PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published May 10, 2021
Two seemingly disconnected press releases occurred a few days ago, and although they may have initially appeared unrelated — one confirmed the reality of the other: the Australian Government plans to impose a “vaccine passport” system on all Australians.
It is not merely a ‘consideration.’
Tellingly, Scott Morrison alluded to the tentative possibility of a ‘vaccine passport’ that was being ‘considered;’ and there was also a separate announcement that Services Australia was going to redevelop their myGov online portal, with a $500 million overall that would include a $301.8 million ‘My Health Record upgrade.’
The plan was revealed: the envisioned ‘vaccine passport system’ will be synonymous with the forthcoming digital evolution of the My Health Record.
Nine News reported that Scott Morrison was 'open to the idea of "vaccine passports," and referenced his interview on 3AW: "I think that is the next step, but I do think that next step is some way away," Mr Morrison told 3AW.
"If you're fully vaccinated, that you would be able to travel, certainly around Australia, but maybe overseas, without the need for hotel quarantine."
However, Morrison attempted to present an ambivalent position, suggesting a measured approach that would be informed by 'more evidence ...that the shots protect against coronavirus transmissibility.'
It should be clear that there is no ambivalence, it is already well established that the experimental ‘shots do not protect against coronavirus transmissibility.’ The only true “consideration” for what the Australian Government intends to implement — is how to cunningly install the undesirable vaccine passport system without immediate public backlash.
Thus, the future infrastructure for a Technocratic-Medical Tyranny is currently being introduced in gradual increments to ensure public acceptance: the ever-so-slight upward adjustment of “temperature” akin to the proverbial ‘frog in boiling water’ strategy.
Moreover, the only reason for why “the next step is some way away” is because the digital infrastructure required to eventually mandate and impose a vaccine passport system currently requires a $300 million upgrade: ‘My Health’ will be a integrated passport resister that will be a record of your assumed sickness.
How sick!
It is intended that the ‘next wave’ of Australia’s online medical file, My Health Record: ‘will provide Australians with their COVID-19 test result and immunisation status. It will also allow Australians to receive alert notifications about their COVID-19 vaccinations and connect consumers.'
Why would anyone need to ‘receive alert notifications about their COVID-19 vaccinations,’ unless a future of constant booster shots for alleged “mutations,” and compelled annual vaccinations will be required to be a “passport ready citizen” — dutifully chipped, monitored and controlled for the “health of all” in their hellish New Normal Dystopia.
The envisioned upgrade to the My Health Record might be years away, so it is telling that the intent is to create a system that will absurdly provide ‘Australians with their COVID-19 test and immunisation status.’
It is undeniably absurd, because all this presupposes that a currently fading “pandemic” will be relevant months, and possibly years into a foreseeable future. It also reveals that the government absolutely intends that this will be the enduring reality — their New abNormal of everyday “pandemic.” Neither the PCR tests, nor the experimental vaccines actually do what they are purported to do: the fraudulent tests invariably fail to accurately determine whether anyone has the virus, and the vaccines impair health, maim and kill — all without preventing transmissibility of the virus, or providing immunisation.
It is all an incredibly anti-human dangerous farce.
Be aware, make others aware, and may we all collaborate in our shared awareness to make our government aware: No more virus propaganda, and absolutely no coercive vaccine passport system.
It is up to us all to dismantle tomorrow’s Evil, today.