CLUTCHING THIRTY PIECES OF SILVER: The Three MPs who Betrayed Victoria
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published March 3, 2021
‘You will know them by their fruits…’
Yesterday, beneath the unusually bleak complexion of an overcast autumnal sky, three cross-benchers negotiated a protracted hostage situation that could have liberated 6.3 million Victorians.
We were almost free.
These negotiators listened to the demands of the Terrorist, and expressed arbitrary demands of their own, before walking away — convinced of the necessity of the hostages remaining with their captor.
They sided with the Terrorist.
Fiona Patten (Reason Party), Samantha Ratnam (Greens) and Andy Meddick (Animal Justice Party) each contributed the deciding vote and gleefully weighted their hands with silver coins.
Each made a decision to bless the notorious Bludgeoner of Victoria with an additional nine-months of ‘State of Emergency’ legislation. Despite their justifications and proud proclamations that they had negotiated, and successfully received various concessions and reassurances from the Andrews’ Government — they truly won nothing for nobody; but lost everything for every single Victorian.
There is no reasonable justification for enabling the continuation of terrorism.
Victoria is in a state of emergency only because of the sadistic, disproportionate and totalitarian “pandemic” policies implemented by Premier Dan Andrews.
That was the emergency.
The true Virus is Authoritarianism. It has been isolated and recognised in the diseased psychology of Dan Andrews; and we have witnessed its contagious spread amongst the feckless Authoritarian followers who have empowered and emboldened the pathology of this psychopath.
The termination of Andrew’s ‘State of Emergency’ dictatorship would have dragged the despicable Tyrant from his ill-begotten pandemic-throne, and effectively ended all deceptive legal justification for enacting his tyrannical impulses. It would have heralded an end to his reckless and unscientific lockdown strategies. It would have thwarted the endless brutalisation of Victorians over media-propagated viral fabrications.
It could have ended yesterday. It should have ended yesterday.
An end to the ‘State of Emergency’ would have alleviated the perpetual sense of anxiety that dims the light of our future. It would have dissipated the stale oppression that looms, and threatens at a whim to ruthlessly suffocate once more.
We would have been able to remove the immune-inhibiting mandatory masks, and finally breathe easier. Pertinently, we would have restored a much-needed peace-of-mind for each traumatised Victorian still emerging from the devastating wickedness of irrational lockdowns and disorientating pandemic propaganda.
Unconditional optimism would have returned: hope.
These three black-hearted traitors stole this reality from us.
‘A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.’ - Matthew 7:18-20
Let us be sure to throw them in the fire.