A PHOTO JOURNAL OF VICTORIA UNDER LOCKDOWN (circa 2020-2022): A Farewell to COVID Tyranny, and a Caution for What May Come
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia: 100+ annotated photos capturing the official signs, propaganda, scenes, graffiti, stickers and street posters witnessed during Victoria's six lockdowns
MARCH 2020: Global pandemic declared! Coronavirus! Toilet paper!
MARCH 31, 2020: VICTORIAN LOCKDOWN ONE: Tuesday 31st of March to Tuesday 12th of May, 2020 (43 days)
JULY 9, 2020: VICTORIAN LOCKDOWN TWO: Thursday 9th of July to Tuesday 27th of October, 2020 (111 days)
FEBRUARY 13th, 2021: VICTORIAN LOCKDOWN THREE: Saturday the 13th of February 2021 to Wednesday the 17th of February 2021. (5 days)
MAY 28th, 2021: VICTORIAN LOCKDOWN FOUR: Friday the 28th of May 2021 to Thursday the 10th of June 2021. (14 days)
JULY 16th, 2021: VICTORIAN LOCKDOWN FIVE: Friday the 16th of July 2021 to Tuesday the 27th of July 2021. (12 days)
AUGUST 5th, 2021: VICTORIAN LOCKDOWN SIX: Thursday the 5th of August 2021 to Thursday the 21st of October 2021. (77 days)
FOREWORD: At the onset of the first Victorian lockdown in March 2020, I was acutely aware of the manufactured hysteria and the artificiality of the so-called “pandemic.” It all felt wrong. To a discerning mind, every aspect appeared contrived, unscientific and illogical. Like many skeptical others, I marvelled at the sheer absurdity of the pseudo-science, the public gullibility, the irresponsible fearmongering, and the endless propaganda and manipulations that led to the rise of autocratic governments across the West. The leadership that arose in Victoria under Premier Dan Andrews was amongst the most oppressive, and flagrantly authoritarian. Under such malevolent rule, the people were fragmented and strategically divided against each other to weaken opposition. It was unnerving to witness many debasing their humanity, forsaking their liberty, turning on their friends and family, and mindlessly goose-stepping into medical tyranny.
I endeavoured to document all pertinent developments in my Pandemic Writings (all 200,000+ words freely available to read in this Substack). All of my recorded speculations, investigations and warnings proved absolutely prescient, and undeniably correct. Those that suspected that it was all being perpetrated as an elaborate NWO “Great Reset” PsyOp to crash the economy, consolidate and assert power, eradicate human liberties and rights, and to mass-vaccinate humanity with a health-destroying “gene-therapy” were right. Anything believed, or expressed to the contrary, was merely predicated on a belief in the Big Lie — and has now been proven tragically wrong. It was only ever “safe” for the manufacturers with indemnity, it was only ever “effective” in propagating exponential disease, and ending lives.
Alongside my writing, I took many pictures to record what was being experienced and witnessed in Victoria. In this Substack piece, I have collated 100+ photos and provided a reflection on each lockdown, as well as contextualising each image with annotations. I believe I have successfully captured and documented the diseased-zeitgeist of tyranny and mass-psychosis that unfolded over three years.
This is my “farewell piece” to effectively close the period of my Pandemic Writings.
The ‘COVID period’ has ended, and although examinations and retrospective analyses are still required and immensely beneficial for holding the perpetrators to account — there is a pronounced tendency amongst independent journalists and writers to myopically obsess, and simply rehash ad nauseam material what has been thoroughly exhausted. Indeed, we must never forget, but I have no interest in maintaining unwavering focus on what has become somewhat stale. With that being said, I have composed this photo journal as a final cathartic offering to my readership to commemorate the last three years of exposing the “COVID-19 Pandemic.” All photos featured in this annotated photo journal were captured by myself — they may be shared freely.
May this chronological photographic record serve as a warning, and a lesson to posterity — they did this to us, but we let them. Never again.
MARCH 2020: Global pandemic declared! Coronavirus! Toilet paper!
A REFLECTION: The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) a worldwide pandemic on 11 March 2020.1 The “Wuhan Fear Theatre” was deliberately used to amplify global anxiety, and to successfully seed the outlandish terror of a new “Spanish Flu.” The initial vacuum of ignorance was filled with 24-7 media fear-programming. It would be 20-days before Victorians were instructed by Premier Dan Andrews that a lockdown of “…just two weeks to flatten the curve” was necessary. Thus, it began…. March witnessed the worldwide phenomenon of people literally considering their own arses first, and descending upon their supermarkets to frantically hoard every last roll of toilet paper.

MARCH 31, 2020: VICTORIAN LOCKDOWN ONE: Tuesday 31st of March to Tuesday 12th of May, 2020 (43 days)
- “Two weeks to flatten the curve” - Social Distancing: keep 1.5 meters apart - 5G rollout - “Wash your hands” - Federal COVIDSafe app launched in April to track and compel PCR-Testing and force 14-day periods of self-isolation of everyone in contact of a “case” - healthy people were compelled to test for COVID -
A REFLECTION: While people were being asked to stay home, and most businesses operations had ceased, the telecommunications companies aggressively rolled-out their 5G infrastructure. Telecommunication workers were seen everywhere, in every suburb, capitalising on the empty streets as they worked unimpeded and unfazed by the “virus” that forced most people to remain housebound. Victorian buildings and streets are now disfigured with this ubiquitous war-like tech. This controversial technology was generally unwanted, yet despite public opposition, 5G towers were rapidly assembled and installed across Melbourne throughout the “pandemic.” Conspiracies abounded about 5G, and how it correlated with the emergence of the ‘novel coronavirus’ in Wuhan city, and soon Milan and New York. All these cities had literally become ‘5G cities’ at the time of their dramatic “outbreaks.” Wuhan was the World’s first city ‘to become fully 5G’ (launched Halloween, October 31, 20192; first known Wuhan infection, mid-November, 20193 ) and the “pandemic” suspiciously coincided with the announced activation of Wuhan’s 5G satellites. Many have since dismissed or forgotten this uncanny correlation.

JULY 9, 2020: VICTORIAN LOCKDOWN TWO: Thursday 9th of July to Tuesday 27th of October, 2020 (111 days)
- Masks first mandated on July 22nd - Melbourne becomes a Police State under de facto Martial Law with militarised police brutality, and arrests for pre-crime and social media posts that encouraged protest - restrictions on gatherings: hospital, funeral, no nursing home visits - small business, workplaces, places of worship, parks, children’s playgrounds, recreation and sporting facilities closed - interstate borders closed - all Victorians confined to housebound lockdown for 22-hours daily (2 hours permitted to exercise) - grocery store capacity limits - the “second wave” Hotel Quarantine breach - Dan Andrews imposed a nightly curfew and 5-kilometer travel radius - papers required for traveling to essential work -
A REFLECTION: There was zero scientific evidence to suggest that the compulsory wearing of masks amongst healthy citizens could impact the spread of an allegedly air-born virus. The science was comprehensive and conclusive: masks were not only useless in this regard, but prolonged usage was utterly destructive to the human organism. The science is still comprehensive and conclusive. Masks deliberately degraded all aspects of human health: they starved the body of oxygen causing permanent neurological damage and the lowering of IQs; exacerbated the growth of cancers within oxygen deprived cells; incubated bacteria and recombined exhaled viral particles in humid material that caused untold infections and disease; eroded general immunity; and psychologically-muzzed the population to miserably accept their submission to medical tyranny in a visible display of a silenced ‘masked-mouth.’ Masks were a means to dehumanise and degrade the individual in pitiful servitude to the Big Lie.

FEBRUARY 13th, 2021: VICTORIAN LOCKDOWN THREE: Saturday the 13th of February 2021 to Wednesday the 17th of February 2021. (5 days)
- mandated masks return - AstraZeneca approved by ATAGI on 15th of February - National Vaccine Rollout less than 10-days away - Valentines’ Day ruined by lockdown as businesses suffer and joy is stolen from the people - the lockdown was an ‘Advanced Marketing’ stunt performed according to a CEPI contract signed between our Federal Government and AstraZeneca (and Pfizer) to market their products regardless of need -
A REFLECTION: Victorians had emerged from the oppressive and psychologically disfiguring “111-day lockdown-siege,” and for almost three-and-half months, life had gradually resumed a sense of pre-pandemic normality. Masks were gone. Case numbers were non-existent. The illusion of the “pandemic” had diminished. However, the Pharmaceutical Cartels had invested in the production of their rushed and dangerous vaccines which needed to be mass-injected into their projected market. They had finished the production of their first batches, and were frantically producing millions more. This jarring Victorian “Valentines’ Day lockdown” happened to conveniently coincide with the February 15th ATAGI approval of the AstraZeneca vaccine (Melbourne produced), and Pfizer was not far behind, (25th of February). The general COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign (National Rollout) commenced on the 22nd of February, 2021. In effect, the purpose of this 5-day lockdown was to psychologically prime the populace to again be shunted back into a state of fear and uncertainty that was induced the previous year — AND to prepare to be vaccinated.

MAY 28th, 2021: VICTORIAN LOCKDOWN FOUR: Friday the 28th of May 2021 to Thursday the 10th of June 2021. (14 days)
- no cases for 72 days (until 9th of May) - National Vaccine Rollout slow, nurses lament that Vaccine Hubs empty - masks required to be worn everywhere (inside and outside) - the Victorian Government launches the mandatory QR-code checking for all businesses with threat of fines for non-compliance (a precursor to the integrated Services Victoria Digital Vaccine Passport system -
A REFLECTION: With 72-days of ‘zero cases’ in Victoria there was no incentive for people to ‘go and get vaccinated.’ The AstraZeneca vaccine was known to produce blood clots and strokes, and people were generally wary of these “safe and effective,” but ultimately unnecessary vaccines. Thus, the government fabricated “cases” and created a QR-code check-in system that would notify individuals if ‘they had been in contact with a case.’ Once notified (like winning the lottery, albeit with a high chance of success), that individual would be compelled to be tested at a PCR testing facility (with government officials texting and calling to monitor compliance), and would have to self-quarantine for 14-days. The deliberately high-cycle PCR Tests were not capable of detecting “COVID,” but were configured to generate false “cases,” and were ultimately used to harvest DNA samples from the population (no doubt for some diabolical future purpose). Thus, “daily cases” and “contacts” were artificially manufactured and deliberately amplified across Victoria by this insidious system. It was all in service to creating the illusion of “outbreaks” and “uncontrollable case numbers” that could only be curtailed by mass-vaccination.

JULY 16th, 2021: VICTORIAN LOCKDOWN FIVE: Friday the 16th of July 2021 to Tuesday the 27th of July 2021. (12 days)
- Dan Andrews had “fallen down the stairs” - Acting-Premier, James Merlino, initiated a statewide-lockdown on the morning after the occult Blood Moon to compel vaccination (based on the lie of interstate removalists travelling to Victoria and operating without a mask) - The ‘Kappa strain’ was introduced by the media and Chief Health Officer, Brett Sutton, as 'a real beast,’ with ‘fleeting transmission never seen before’ —but was exposed almost immediately as a fraud, and vanished entirely within a week - The ‘Indian Delta strain’ immediately replaced the fictional ‘Kappa,’ and was supposedly “targetting children (world first) - media started talking about vaccines for children and babies - schools masking children - next phase of the vaccine campaign evolved to include children
A REFLECTION: The Victorian Government desperately needed a “new fear,” and a means to justify a resurgence of “case numbers” to coerce the population into getting vaccinated. None cared for the “pandemic,” and fewer, and fewer, were concerned about COVID-19 as they attempted to disassociate from the extensive trauma of the 111-day lockdown of 2020. The illusion of a deadly ‘Kappa strain’ outbreak was prematurely presented to Victorians as the sole reason for lockdown five, and then “child-infecting Delta” suspiciously emerged during the same 12-day lockdown when the lie of Kappa flopped. There was overwhelming public hesitancy toward willful vaccination, and many simply did not believe that the unproven claims of “safe and effective” were anything but a devilish marketing scam. The AstraZeneca vaccine was deliberately demonised by the media, and was now directly associated with ‘blood-clots’ (called “the clot shot”) to effectively advance the uptake and preference of both Pfizer and Moderna amongst the younger generations (and soon, children). Now, to avoid getting “the clot shot,” those under sixty were told that only the experimental mRNA vaccines loaded with self-forming nanoparticles, graphene-oxide, “nano-microchips” and other nefarious “operating system” technology were safe. None were safe. Myocarditis, pericarditis, and strokes caused by blood-clotting were associated with these mRNA vaccines, and generations have now been poisoned, sterilised, and deliberately immunocompromised as part of the trickery. Many are now a future addition to the obituary list of ‘young people in the prime of their lives in otherwise perfect health,’ who “die suddenly.”

AUGUST 5th, 2021: VICTORIAN LOCKDOWN SIX: Thursday the 5th of August 2021 to Thursday the 21st of October 2021. (77 days)
- Dan Andrews had returned as Victorian State Premier (after 111-days of recovering from his “stairs-beating” - stockpiles of vaccines from AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna were readily available and needed to be shifted into arms - the lockdown period was continuously extended beyond all scientific evidence as the ‘goal-posts’ shifted to market the vaccine - Victorians were only permitted to leave the house for 1-hour a day - this lockdown was a siege-of-attrition to strategically shatter resistance to the undesired needle - frontline workers and teachers were the first industries to be mandated - the Secretary of the CFMEU, John Setka, took a $20-million bribe from Andrews and sold out his Union Members — forcing the construction industry into a ‘No jab, No job’ mandate - the Construction Industry and CFMEU members protested for three days until militarised police quashed the unarmed rebellion with an urban tank, 1000s of riot police, tear gas and rubber bullets - once the CFMEU capitulated (the only ‘collective force of men’ that could have stood-up to Andrews and defeated the mandates) ALL of the Victorian workforce, and every Victorian was mandated to be vaccinated - a Digital Vaccine Passport was required to access society (except for grocery stores, and essential stores) and all businesses, cafes, restaurants, gyms and recreational facilities were only accessible to the vaccinated - only the vaccinated were permitted to work - medical apartheid was instituted in Dan Andrews’ heinous “Vaccine Economy” in which the unvaccinated were “locked out, vilified and dehumanised” - work was finished on the Victorian $580-million a-thousand-bed ‘Center of National Resilience’ Health Camp (aka Concentration Camp) - daily “case numbers” exploded into the 10,000s daily - men everywhere suffered myocarditis and pericarditis and scores of Victorians were vaccine injured and died - hospitals were overrun with the vaccine injured - there was a teacher shortage as teachers resigned rather than receive the lethal vaccine - nurses resigned rather than be counted amongst the vaccine injured and dead - Melbourne’s Progressive-Left who zealously supported the imposition of medical fascism and a brutal Police State (the real contemporary Fascists) called all ‘freedom protestors,’ and anyone who was opposed to mandatory vaccination with a dangerous medical experiment: “Fascists, neo-Nazis, Far-Right.” The irony was lost on an “Anti-Fascist” counter-protest group called CARF (Campaign Against Racism & Fascism) that targeted the freedom protestors - Victoria, and Victorians were broken
A REFLECTION: This lockdown started with just 6 alleged “cases.” Like all previous lockdowns, it was completely staged as yet another PsyOp-siege to manipulate the public psyche. There were no real cases, no actual “outbreak” — however, the CEPI contract signed by our Federal Government as binding-insurance for the Pharmaceutical Cartels (even if the pandemic ceased, and there were no cases: vaccination would still be required to fulfil the CEPI contract and justify vaccine production and supply) now demanded the fulfillment of the Vaccine National Rollout agenda: the vaccination of everyone. It was all pre-planned to the minute, and was intended to last for as long as it required to mass-vaccinate most Victorians. Vaccine mandates for every industry would be imposed to terrorise, break, and ultimately coerce Victorians with the threat of unemployment, and not being able to support, and feed their families. I distinctly recall standing in David Jones watching the announcement of the Sixth Victorian Lockdown revealed on the faces of shoppers, as they stared at their phones, having just frantically scrolled for an update — now, utterly dismayed, they were paralysed by the impending dread of the days to come. Women were tearing-up and weeping, and men, futile to change the undesired reality — were cursing impotently. The darkest of days were upon us…

- Victorians were divided into Vaccinated and Unvaccinated - the unvaccinated were subject to apartheid discrimination and remain unemployed - Dan Andrew’s ‘Vaccine Economy’ is envisioned as permanent: the unvaccinated are to be indefinitely locked-out - a Booster Passport is proposed for the ongoing future of endless compelled vaccinations - scores are tragically vaccine-damaged, myocarditis and strokes are epidemic, many “die suddenly” as the wails of ambulance sirens are heard everywhere, day and night - morgues are stacked with the young and old - there is a teacher shortage, and nurses shortage (those unable to work due to remaining unvaccinated) - there are food supply shortages, especially meat - case numbers continue to soar as the vaccinated spread the bioweapon via shedding - sickness and disease are rampant - Andrew’s draconian Pandemic Management Bill 2021 is proposed, and despite 500,000+ Victorians protesting “The Bill” over four consecutive weekends in November, it passes, giving Andrews the sole power to declare a pandemic at anytime independent of the Federal Government - Everyone knows someone, possibly many, who have been vaccine injured or killed - friends turn on friends, families on families -
A REFLECTION: Despite the Six Victorian Lockdowns, there was no quantifiable pandemic experienced in Melbourne, other than the bioweapon disaster that was injected into the population. All devastating sickness and death was the result of vaccination. The PCR-Tests were deliberately fraudulent, and were not capable of testing for the alleged virus. The real epidemiological experts and esteemed virologists were censored worldwide, social media was censored, people censored each other — which allowed a captured legacy media to billow a relatively mild novel “virus” into a society-destroying hysteria. The Transnational Pharmaceutical drug pushers capitalised on the manufactured fear, and preyed upon the uncertainty and misplaced trust in the government and the media. It was indeed a “Planned-Demic” as the Event 201 in October 2019 revealed (Globalists convened in New York to suspiciously wargame a coronavirus outbreak), and it was intended to collapse global economies, enslave the people, and advance the agenda envisioned by the Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “The Great Reset.” Immense global pushback against the mandates, especially amongst the blockade effected by 1000s of Canadian truckers, helped to derail, and forestall the Bio-Medical Technocratic Tyranny that they had hoped to permanently install across the planet. Never again.

May this chronological photographic record serve as a warning, and a lesson to posterity — they did this to us, but we let them. Never again.
Thank you for this report of all the criminal treatment we have been subjected to over the last three years. I'm sure there are many in a much worse situation than I am but your words, in a strange way, have brought some comfort, to be reminded of what I have endured. I hope to be alive to see justice come to those responsible. Again, many thanks for your hard work in compiling this report.
Awesome work Stephen. By the way, I created the stencil art work of Daniel Andrews in the clown suit. Thanks for sharing it 👍👍. Please continue to share far and wide 👍👍