PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published September 26, 2021
An armoured anti-terrorist "rescue" urban assault vehicle drove down Elizabeth St on Wednesday (day three of the CFMEU protest) surrounded by a platoon of militarised anti-riot commandos, and signalled their intent by first firing a tear-gas canister into an unarmed peaceful crowd marching in the opposite direction — before indiscriminately firing potentially lethal rubber bullets at those trailing behind; those that were exposed and vulnerable to their cowardly assault.
A man was left slumped and bleeding.
It is evident that the people of Victoria have now been designated "terrorists" and classified as "enemy combatants" to these dead-souled belligerent goons under Dan Andrews' diseased-command.
A loathsome mainstream media in complete cahoots with a Pathological Regime, has utterly dehumanised and demonised the protestors (construction workers justifiably and legally protesting Medical Fascism) as "far right agitators, neo-Nazis, extremists" and effectively reduced them to verminous subhumans now deserving to be stomped out and routinely exterminated.
Those protesting the loss of freedom in Victoria, rising to reject the sinister mandates that push a nefarious syringe under the guise of a "Trojan Virus" that has spread the true contagion of Authoritarianism — are now to be eradicated.
The construction workers are now viewed by the complicit Left under a psychosis reminiscent of Nazi Germany (where, ironically, in the 1930s, "Communists" and "enemies" were everywhere, always). Now, in a chilling inversion of extremist Left-Right polarity: "neo-Nazis" and "Far Right extremists" are everywhere, always. This is the same diseased anti-human ideology that targeted the Jews — and these Victorians (and all that oppose the Biomedical Police State embraced by the extreme Left) are being treated with the same irrational sadism and brutality that Hitler directed at the undesirable "subhuman" "vermin" that "plagued" the "health" of Germany.
And like those spellbound Germans, the Victorian Left now naively applaud and cheer the "necessary" force being displayed against the "undesirables" to preserve their continued "health" under Medical Fascism…
...until that "wonderful force" it is eventually turned on them; on all, and everyone — indiscriminately and always.