ABC "Reality" Vs Actual Reality: "Thousands" Vs 100,000s
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published February 13, 2022
If they can laughably downplay and deceptively diminish the attendance of the Canberra Freedom Convoy (to preserve the narrative); imagine the extent to which they have mislead, exaggerated, and gleefully sold the Great Pharma Marketing Stunt to the duped masses with our own taxpayer dollars — in service to projecting the fictitious narrative?
The ABC is now a completely propagandised, and utterly compromised "News" outlet; barely a scintilla of integrity as they broadcast their daily falsehoods as "truth" in subservience to their New abNormal Owners: the same Cabal Cartel that owns the entirety of Australia's government.
It is no longer "Your ABC"...
It is no longer your government... is Theirs... those Elite Globalist Shadow-lurkers who now parasitically feed and nourish themselves on the collective ignorance and compliance of the Australian people.