PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published January 7, 2022
I know of a 250-person NYE wedding in which more than 200 of the vaccinated attendees tested "positive" in the last couple of days — some having already opted for the "extra-protective" third application.
This is a farce.
We were sold a farce.
All that has been done to us over the last two years has been farcical... and unequivocally criminal.
What was fictitiously marketed as a "vaccine" has done naught but increase the number of alleged community infections amongst the recently vaccinated — the underpinning lie is now exposed for all to see (it never prevented transmission, or reduced the chance of serious illness, hospitalisation, or death). Hospitalisation and death were always a rare outcome, irrespective of the availability of a real vaccine, or not — this "experimental" vial is no such thing, and evidently achieves only one objective: increasing the prevalence of the disease.
How much more obvious can it be: a summer of a winter illness?
And to think that our society has been ripped asunder by relentless marketing propaganda, with many minds and bodies systematically broken, as perfectly healthy individuals were shunted onto welfare payments and forced out of previous respectable careers and employment — all because they saw the developing farce for the absolute criminal farce it always was...
To those that see, to those that have seen — you are the eyes of the future, the witnesses of the present; and a true testament to the embodiment and resilience of truth.
A lie is a lie, and to remain invested in the lie beyond all compelling evidence that it is a lie — is to willingly partake in evil.