PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published October 23, 2021
A pathological liar cannot attribute a promise to future actions, for their past and present actions have been defined by endless broken promises and serpentine deception — Andrews is simply not capable of a promise to the people, only a promise to his Handlers. He has neither the integrity, nor the human decency required to honour any such promise.
However, this "promise" may indeed be an arrogant sleight-of-semantics — the foreshadowed plan is to endlessly boost all into boosted sickness. All those that have been vaccinated will now require regular boosters to validate their Vaccine Passports, and should they fall behind in their future schedule — they will be mercilessly "locked out," rather than locked-down...
Future lockdowns may still occur, but once you have the majority of people hopelessly chained, you merely have to reduce the links, shorten the chain, and demand they submit to receive their cherished extra chain links back...
That is the plan. That is the true false promise.