ANDREWS ADDRESSES RUMOURS ABOUT FALL: The Original Media Transcript with a Critique
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published June 29, 2021
What follows is an analysis of Premier Dan Andrew’s media interview and the account he finally offered as a belated response to three months of absolute silence after his “fall.” Many rumours abounded in that time, but the “vile” rumour that he alludes to relates to the speculation that he sexually assaulted a teenager at a Billionaire’s mansion, and was subsequently “beaten down the stairs” by her enraged CEO father.
“It was a family weekend. And I was there, Cath was there, Joseph and Grace were there. Noah was not. He was on and off. He was back and forth,” he said.
One would assume that a ‘family weekend’ would be comprised of a family — and that would naturally necessitate his inclusion, so ‘And I was there’ is almost an admission that he was not. The unusual attention given to establishing such superfluous detail regarding family (Noah) reveals a nervous and clearly insincere attempt to establish a believable narrative — Noah, who ‘was not there,’ who was ‘on and off’ who was ‘back and forth’ is basically jarring gibberish that belies the lie (while also being unconsciously fused with sexual innuendo). It seems Andrews is accessing both hemispheres of his brain (essential for fabrication and confabulation), on and off, back and forth, as the right hemisphere (creative and imagination) is generating a seemingly plausible and rehearsed narrative from the left hemisphere (logic and language). None of it is convincing and it all comes across as anxious, contrived and mentally belaboured.
He said no amount of communication regarding his injuries could have put a top to the “vile” rumours.
Any communication in the last three months would have served to illuminate the situation, and with information comes awareness and shadowy things lurk less in the shadows when light is shed. A lack of forthrightness, utter silence, and a general unwillingness to address these “vile” rumours over the last three months — only gives plausibility to the notion that something more must have occurred.
“I don’t know that you can put an end to some of these vile stories. People who make up their own facts, you’re best not really to get into an argument with them. It’s very difficult to win those arguments,” he said.
It should not be difficult to win an argument with truth. The truth would put an end to ‘these vile stories,’ unless, of course, ‘these vile stories’ are actually the truth. If this were the case, then silence would be the default response chosen to curtail being caught in a lie, or rather, inadvertently revealing the truth. Silence in the face of speculation only fuels further intrigue and speculation.
Andrews, himself, delights in making up his own facts. Indeed, he has attained a narcissistic notoriety with his fetish for daily doom sermons in the service of advancing a “pandemic illusion” composed entirely of manufactured facts. He is currently making up his own facts with this “candid” and contrived explanation.
“People know me, they know my work, they know my background. They know that I love my family and I love my state.”
Actually, this is not necessarily evident, as who can confirm to have absolute awareness of the truth of any of these claims. It is assumed that he would love his family. However, people do not know Andrews in the implied sense that the general impression might be that he is of good character. We do not know his work (in an absolving sense), other than through his reckless, callous and utterly determined suffocation of Victorians welfare and wellbeing. Andrews’ background is undeniably shadowy and sinister, and his Chinese connections that have empowered his brazen machinations as he cunningly pivoted and implemented many dark agendas under the guise of “a public health crisis” will soon be apparent to all. Indeed, he single-handedly and secretly signed Victoria to China’s ‘Belt and Road’ — only to have it eventually exposed and cancelled by the Federal Government’s intervention.
His supposed love of family is inconsequential in regards to the contemptuous and malicious “love” he has pathologically shown the once ‘most liveable city in the world,’ a now traumatised and systematically bludgeoned state, that he gleefully eviscerated with his lockdown orders and a penchant for tyranny.
“Never get into an argument with a fool. That never works. And don’t get into a debate with people who make up their own facts — that doesn’t work either.”
Ad hominem attacks expressed arbitrarily without being anchored to anything that signifies meaning are of zero value. All this is but fluff and verbiage that is merely a blanket of words, a clumsy and nervous circumlocution utilised to conceal the simple fact that opposing with ‘an argument,’ ‘a debate,’ ‘own facts’ are all rendered valueless in the face of verifiable and objective truth. Victorians have not been given the truth. Three months of silence suggests three months of a panicked concealment of actual truth.
“I think some of the communications we had yesterday, together with statements from Victoria Police, statements from Ambulance Victoria, and, you know, my character, who I am, what I’m about, what I’ve demonstrated to the people of this great state, the values I have, I would have thought that that put beyond any doubt what occurred.”
The fact that Andrews thinks ‘some of the communication we had yesterday’ and that ‘statements’ from corrupt and beholden apparatuses of state that are entwined with his government are credible, independent and have been communicated with impartial integrity is truly wishful thinking. They will give the desired response and the “evidence” that his government demands — it can be no other way when absolute power rests with the individual that is being scrutinised.
‘…and you know, my character, who I am, what I am about… I would have thought that that put beyond any doubt what occurred.’
Peevish, sadistic, mendacious, oafish, and cronyism are all synonymous with his public profile “character” and his despotic political pursuits. Andrews is a veritable psychopath — an age-old adversary of humanity.
We eagerly await the suspected truth, and we will welcome your final fall down the stairway to Hell from whence you once came.