BLACK-BAGGING THE MESSENGER: Facebook’s Algorithmic “Eraser" of Truth
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published February 23, 2021
Yesterday, a Facebook AI algorithm abruptly removed my opinion piece:
‘SUSPICIOUSLY TIMED “SNAP” LOCKDOWNS: The Simultaneously Faked Outbreaks in Victoria and New Zealand’
My account was also suspended for 24-hours.
I was arbitrarily accused of presenting a post that: ‘goes against Community Standards on misinformation that could cause physical harm.’
The information was factual and must have been right on point!
I have noticed a pattern. It seems that if a particular post is shared approximately 80 times in a relatively short period of time (shares versus time-relative filtering), an “algorithmic driftnet” automatically catches the active post, and then subjects it to an additional filtering analysis that effectively censors the spread of “undesirable” truth. This has happened to me twice, and in both instances, each post rapidly reached 80 shares, and then was somehow detected, and abruptly removed.
I objected through their automatic review process, and denied that it had gone against actual ‘Community Standards,’ yet the “review” remains pending.
Obviously, the basis for the censorship is nonsensical, and represents an intrusive overreach that brazenly strives to suppress truth under the guise of ‘minimalizing physical harm.’ How disingenuously emotive!
The only ‘harm prevented’ by censoring is to the Official Lie, the Essential Lie, the Big Lie, and that is the value and purpose of truth and knowledge — and that is what is feared.
Truthfully, the hysterical Progressive/Radical Leftist ideology that underscores and pervades this social media’s very core, is comprised of “Community Standards” that are an inversion and perversion of actual ethical, moral, and noble human ideals. It is founded on devilish untruths. That “Community” values all that is truly deceptive and anti-human, and delights in pseudoscience, vacuous virtue signalling and screaming “offensive!” to deflect and mask their own weak-willed lapse into self-loathing Hive Mindedness.
I do not share these ‘Community Standards,’ so, truthfully, Facebook was correct in suggesting that my post did indeed go against them.
It is apparent that we are all thrashing around in the bilious belly of The Beast; some measured; some frantic; and many somewhere in-between — but all nobly aspiring to change things from within, causing as much indigestion to this abomination as possible; while cunningly devising ways to co-exist in this maddening microbiome without being completely digested and excreted as waste…
…but it is now known that infinitesimally small microbes residing in the gut can relay and influence the neurotransmitters of the mind — and that is surely our purpose as we linger and endure and do all we can, while we can, to make this Beast retch and vomit the truth it so desperately attempts to swallow into oblivion.
So, here’s to all of us, the infinitesimally small microbes that we are!
Our purpose is immense!