption and vandalism IF you are doing the bidding of those that want to radically reform reality into endless carbon credit taxation, Social Credit Scores, Centralised Digital Currency and the human enslavement it ushers.
Try doing the same at our National Gallery of Victoria decrying the pseudo-scientific demonisation of carbon as a climate pollutant — the result: court, fines, possibly incarceration and a criminal record for life!
These zealous lackeys of the Technocratic Globalists would not be so emboldened if they were truly faced with consequences for their actions. They know they are protected — most are directly funded by government backchannels (the government operated NGV probably gave their blessing for the stunt... how could anyone know in advance that the virtually invisible Perspex protecting the painting was even present? Not all paintings presented at the gallery are protected in this way.) Indeed, there are no such consequences, for they are valuable to the social programming and are dutifully advancing the desired agenda of the Enslavers.
...Two of the worst people ideologically possessed into believing they are two of the best.
October 3, 2022
The US presidency is being recklessly driven like a stolen car heading toward the midterm roadblock — the thief-in-chief behind the wheel will not slow down -cannot slow down- and must continue snake-skidding across the asphalt of America before leaving a smouldering wreck.
They must keep the tires spinning: a joyride to collective misery.
Now, how will they keep that stolen car on the road after November? What dramatic U-turn or lane change awaits in the next few weeks? Most discerning Americans know it was never their car, many suspect... and all nervous passengers responsible for the carjack have no intent to get out at this roadblock...
How are they planning on crashing thru?
September 28, 2022
Ah, the Ukrainian Referendums have finally returned a besieged peoples to their protective Mother.
And what a custody battle it has been!
Having spent time with their chronically abusive and homicidal Father, the tortured children of the Donbass have long pleaded to be let go — Mother's arms awaited offering security; while Father's arms crushed, and indiscriminately targeted their civilians and infrastructure.
The problem started when Father was seduced by another, and wanted nothing more to do with their Mother, and the fact that they resembled her, well, that angered the new American Woman, and such was her sway over their Father — he tried desperately to erase them and start anew.
The Ukrainians in these regions voted overwhelmingly to be annexed and to join Russia (perhaps not as overwhelmingly as 98%) — because they ARE predominantly Ukrainian Russians, and their own country's Nazi government has been actively exterminating them for 8-years (for simply being of Russian ethnicity).
Of course they wanted to leave Ukraine — a "Ukraine" hopelessly manipulated by Western-NATO parasitism has wanted them to leave, too; but, significantly, to also leave their lands behind. Thus, their preservation and continuance as a people was dependent on the fateful act of Mother Russia gathering them up in her arms and bringing them into the safety of her body — as only a Mother could...
Father will not kill them now.
September 27, 2022
So, Optus was supposedly hacked...
It will be interesting to observe whether the alleged 'Optus data hack of 10-million Australians,' might be a precursor "event" exploited to usher in mandatory Digital IDs for all internet engagement and access online?
Indeed, a hacker cannot hack, if a hacker cannot hide... or so they would like you to think...
Sure, the World Wide Web is worldwide, but might this not also be the plan for ALL internet users, everywhere... soon?
Indeed, with compulsory Digital ID, comes constant online monitoring and endless tracking of behaviour (both online and offline), social media interaction, and browsing activity — the ideal means of assigning a "behavioural-based" Social Credit Score and to quantify potential deductions from a Universal Basic Income system based on Central Bank Digital Currency.
A uniquely assigned Digital ID is the essential key to the realisation of a panopticon of technocratic totalitarianism: the means to impose a full spectrum dominance over each human being — always.
The current problem for the Soul Marauders pursuing this inhuman agenda is that anonymity has always equalled freedom...
...and it is reasonable to speculate that this absurdly sensationalised (and seemingly staged) "Optus data hack" might actually be an attempt to further hack away at our freedoms...
September 26, 2022
When the Russo-Ukrainian conflict is properly understood as a Western-NATO proxy war hatched within a hopelessly parasitised host nation — all media coverage of the ensuing "war realities" reported amongst Western-NATO countries will always distort and deceive to protect the eggs of the selfsame parasite.
How could it be otherwise?
September 22, 2022
Ah, the Western world is about to witness the tremendous difference between a Russian 'Special Military Operation' in Ukraine, and a 'partial mobilisation' with the security of a full nuclear arsenal.
The former, (SMO), was merely a measured and restrained operation to curtail the genocidal ambitions of a Nazified Ukraine relentlessly seeking the ethnic erasure of the "impure" Russian-speaking Ukrainians from the Donbass region: fascist fratricide. The latter, (partial-mobilisation), will reveal what Russia is capable of militarily when it secures the four region referendum, integrates the Donbass, and welcomes its people back into the protectorate of the Motherland...
The Western propagated fiction of an enfeebled Putin, gravely ill and haphazardly commanding a second-rate and poorly-equipped armed force will soon be revealed for the stupendous lie it always was...
All this time, against almost unlimited Western-financed, strategised and armed belligerence, Russia has not even been officially fighting a real war....
Days of patience and diplomatic tolerance for 'The Empire of Lies' and its reckless Western-NATO proxy war (exploiting the ideologically possessed Ukrainians as cannon fodder), and callously pitting them against the Russian Federation and the people of Donbass, are drawing to a close...
Imagine whinging about an 'unprovoked invasion' to the international community, looting the wealth of these slavishly "sympathetic" nations, while you ruthlessly fire upon your own citizens (as you have done for 8 continuous years) for their simple refusal to submit to your Nazi vision of their homelands: erasure of them.
The hand behind the back is now untied, and the gloves covering the iron-fist are off...
September 12, 2022
“Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are."
August 2, 2022
On April 7, 2021, I wrote an opinion piece examining Australia’s “booming” housing market, and forewarning that the days of low interest rates, helicopter money and ever-inflating overvalued properties were all indications of a Classic Debt Trap that the Bankers use to ensnare unwitting borrowers in “times of plenty…”
They have done this before in other countries, and it seemed that few were paying attention. Now, with artificially induced inflation increasing the interest rates, and higher mortgage repayments required on property assets that are now deflating in value – The Trap is apparent!
Repayments exponentially increase, while property value proportionately decreases...
Basically, they are in the process of stealing the wealth of the people… again.
August 1, 2022
An update on Substack…
In response to a number of unexpected paid subscriptions on my new Substack platform, I have decided to reward those who have generously purchased a subscription by offering an exclusive 7-day access to new research articles. After 7-days, the Substack platform will automatically email this new material to all free-subscribers. It is not my intent to do this for every new piece, (as I believe in the free sharing of timely information and research), but I figured I needed to do something to justify a paid-subscription. I was not anticipating any paid subscriptions at this stage…
Almost 400 articles and 180,000 words of my Pandemic Writings are currently freely accessible in an archived format on Substack.
Finally, I can invest the time in writing extensive research pieces without the uncertainty as to whether my efforts will be censored and removed and somewhat wasted…
Substack is censorship free.
It is the future of Independent Journalism and research.
Thank you to all my subscribers, both paid and otherwise, and to all those who have taken the time to share and comment and to contribute to my various writings over the years.
I appreciate you all!
July 25, 2022
ANNOUNCEMENT: Stephen Reason now on SUBSTACK
About three months ago, I had a post removed by Facebook and two consecutive 30-day bans imposed upon my page (after two years of endless account restrictions, ‘friend’ and ‘follow’ limitations, and constant shadow-banning). I was informed that the reach of future posts would be deliberately throttled for 60 days, and I was unable to post on my ‘Stephen Reason–Blogger’ page. Alas, I was “guilty” of unrepentantly publishing inconvenient truths.
However, as broken as the Facebook platform is for those aspiring to present truth, a new threat was issued: a further breach of “Facebook’s Community Standards” would result in a COMPLETE ACCOUNT DELETION. This was dire. I had saved all my writings elsewhere, but the supporting hyperlinks and screenshots that help contextualize all pieces would be utterly lost. I had to act to preserve the information.
Thus, I have spent a few months and perhaps 500+ hours editing and reformatting almost 400 pieces (spanning 180,000 words) to archive them all on the Substack platform (a censorship-free home for all journalists and writers.)
I invite you all to subscribe (free email subscription) and continue to follow my work on a platform that supports critical-thinking and the exploration of controversial counter-narrative perspectives.
Facebook’s days of celebrating and promoting anti-facts, anti-science and anti-humanity, while suppressing alternative perspectives, and concealing objective reality to the detriment of public discourse is coming to an end…
Those that aggressively suppress and censor information only ever do so to preserve their lies.
Free Speech, and to freely access what is spoken, should be an unalienable human right.
If you have enjoyed my writings over the last two years, please continue to follow my work on Substack:
July 14, 2022
If the Andrews' government were to once again mandate masks (as per the unscientific advice of the acting Chief Health Officer), VicPol and all private establishments (retail, cafes, bars and restaurants, gyms etc) would once again be burdened with the necessity to enforce such a mandate with harassment, intimidation, fines and exclusion.
To mandate, is to enforce, is to evoke the dark days of recent collective trauma...
...all of which will jeopardise public perception of a Labor government just four months from the state election...
Ergo, to mandate masks in Victoria at this time is to forfeit the election.
July 11, 2022
Pureblood, pure class, outclasses impure blood, no class.
June 7, 2022
Two weeks to flatten the curve; two-hundred-and-sixty-three days of useless lockdown to flatten the resistance to the lie; two years to deliberately flatten the economy... too easy to dupe the easily duped that inflation and economic woes are the result of something other than falling for the con...
May 20, 2022
...And the last square to be numbered 8 on the Victorian House of Representatives ballot is reserved for all Victorian Labor MPs, both incumbent and hopeful, for you had your time to 'vote no confidence,' and to denounce the Pandemic Bill and condemn the flagrant sadism of Dan Andrews... yet, you all cowardly nodded, and dutifully abetted the criminal collapse of Victoria into the World's longest lockdown.
It is not that a Liberal government in Victoria would have been necessarily better, it is just that Labor was elected to parliamentary control -- Labor decided Victoria's hysterical pandemic response, Labor under Andrews deliberately mislead the gullible herd into pseudoscientific damnation..
Labor, absolutely last.
May 20, 2022
Holding David's sling as we stare down Goliath...
May 13, 2022
A gaslighting Prime Minister; and state premiers who gleefully lit the gas and ignited medical tyranny.
May 10, 2022
Mindless vandalism and misguided hatred: when your mind has been so enfeebled by propaganda, so crippled by pseudo-science, so hysterically enraged and irrationally afraid after years of induced mass psychosis; when you do not question, for you have no question that authority is unquestionable — you resort to ignorantly destroying anything that threatens the righteousness of such a pathologically blind “worldview.”
Unconscious Evil and unwitting falsehoods are celebrated, while that which is Good and truthful is vilified and feared: a complete inversion and perversion of reality.
The hatred these people have for the United Australia Party and Craig Kelly is a reflection of the love they have for authoritarianism; and ultimately, the hatred they truly have for themselves and humanity: misanthropes.
May 4, 2022
The stagnation and devaluation of cryptocurrencies during a period of international crisis (Russian-Ukrainian warfare), inflation, commodity supply disruption and general fiat economic turbulence is odd.
One would have thought that this alternative digital currency would have proven a robust safe haven during this time.
The question remains: with the foreseeable continuation and escalation of conflict in multiple global spheres (Taiwan? Asia Pacific?), supply and food shortages, and ever creeping inflation and devaluation of the US dollar reserve (and all underpinned international currencies) - are cryptos (outside of an official cashless Digital Currency) ultimately a bridge to nowhere?
April 10, 2022
As some may have noticed, I have taken a little hiatus from my daily Facebook blogging. I am in good health, morale is high, and despite the nonsense of these days - all is relatively aligned in my personal life.
I have recently felt much like a sailor amongst a dependable crew on a long uncharted voyage (with all you excellent shipmates) ... still out at sea... land both a distant memory and an ever present hope... having lapsed into a comfortable muteness from having exhausted all conversation with those onboard...
I figured I would spend some time in the Crows Nest, simply observing for a while...
I'll be back on deck soon...
March 29, 2022
Let us never forget that our miraculously ineffective and unsafe vaccine was 'completely free' - the only cost was to collective health, general immunity, Democratic freedom, and the inevitable inflation that has resulted from locking the population down for two years to ensure the successful marketing of farce.
Completely free ...to enslaved minds.
February 2, 2022
December 27, 2021
After being knocked out, gag-balled and sadistically violated by the pricks of Dan Andrews and his gimp, Brett Sutton; I truly hope that 2022 finally witnesses Victoria's retributive "Marsellus Wallace moment" -
"Step aside, Butch!"