ALLOPATHIC DOCTORS FREE OF INDEMNITY: Burdened Forevermore by a Blatantly Criminal Act
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published April 12, 2021
The allopathic doctors supposedly 'flocking' to the 'vaccination program' to gleefully clutch their government incentive for administering a jab with absolute foreknowledge of potential harm; the inherent criminality of participation; and surely some inkling of the absurd fiction underpinning the contributing hysteria that has created the present dangerous farce — should not take comfort in the 'indemnity' excusing their direct contribution to the 'Crime Against Humanity' they are perpetrating.
The people will hold you accountable, irrespective of the devilish promises and traitorous payments readily gifted by a government that has beseeched you to hold the knife, as they ceremoniously prepare the sacrificial altar to the Dark Pharma Deities.
To each "doctor" who callously partakes, your Hippocratic Oath: "First, do no harm," has been hypocritically inverted, and your dismissiveness of the abundance of alarming evidence, to align with, "no, first do harm" will not be forgotten.
Put down the knife; back away from the altar; renounce your False Gods!