A TIMELINE TO VICTORIA’S PRESENT TYRANNY: Revealing the Step-By-Step Lockdown Strategy of the Latest Staged PsyOp.
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published June 3, 2021
Victoria’s current ‘snap-7-Day-Lockdown’ (+ 7-day extension, 02-06-21) was meticulously planned in advance. Every aspect of the ‘Indian double-mutant’ “outbreak” has been strategically faked. The current “lockdown narrative” has all the telltale signs of a typical PsyOp (Psychological Operation). The primary objective is to coerce vaccination, increase state control by decreasing individual liberty; renew the State of Emergency — and then repeat the process to accrue ever more control.
It is often immensely frustrating to prove this to those that are utterly immersed, and both mentally and emotionally invested in the propaganda and programming — so I have endeavoured to present an outline for illumination and reference. What follows is a chronology of key events that have all contributed to the elaborate staging of “Lockdown No4.”
Timeline dates: December 2020 to June 2nd, 2021 (time of writing)
DECEMBER 2020: Victorian Police commence a recruitment campaign to hire 3000+ additional police. Planning for winter COVID 2021 is underway: reinforcements for enforcement. The cadets, once graduated and fully-badged, will be ready to serve within six months: Late May-June 2021, winter, cold-and-flu season.
FEBRUARY 14th 2021: Dan Andrews fires an arrow through the heart of Melbourne on St Valentine’s Day. Victoria’s ‘Snap-3-day lockdown’ was implemented to fulfil overriding Big Pharma pre-market obligations that were part of the ‘Advanced Marketing Commitment’ clause with AstraZeneca that had been brokered by CEPI on behalf of the Federal Government and the various committed Pharmaceutical Companies: it contractually ensured continuous marketing for their vaccine product should interest decrease, or the need subside. Tellingly, both Pfizer and AstraZeneca were both approved, and shipments (Pfizer) arrived in Australia during that exact ‘snap-3-day lockdown’ timeframe. Our National Vaccine Rollout also commenced during these three days. Coincidental? Not a chance!
MARCH 3rd, 2021: The horror, the horror: ‘State of Emergency’ powers were renewed for potentially nine additional months. Fiona Patten (Reason Party), Samantha Ratnam (Greens) and Andy Meddick (Animal Justice Party) each contributed the deciding vote and gleefully weighted their hands with silver coins as they granted the Andrews’ Labour Party an additional nine months of wanton destruction. Without the vote of these three feckless weasels, there would be no aggressive vaccine rollout, and no ability to inflict punishing lockdowns on a flimsy “outbreak” whim. These three black-hearted individuals betrayed 6.3 million Victorians — they each ensured the present continuation of government overreach, and the legal means to implement tyrannical ambition.
MARCH 9th, 2021: Dan Andrews “falls” down the “stairs.” Rumours abound as to the exact circumstances surrounding the “fall” and the suspicious nature of the “stairs.” Interestingly, a contract to develop a ‘Quarantine Facility’ (aka: future “Concentration Camp” for problematic Victorians) at Avalon Airport (managed by his “great mate” David Fox (Lindsay Fox’s son) — immediately “falls” through after the “fall.” It had been a done deal. There was obviously a “falling” out between the Sly Fox Family and the Slithering Andrews’ Labor Government. Andrews has effectively vanished. All future restrictions and lockdowns will be less sadistic in his absence.
MARCH 23, 2021: Mask no longer required indoors. Brett Sutton (CHO), despite irrationally mandating masks throughout the summer months, unexpectedly decides to remove the mask mandate for indoors. Normality has seemingly returned. The ubiquitous symbol of the “pandemic” is no longer to be seen and ritually observed. A period without masks and a sense of pre-pandemic relief is psychologically required to condition the populace to be suitably traumatised and pliant when the mask mandate is again abruptly re-imposed. It is a conventional torture technique: capture, torture, release, recapture… and continue torturing to effectively ‘break the will.’ If you are alone and wearing a mask while walking in the sun amongst nature — you are already irredeemably broken.
APRIL 14, 2021: Media promotes (CHO) Brett Sutton’s new fake ‘mask modelling study’ (non-peer-reviewed) ‘claiming that mask wearing was a critical element in slowing the spread of COVID-19 in Victoria.’ It is the only such study purporting such nonsense in the world. There are currently 15 peer-reviewed studies on mask efficacy that meticulously detail that prolonged mask wearing in the context of a respiratory virus is both dangerous and ineffective. There are zero peer-reviewed mask studies that confirm even a miniscule of achievable and attributable benefit. The scientific community is unanimous: masks are detrimental to physical and mental health, and do not work. Brett Sutton’s non-peer reviewed “mask modelling” will never be peer reviewed. It was intended to be media promoted to falsely substantiate the idea that masks worked previously, and that his recommendation was necessary — and that it may be required again. It was blatant foreshadowing at its un-finest.
APRIL 28, 2021: India “Second Wave” hysteria, and the emergence of the “Indian double-mutant strain.” India is exploited as the latest fear-theatre to propel the waning COVID fear-narrative into the anxious future of all global citizens. Given that “COVID” cunningly “piggybacks” on the cold-and-flu season, countries experiencing winter in the Southern Hemisphere were primary targets of the latest “Indian double-mutant variant” propaganda. Australia is of foremost concern (according to media) due to the return of Indian-Australian dual citizens. Importantly, there is no actual “Indian double-mutant variant.” Ironically, the Indian government attributed their “second wave” to the “London mutant variant,” believing the ‘Indian double-mutant’ to be rare, of little concern, and not responsible. Curiously, the ‘hyper-contagious’ ‘London mutant’ proved a tremendous flop each time it “broke out” in Australia. India’s actual “second wave” was the direct result of vaccinating 100 million Indians in a world record 85-days: the observable and verifiable “AstraZeneca Wave.” Regardless, the fictitious seed was planted — ready to germinate into a useful lie.
MAY 7th, 2021: Victoria moves to single QR code COVID-19 check-in system ‘amid concerns of compliance.’ Government is pre-empting the pre-planned “outbreak” date, and ensuring that they will not be blamed for inadequate “contract tracing.” The QR system is now uniformly identical with other Australian States. Control of movement, monitoring and a further erosion of privacy is sought and achieved by compliance. Innocent individuals can now be “contact-traced” into future fictitious “outbreaks” and compelled to be tested and quarantined (and perhaps vaccinated?). It effectively makes the unreal, real. The timing of the QR Code “crack-down” seemed incongruent, given that Victoria had experienced months of zero community transmission — it was almost as if they were anticipating something…
MAY 12th, 2021: A man from Wollert (Melbourne’s northern suburbs) returns from India and spends 14 days in Hotel Quarantine in Adelaide; thoroughly tested and consistently negative; he then flies from South Australia to Victoria — where, inexplicably, and in complete defiance of the long established science: eventually tests “positive” to the “Indian double-mutant variant.” Authorities cannot believe this abnormality — because it is unbelievable, and a lie. However, so the unlikely story goes… he had already spent a couple of days in the Victorian community — travelling to a number of Indian restaurants and Indian spice stores (to really emphasise that what was coming was an “Indian double-mutant.” The Victorian Government could not allow another Hotel Quarantine “accident” to occur in Victoria — so Adelaide was scapegoated, and a “case” miraculously “escaped,” infecting no one in Adelaide; none within the hotel, or amongst the return passengers on the plane. There are no cases in Adelaide of the “Indian double-mutant.” Zero.
MAY 21st, 2021: ‘Health Department issues alert after listing wrong Woolworths as exposure site.’ Ah, the man from Wollert was quite the super-spreader! An “error” was needed -a plausible human error made by contact tracers- but ultimately a catastrophic “error” that would precipitate the planned “outbreak.” Neither of the Woolworths store locations actually matter, as neither of these Woolworths, even if properly cleaned, with workers adequately quarantined and tested, would have made any difference (even if the virus was present). The “outbreak” date was pre-determined by the government to aggressively market their flagging vaccine uptake, so an “outbreak” scenario was created — Woolworths was the “unforeseen” catalyst that was lazily written into the script.
MAY 24th, 2021: Victorian police launch a two-week mask compliance blitz on public transport: ‘Police Mask Blitz ‘commencing Monday 24th and finishing June 7th. It would seem that the extra 3000+ police recruits that were now fully-badged (at the end of May: 6 months) would be summoned to become ‘a force for good’ and thuggishly unleashed upon the Victorian community, illegally issuing $200 fines for non-mask compliance. All the participating police personal would have been adequately briefed, trained and assigned a particular zone in advance. And then, on Monday the 24th, as if to perfectly align with the additional police — the PCR fakers, using unscientific cycle thresholds (40-45 cycles: creating 89-94% false positives) “discovered” four new “positive cases.” Suddenly, all of Victoria, irrespective of being on public transport or not, would be mandated to wear a facemask. At least the battalion of police had all been thoroughly trained for this outcome… one of the typical and telling PsyOp “drills” that suddenly morphs into a real life scenario. This in itself is the key revelation that this “outbreak” was entirely staged.
MAY 27th, 2021: On the morning after the lunar eclipse, a ‘blood flower super moon’ no less, the Victorian Government, observing the occult relevance of the moon, irrationally, and callously, declares a ‘snap 7-day lockdown.’ It was a long anticipated moment and the execution of the next phase of their vaccine “new normal” agenda. The “positive case” numbers had been five. Numerous warnings for outbreak locations were issued, all conveniently covering most Victorian suburbs and regional Victoria, all the worst-case scenario locations: MCG games, trains, shopping centres, nightclubs. None of them were truly actual locations of a traced infected contact. All of them were chosen for a sense of severity and to amplify paranoia and hysteria — each was an essential psychological part of an orchestrated hoax.
Media and government promote the critical case of ‘one Victorian on a ventilator’ to justify the 7-day-lockdown. The next day it is revealed there was no such case. According to covidlive.com, there were zero people on ventilators in Victoria. Victorians can handle all standard flu-like symptoms pertaining to COVID — but the thought of requiring a ventilator is utterly nightmarish. Indeed, no one wants to be hooked-up to a ventilator: 88-75% chance of dying once induced into a coma, intubated and mechanically oxygenated. The ventilated individual ‘not in a good way’ announced by Acting Premier Merlino was a coordinated manipulation between government and media: a strategic lie.
According to Merlino (who brazenly lied as he coerced Victorians to get vaccinated: “a vaccine is our only way out of this.” Alas, Victoria would again be locked-down by treasonous psychopaths posing as society’s saviour.
JUNE 1st, 2021: The virus miraculously makes its way into Aged-care Facilities, permitting the potential of wrongly attributed deaths once again being the cause for extending the lockdown period. However, it may merely be a means of further amplifying the collective social terror of recalling the previous 111-day Stage Four Lockdown that occurred simultaneously with the aged-care “800-massacre.” It may simply prove to be psychologically useful for further coercing vaccine uptake and adding “COVID” deaths to the falsified mortality role.
JUNE 2nd, 2021: Our ‘snap 7-day-lockdown’ is snapped a further 7-days as it is predictably extended. With neither JobKeeper, nor JobSeeker + coronavirus supplement from Federal coffers, the lockdown is destined to end before problematic civil unrest truly begins. It has all been a cynical fulfilment of a binding CEPI contract to aggressively market the various vaccine products and to engage the targeted market by totalitarian coercion under the guise of “public health.”
JUNE 4th, 2021: Victoria’s State of Emergency is due to expire, and it will inevitably be continued on the basis of this staged “outbreak.” The government will retain its current excessive powers with the option of perpetual overreach to impose future lockdowns. Victoria is not in an emergency based on any variant of the virus. There is no actual “outbreak” and no threatening virus in the community. Our true emergency is a pathologically motivated government that is inextricably entangled with Big Pharma interests, and is utterly beholden to the Techno-Medical-Fascism that Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum are endeavouring to install globally through their dystopian ‘Great Reset’ vision.
To those who have honed their faculty of discernment, and who have maintained their scepticism, and remained ever vigilant — it is absolutely apparent that the Victorian Government is currently waging a psychological terrorisation campaign against its citizenry. We are collectively being held hostage and besieged by a rogue government that is acting on behalf of Big Pharma and the interconnected Great Reset agenda of the World Economic Forum that truly governs our government.
There is currently an attempt to install a global Techno-Medical-Fascism of Full Spectrum Dominance — and what we are currently enduring and witnessing in Victoria is actually a cunningly focused operation to deceptively dismantle reality to better control us.
Our Australian Government, both Federal and State, are each indistinguishably acting as a coordinated criminal entity, each servilely acting in cahoots with a vast international criminal consortium as they commit the crime of civilian lockdown and coerce medical experimentation: a verifiable Crime Against Humanity.
It is up to each of us to continue to resist and bring them to account — for to do otherwise, while having an awareness of their machinations would be a cowardly capitulation in the face of evil.
It is up to us, truly. It ends when we act individually and as individuals coalesce collectively to bring it to an end.
Many lemmings venture off a cliff edge as they mindlessly follow a leader — perhaps they need a different leader?
Let us all offer the Light that truly leads.