PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published October 27, 2021
Victoria has been prioritised for the "booster" regime; and all Victorians over 18 are now eligible to continue behaving like lab subjects as they partake in the experimental process. Another shot to chase the first two that did not work. Those unwilling to continue with the coerced Clinical Trial will eventually be notified prior to the deactivation of their passport — so that they can once again puncture their arm, and gain "free" access to society.
There is only one vial product on offer, but fear not, and fret never, for Big Pharma will give you this shot — irrespective of whether the technology and the process is fundamentally different to the others that you had administered previously, unproven, and perilous... and then it will demand that you take this very shot... the "DNA disrupter" ...always.
One shot, two shot, three shots... floor?