A LETTER TO THE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION: On the Illegality of Vaccine Mandates
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published November 1, 2021
To the Australian Human Rights Commission,
I am writing to receive clarification on the AHRC's official stance on the vaccine mandates currently imposed upon the Victorian workforce.
Victoria is currently burdened with an undemocratic policy that compels all citizens to undergo a questionable medical procedure to continue to work. It is clear that the government is contractually fulfilling a marketing and product agreement on behalf of Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna — to the absolute detriment and exploitation of all Victorians. Surely, this contravenes the right of the individual to make an informed decision, and to actually give ‘informed consent,’ rather than simply submit, or else
Given that the available “vaccines” were only granted ‘provisional approval’ by the TGA, and are still part of a Clinical Trial being conducted on a coerced population (until 2023), surely this all constitutes an inherently illegal, and possibly even a criminal undertaking?
Victorians are effectively being forced into submitting to an unproven medical procedure, an injection (or a series of unending 6-month injections) that by definition do not even qualify as an actual vaccine (as it achieves neither true inoculation, nor verifiably robust and enduring protection and prevention: neither protecting against infection, nor preventing the infection being spread. The purported ‘efficacy and safety’ are now emerging as spurious at best, and possible even sinister at worst.)
Given that Australia’s Federal Government has officially declared that ‘COVID-19 vaccines in Australia are voluntary,’ and that individual states can decide upon the extent of mandates for certain affected industries (namely Front Line Workers), surely, what the Andrews’ Government has imposed upon all Victorian workers is a gross violation and abuse of fundamental Human Rights?
Many have lost otherwise stable employment due to the mandates, and have now been shunted onto humiliating and crippling welfare payments; having lost financial stability, and a sense of purpose, as they suffer tremendously under the Victorian Government’s inhumane overreach. How is this not an abuse of the basic human right to pursue employment, and to simply earn a living with an equal opportunity?
These Victorians can no longer work in their own home state of Victoria.
We have a dire situation where many are perfectly capable and competent, often overqualified and exemplary in their professions, and yet, they have been dismissed by their employers, and have been severed from any self-sufficiency as an act of coercive aggression by the government.
Surely, this constitutes a ‘human rights abuse’ and a violation of an ‘equal opportunity?’
Unvaccinated Victorians can either submit to the vaccine, or eventually lose all capacity to sustain their former quality of life. They will ultimately be impoverished, both financially and socially, as they are ostracised within the deplorable framework of a Vaccine Passport system that truly echoes the abhorrent ideologies of both Fascist and Communist regimes of the Twentieth Century. In every historical instance in which an internalised ‘passport system’ has been imposed upon a population — it has always resulted in human rights abuse, and will always lead to segregation, divide, totalitarianism and ultimately the expression of atrocities of many magnitudes. This is inevitable.
The Australian Human Rights Commission’s supportive stance on the justification of Vaccine Passports (on the official website): “Vaccines are effective in saving lives and the right to life is a human right” is merely Orwellian propaganda, summarised in a virtuous and cynical sentence, utterly ignorant of the real-world devastation it actually embraces by dismissal. A spectrum of mental health issues will arise from a ‘two-tired passport system,’ leading to the deterioration of the overall health and cohesion of society. Lives will be impoverished, and lost. This is foreseeable, and certain.
With all due respect, it is time to be real. The Australian Human Rights Commission should serve as a bulwark against the tyrannical abuse of human rights by coercion for profiteering and control. It is time to sincerely represent all Australians, and to disconnect from the coordinated lockstep of the media, government and Big Pharma manipulation of the narrative: please represent every Australian as the impartial third-party independent agency you proclaim to be.
If there was ever a time in Australian history in which Victorians, and by extension, all Australians, would benefit from the intervention of an arbitrator of ‘Human Rights and Equal Opportunities’ it is NOW.
I eagerly await a response from your agency.