PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published September 11, 2021
Yesterday marked a shift in the Victorian Agenda (333 cases), today confirmed it.
Today, September the 11th (9:11:21), following yesterday’s symbolic 333 new daily “cases” (a numeric triplicate signal of an agenda shift, “a change of gears”), Victoria was presented with the bleak illusion of 450 new daily cases and the media promise of ‘1000s-a-day’ in the days to come.
How could this be?
Remember, on August the 5th, there were just 7 new cases that prompted the disproportionate 7-day snap-lockdown. Now, 37 days later, with the majority of Victorians still under lockdown-siege, the reported “cases” are continuously amplifying and seem to be beyond containment.
The previous “holding pattern” that was witnessed in which “new daily cases” were always within a minimal band of fluctuation, often being identical, or varying by only a few cases (+ or -) has seemingly been abandoned.
It was never real to begin with.
What we are witnessing today is a deliberate shift in the Victorian Agenda.
Previously, it was the absurdity of “COVID Zero,” in which zero was not only attainable, but zero was invariably the actual reality — despite the faked daily cases, and the media-crafted propaganda that kept the dutifully face-wrapped in an anxious stupor of paranoia and salacious doom-fiction. It was ideal for justifying a policy of unscientific lockdowns while suffocating the human soul to achieve large-scale compliance from the hopelessly broken.
The new Victorian agenda aligns with the proposed attempt to install an inhuman system of societal segregation. To have a “Vaccine Economy,” as Dan Andrews has foreshadowed, in which lockdowns will be replaced by those who will be “locked-out” (and assumedly someday locked-up in “Health Camps”) daily cases will need to be perceived as being everywhere, numerous, uncontainable, and ONLY consequential to the unvaccinated.
This is the Victorian Agenda shift.
Importantly the granted “freedom” will be predicated on avoiding and shunning and socially ostracizing those that might threaten the continuation and preservation of this hard-fought “freedom.”
This ensures the success of the new Victorian Agenda: merely the same essential agenda metamorphosing with a sloughing of skin — growing toward its long-projected end.
There will soon be many 1000s of “daily cases.” This will represent the “invisible enemy” that is omnipresent and ever lurking and must be battled (and has been “defeated”) ONLY by those who were unselfish and have submitted for the greater good. The others? Well, they will be a liability to a “free” society, a potential hospital burden that hospitals should not have to contend with — and will suffer the consequences of their “choice” to refuse a timely and coerced submission. They had the choice, after all …they just chose incorrectly.
An internal passport system to simply engage in life will only work if the “viral enemy” is perceived to be ubiquitous, and the unvaccinated are deemed a serious threat to themselves, and a dire threat to all. Thus, a notion of “they” is being programmed, a dehumanizing concept of “other” that is considered “dangerous” and must be purposely “cast out of a clean, sanitized, inoculated, and civilized society.” Those that will be granted conditional “freedom,” simply cannot comingle with those choosing against and potentially sabotaging such “freedom.”
All this is constructed on unscientific farce (see Israel, 80% vaccination rate, 95% vaccinated in hospital, highest per capita daily infections, banned from traveling to Sweden and Portugal, and they are already being corralled for the inevitable and compulsory fourth shoulder prick); and has no objective merit, and will not result in the attainment of the expressed government aims. The unexpressed government aims are tantamount to the totalitarian systems of the twin destroyers of the twentieth-century: a fusion of Fascism and Communism.
May all this fall apart tremendously — it is not compatible with the human soul, and must be banished.