PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published February 23, 2022
The same legacy "news" agencies frantically reporting on "Russian belligerence," "imminent invasion," "the madness of Putin" — are the EXACT same professional liars that ladled endless slop into the yawning mouths of those only to willing to gulp the Pandemic-gruel in their slumber...
The Ukraine was surreptitiously "invaded" in 2014 when a US-backed coup ousted the democratically-elected government (during the Maiden) and installed a puppet regime inspired by real neo-Nazi ideology and perceived ethnic superiority...
...and then the para-military Azov Battalion (openly displaying Swastikas on their uniforms and equipment) sought to liquidate the "impure" Ukrainian inhabitants of the Donbass region (now deemed the two breakaway regions of the self-proclaimed People's Republic of Donetsk and the People’s Rupublic of Luhansk). 13,000 Ukrainians of Russian-ethnicity were "cleansed" before Russia was compelled to intervene and mediate a humanitarian ceasefire with the implementation of The Minsk Agreement of 2015.
Peace prevailed in the region. Russia were the Peacekeepers.
And things were mostly stable... but ever-precarious...
However, the Ukraine has spent the last 7-years receiving CIA black-funding, accumulating arms and training their forces to resume the genocide against the "impure" Ukrainian "Rebels" — and while Russia is defensively positioned on one side of the Separatist border, the Ukrainian army is offensively aligned and amassed along the other...
We are only informed of the presence of the one "invading" force, when the Ukrainian Government has been eager to literally invade and extirpate the Separatist region.
Presently, the Ukraine is merely a haplessly parasitised nation, a pathetic Western-proxy being sacrificed for geopolitical brinkmanship, potential warmongering and general global distraction and chaos.
The same Mockingbird-Media that now screeches "Russia, Russia, Russia!" induced a "pandemic psychosis" by daily blathering about the "deadly virus" that was invading everywhere — until we were eventually invaded by the marauding Vaccine Cartels.
Now, Russia, and all things Russian are the new daily "virus" and existential fear.
The Western Five-Eyes Nations have already shown that amongst their lockstep-leadership they are capable of executing inhumane policies upon their own populations. Ostensibly, under spurious self-allocated Emergency Powers, they deceptively fought a "virus" — while completely dismantling and trampling Human Rights. Alas, warfare abroad always results in warfare on the domestic homefront: inflation, shortages, austerity measures, social trauma and economic free fall... all under the auspices of a burgeoning Authoritarianism atmosphere.
Let us hope that many more will awaken to the Globalist's Deep State machinations; that they will turn their mouths sideways and refuse the endless ladle as they emerge from their somnambulant reverie — lest the media's relentless force-feeding causes them to finally choke in their sleep...