CYBER POLYGON 2021: THE COMING CYBER “PANDEMIC”: How Promoting a Virus that Requires a Vaccine Passport will Eventually Lead to a Unique “Digital Citizenship” that will Grant Access to the Internet
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published May 12, 2021
The next phase of the “pandemic” plan has been revealed.
The recent ‘Colonial Pipeline ransomware cyber attack’ that sabotaged one of America’s most important gas pipelines, was another attempt to further “hack” our reality.
It was not the Russians.
It was most likely the same Technocratic-Transhumanist fascists who staged the pandemic — now setting the stage for their next instalment of tyranny: a cyber pandemic.
Stage One: Event 201: Coronavirus Pandemic — Totalitarian lockdowns and restrictions, Vaccine Passports, constant tracking.
Stage Two: Cyber Polygon 2021: Cyber Attack Pandemic — need for constant tracking forces the need for “chipping,” and a “Digital Citizenship” to remove online anonymity and ‘prevent cyber attacks.’
No more freedom of movement (Vaccine Passport); no more freedom of online expression (Digital Citizenship).
Utter enslavement.
They are certainly Schwabbing the deck before their next scheduled dreadnought attack…
World Economic Forum (WEF) founder, Klaus Schwab, has a way of anticipating monumental ‘shifts in reality.’ One could assume that Schwab and his fellow oligarchy degenerates have a means of accurately predicting world changing events — or rather, the necessary global-network for perpetrating, and imposing such realities.
Indeed, this chief architect of ‘The Great Reset,’ and undoubtedly one of the prominent masterminds responsible for foisting the “pandemic reality” upon humanity — recently warned of a coming “cyber pandemic” that would be worse than the current global crisis:
"We all know, but still pay insufficient attention, to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack that could bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber-attack.
To use the COVID19 crisis as a timely opportunity to reflect on the lessons the cyber-security community can draw and improve our unpreparedness for a potential cyber-pandemic."
- Klaus Schwab, July 2020
It is indisputable that Schwab has an uncanny record of predicting events yet to come.
It should also be indisputable that Schwab, and his cabal of Alpha-Predators, are directly responsible for such events.
Schwab's Davos Group collaborated on the hypothetical tabletop scenario of a ‘coronavirus pandemic,’ that just happened to presage the actual COVID-19 pandemic: Event 201. They strategized a template for a possible global pandemic response. Remarkably, it all just happened to unfold in real life in a direct mirroring of their Event 201 calculations. Extraordinary! They really could not have been better prepared…
…to monstrously unleash their innocent “role-played fiction” as a devastating real world fiction upon the unsuspecting masses.
It is therefore ominous that the same group that staged Event 201 before the World descended into virus pandemonium and tyranny — are now openly discussing and planning a similar “simulation” for July 2021, for a “cyber attack.”
Their forthcoming event will be titled: Cyber Polygon 2021 — and it does not bode well for the humanity. The WEF with Schwab at the helm, will be strategising a global response to ‘a targeted supply chain attack on a corporate ecosystem in real time.’
They believe (or rather, ultimately hope to orchestrate):
“A cyber attack with COVID-like characteristics would spread faster and farther than any biological virus” — World Economic Forum
And what might all this serve?
Well, on May 2nd, the World Economic Forum recently ran a Livestream with Interpol, Cloudflare, and a cybersecurity firm to discuss the upcoming ‘cyber pandemic agenda.’ Schwab was advocating for a Digital Citizenship for every single human wanting to access the internet.
The emerging plan is transparent: firstly, they stage a pandemic to introduce the necessity for authoritarianism, and endless health destroying vaccines, that will require a Vaccine Passport for people to interact and travel freely amongst society; as things evolve, this will eventually require a “nano-microchip” tracking device to be implanted to scan, track, and to allow everyday movement into all zones (retail, recreational, workplace etc.); this will ultimately permit you a unique Digital Citizenship to access the internet — with all of this designed to remove anonymity of all online users and to ostensibly counteract all “hackers” and the threat of “cyber security” violators.
Without being “chipped,” you will not have your current updated “vaccine passport,” and you will be denied access to the general network of an integrated 5G community (Society); unable to access your crypto bank account, and unable to login to the internet.
If you do not express the right opinion, and you do not choose to behave in accord with the expected government sanctioned conduct — you will be banned from all online access, and possibly have your Social Credit deducted and access to your crypto-Universal Basic Income restricted.
You will only be free to express what the government allows and expects.
It is all insidiously interconnected: Full Spectrum Dominance of the human species by such self-appointed Technocratic Overlords.
The next phase of their plan is coalescing…
If you can see it in advance, warn others in advance, as being forewarned with knowledge — is being forearmed.
It is time to take-up informational arms, and fight with the knowledge at mind and at hand!