DAN ANDREWS: Unravelling!
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published May 3, 2022
NOTE: The unflattering press conference footage referenced below revealed a clearly drug-addled Dan Andrews, inebriated, coke-fuelled, and seedy — with eyes agog and rolling, and face twitching and contorting as his tongue flicked around his lips (the impulsive cocaine “dry mouth lick.”)
As the mask of sanity slips...
Behind a recent press conference, the once smug and irreproachable Dan Andrews is clearly struggling to maintain a professional facade of "business as usual."
He is evidently unravelling like the narrative of 'safe and effective' he criminally promulgated to the masses.
Much like a famous drug-addled Adolf in his final bunker days, it would seem that our very own authoritarian sadist is fiendishly awash in alcoholism and cocaine as his blackened soul seeks to numb all awareness of the inevitable...
The omnipresence of ambulance sirens in the suburbs cannot be dismissed.
People are talking, and they talk of the recently injured and those loved-ones that unexpectedly departed too soon.
They surely know the cause, and they certainly know the cause of the cause: Andrews.
The dead, and the dying will need to be publicly avenged, and the accumulating wrath of the bereaved will seek vengeance.
Victorians will require a sacrificial scapegoat for what has unfolded, and shall tragically unfold during the approaching winter — and in Dan Andrews, they certainly have their man.
And he knows.