ANYBODY BUT ANDREWS: A Vote for Labor, is a Vote for Evil
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece published November 23, 2022
Saturday, November 26 is nigh…
Fortunately, we have a Victorian State Election in 2022. Indeed, many rightly suspected that the Pandemic Management Bill would be abused to suspend the election under a sham pandemic pretext. It was possible, and certainly not beyond the schemes of our self-appointed Supreme Leader. Amongst the many devilries stuffed into the sleeve of Andrews’ Masonic robe, this one did not fall out. Clearly, The Lodge did not give permission to dislodge this one sinister card — and thus, the game is on.
Assuming that the ballots, and means of tabulating individual votes are not largely susceptible to extensive harvesting and fraud (which is assuming a lot) — Victorians will make their choice. The illusion of representative democracy prevails…
This election is not about political bipartisanship, and any choice should not be predicated on promised policies and other electioneering inanities — they are all largely lies, spoken by liars, intended to seduce by deception. No, this election is not simply a choice between major party candidates, (between the Coalition and Labor, between Mathew Guy and Dan Andrews), but, rather, a choice between the not-so-good, and the blatantly Evil.
A vote for Labor, a vote for Dan Andrews, is unequivocally a vote for Evil.
A vote for anybody else, even the not-so-good, is a vote against Evil.
A continuation of Labor’s “most progressive government” is a further regressing into Evil.
One of the two major parties will govern the parliament of Victoria — let it not be the proven Evil one.
Dan Andrews is the “virus.”
The “virus” was Authoritarianism, and the authoritarians (the percentage of the people affected by mass psychosis who follow).
Such Authoritarianism flourished under the excuse of a pseudo-pandemic that permitted leaders to declare, and abuse, State of Emergency (SoE) powers. Only true psychopathic leaders (most were hopelessly controlled and compromised, and incapable of defying the WEF’s instruction to destroy their people) absolutely relished what they did, and what was done to their people. Dan Andrews emerged as a true psychopathic leader amongst a distinguished international trinity of sadistic anti-humans: also comprised of Canada’s foppish Justin Trudeau, and New Zealand’s meth-mouthed Jacinda Ardern.
Andrews constantly overreached, overreacted and was overjoyed at the minds, bodies and souls he ruthlessly dominated and ultimately wrecked. His criminal policies have resulted in countless divorces, suicides, bankruptcies, collapsed small businesses, impoverishment and the health deterioration (and many genocidal deaths) of all who were coerced into his mandatory medical experimentation. He is an alpha criminal guilty of Crimes Against Humanity — and instead of running for re-election, he should be running and grovelling for his wretched life.
The infected: authoritarian enablers
Unfortunately, a vast leftist legion of Dunning Kruger dupes threaten to re-elect Dan Andrews: they threaten to do unconscious evil —consciously. They were, and remain infected by the “virus.”
Nobody in their right mind could conceive of such an unconscionable choice, but these types, the Dan Devotees, literally have no individual mind — as they swarm and buzz as a droning hive collective. Andrews is their Bee Keeper, the ever-thieving apiarist who they return to, time and time again, giving themselves entirely to the honeycomb structure of his far-left socialism: collectivism. They are the Hive-mind — and they will protect their colony that buzzes in synchronicity with the will of the Bee Keeper: for “he keeps them safe.”
These leftist ignoramuses, of course, know best — and Andrews “saved them,” as he nullified all potential choices that their own self-determining selves could have made: informed choices. Locked in their Stockholm-homes, they found a love for their tyrannical abuser; and a bizarre adoration and affinity emerged for his cruel methods of psychological torture, division and coercion. They longed for more, longer and harder — to “save them.” They desired everyone to suffer equally for their own deliverance from risky liberty and selfish autonomy — and they wholeheartedly demanded enslavement for all. Incapable, or unwilling to critically think, the Hive will unanimously vote for the incumbent premier, and he will steal their honey, again, and again.
They will vote for Evil, because, fundamentally, they are aligned with evil and their ideology has bound them to the darkness — they are hopelessly lost in the dark: infected.
A pause in the terror of more of the same?
Should Andrews win, it will only serve to socially condone his destructive pandemic tyranny and validate the Chief Health Officer’s “Health Directives” that were mercilessly stomped upon the masked-face of all Victorians — and usher in more of the same. It will not be over, and the worst will be yet to come.
A less-than-ideal Mathew Guy leadership (with many independent “freedom” crossbenchers and independents making up the upper house), is a means of forestalling, or even reversing any future manifestation of a Vaccine Economy enforced by a Biomedical Police State — this reality still looms, and still threatens.
Sure, Premier Guy will inevitably adhere to the World Economic Forum’s designs on coalescing a transhumanist Fourth Industrial Revolution of AI-augmented, endlessly mRNA vaccinated, and digitally enslaved humanity: it is inevitable. Surely, Schwab has ‘penetrated his cabinet,’ and the Guy Marionette will perform according to the tug of certain strings in the hand of the shadowy Davos puppeteers. However, Andrews was the chief architect of Victoria’s darkest days, and the key proponent of a leftist-driven “Vaccine Economy” — and this may all be in disarray with an abrupt change to a more conservative Coalition leadership.
What must be done
All Victorian Labor MPs (including the MP crossbenchers: Samantha Ratnam (Greens), Fiona Patten (Reason Party), Andy Meddick (Animal Justice Party) and Rod Barton (Transport Matters Party), both incumbent and hopeful, must be numbered last on the ballot. They had their opportunity in the previous two-and-a-half years to ‘vote no confidence,’ and to denounce the Pandemic Bill, and to condemn the authoritarian excesses of Dan Andrews — yet, they all cowardly nodded, and dutifully abetted the criminal collapse of Victoria into the ‘World’s Longest Lockdown.’
It is not that a Coalition/Liberal government in Victoria would have necessarily been better, it is just that Labor was elected to parliamentary control; and it was Labor that decided Victoria’s hysterical pandemic response; and it was Labor under Dan Andrews’ that deliberately misled the gullible herd into pseudoscientific damnation.
Thus, a vote for Labor, and a vote for Andrews — is a vote for continued suffering, flagrant corruption, austerity and “virtuous” enslavement. It is a vote against creativity and the human spirit, against freedom and against humanity. It is a vote against the people of Victoria, and, ultimately, a vote for ‘The Great Reset’ and the manifold miseries it entails. It is a vote for Evil.
It is clear how one must vote: Labor, last.
Anything but more of the “virus.”
Anybody but Andrews.