DAN ANDREWS' $20,000 FIRST HOME BUYERS TAX: Stealing from the Struggling to Build Struggle Street
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published February 19, 2022
Imagine bankrupting Victoria, diminishing the economic prosperity of millions, and squandering the collective wealth of an entire state in service to marketing a lie (a protracted lockdown-siege to coerce uptake of an undesirable and questionable product) that ultimately achieved nothing other than to seed community sickness; impair general immunity; foster social division; and will result in rising inflation, a recession, and a looming economic collapse...
...and then, despite such mismanagement and malfeasance — you audaciously expect the struggling first home buyers who are emerging from this precarious and uncertain financial period to "denote" $20,000 (thieved from their loan or deposit) to 'social housing,' as if they should be rightfully burdened with a "virtue debt" for your disastrous leadership...
Socialist Scum!
POSTSCRIPT: Due to public backlash — this new tax was soon rescinded.