Perrottet is to be commended for actually supporting 'common sense,' and advocating for 'personal individual responsibility' and ACTUALLY removing all QR codes and abolishing vaccine passports for those residing in NSW — thus, in retaliation, the Cabal of the New AbNormals are currently throwing a tantrum: hence the strategic illusion of 6000+ new daily "cases."
The PsyOp is such, that the people of NSW (and, by example, all Australians) must be MADE to "understand" the folly of prematurely celebrating freedoms for all; with emphasis placed on the "monumental error" of a reasonable State Premier whose leadership dared to allow the individual to finally lead.
Consecutive days of 6000+ are days of deliberate deception.
What we are currently witnessing in NSW is an attempt to scapegoat not only Perrottet, but each, and all who have resisted the imposed dictates and mandates essential to the marketing and realisation of the "Clinical Trial," and the emerging Biosecurity Fascist Corporatocracy it foreshadows.
Will 'granted freedom' be blamed for inevitably thieving freedoms once again? Will 'granted freedom' be the justification for ultimately reimposing stringent government control?
The question remains: was Perrottet's motivation always good, or was it merely supposed to appear "good" in service to advancing the overarching agenda?
The play seems to be set, but time will tell...