PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published January 26, 2022
As The Pharma-Conquerors continue their conquest: Australians passionately squabble and remain divided about "Invasion Day/Australia Day."
Many are outraged at the past, but remain incapable of determining the absolute inhumane policies being perpetrated in the present…
Focused outrage can change the present...
While many are being "culturally sensitive" to the historic plight of Indigenous Australians and labelling January 26th as "Invasion Day" — in such a context, it is only appropriate to also focus on the current plight of Indigenous Australians, as they are being forcefully removed from their communities, relocated to "camps" and coerced, bribed and tricked into taking "the COVID needle"... but that is seemingly okay, because this is a "good intervention," and a "necessary violation" of their bodily autonomy and freedom; because we White Folk know better, and we have what they need — even if they have expressed that they simply do not want what we are offering.
Alas, it is only "virtuous" to force them — "for their own good..." much like the days of old...
It is one thing to reflect upon the historic injustice of "Australia Day" — but where is the outrage as the Pharma Cartels continue to invade the bodies of all Australians, especially the vulnerable Indigenous Communities?
When our society's Hippocratic Oath has been inverted, and the blatant harm currently being caused is ignorantly celebrated by hypnotised hypocrites — we are all in a lot of trouble.
It is time to focus our collective outrage on the present, and oust the Colonialist Cartels.