PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published June 26, 2021
Despite the Federal Government’s best attempts to obfuscate the reality of the clotting issue with the AstraZeneca vaccine, the truth prevailed, and the “sticky blood smokers excuse” failed to provide the counter propaganda that was so desperately sought.
AstraZeneca is now synonymous with thrombocytopenia (blood clotting). It was only ‘safe’ for those protected by a liability indemnity clause ‘and effective’ at damaging immunity, health and ultimately lives.
The ‘benefits’ of financial gain certainly ‘outweighed the risks’ for the AstraZeneca contract — so, they proceeded, unscrupulously, despite complete awareness that their rushed product could potentially maim and kill.
The ‘clotting issue’ was undoubtedly known from the beginning. The AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine featured a ‘full‐length codon‐optimised coding sequence of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein along with a tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) leader sequence.’ The tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) is a protein that specifically breaks down blood clots — it was added with absolute foreknowledge of its required purpose: to help counter a blood clotting issue. Thus, the health and lives of Australians were deliberately jeopardised to fulfil a Federal Government CEPI-brokered contract with AstraZeneca; to produce, and administer their experimental vaccine product despite the known potential of adverse reactions and mortality arising from lethal clotting.
It was purely business: investments needed to be recouped, and accounts balanced.
Each orchestrated Australian “outbreak” and associated lockdown period was intended to market the vaccine, either in advance of its availability (to psychologically prime the population to believe in the need) or to encourage uptake against general vaccine hesitancy (the recent lockdowns imposed after the vaccine was readily available).
It has all been a coercive medical experiment that is truly a Crime Against Humanity.
However, despite the announcement that, ‘it will be shelved for Australians’ (unless upon request) by October in preference for Moderna and Pfizer, it is truly ironic that this controversial, yet traditionally developed vaccine product, is actually the safest available on the market.
Indeed, it is with diabolical deception that a false distinction between what constitutes a safe, and unsafe product, has been made based solely on highlighting the clotting issues with AstraZeneca. Statistically, Pfizer and Moderna are causing many more clots (reportedly double) and complications and deaths. The fact that this is not commonly known, suggests that the older conventional vaccine technology supported by AstraZeneca is being deliberately made redundant (by allowing public scrutiny via media focus) to emphasise and facilitate the new unproven mRNA platform as seemingly safe.
It is not safe.
The mRNA technology, with hazardous nano-lipid particles that effectively transport destructive spike proteins beyond the injection site into ovaries and the spleen, causing untold damage; and loaded with bizarre nanotech, and other unknown nefarious additives — truly presents the greater danger to our species…
…and now our Government will be resolutely focused on offering this to Australians at the end of August when adequate supplies are finally available. The moment will surely be commemorated with another preplanned lockdown, to accompany yet another artificial “outbreak” — all of which will coincide perfectly with the general availability of the mRNA vaccines, and the need to celebrate their grand arrival with an aggressive marketing push.
Hopefully this time we collectively push back...