PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published March 9, 2021
The weight of his mendacious wickedness will eventually topple him completely, and there will be no end to his forthcoming fall into the karmic black pit...
But today's 'concerning fall' that resulted in the hospitalisation of Dan Andrews is undoubtedly symbolic...
Might it not be true that purposely bludgeoning the "ribs of society" to traumatise the "organs of state," while deliberately damaging the "proverbial backbone" of Victoria by callously facilitating a catastrophic "fall" that served to ruthlessly restrict mobility and personal freedom, crushing the individual "vertebrae" that support life and livelihood; all the while cruelly prolonging the period of collapse to maximise the collective pain that kept most people from getting up and moving on — all to advance your Shadowy Masters' New Normal agenda; well, might that not eventually reflect symbolically in the severe injuries sustained by the perpetrator?
Perhaps Victoria's skew-eyed hunchback will someday be triumphantly "dumped" and fondly remembered in a children's rhyme:
Hunchy Dumpty sat on China's Wall
Hunchy Dumpty had a great fall
All of Jinping's horses and all of Jinping's men
Couldn't put Hunchy together again.
POSTSCRIPT: Dan Andrews allegedly sustained serious injuries to multiple vertebra, and did not return to office for exactly 111-days: the exact number of days he ruthlessly locked-down Victoria during the first extensive lockdown of 2020. Many conspiracies still abound, and I have personally received information from multiple sources within Victorian Police that there were no stairs involved, but, rather, a severe physical beating inflicted as a repercussion of Dan Andrews having sexually assaulted a teenager related to the Billionaire Fox Family.