DAN ANDREWS: "What I was sent to do"
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published October 20, 2021
In a bizarre announcement, reminiscent of George W Bush's grandiose declaration that "God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq" (before invading Iraq, butchering civilians and unleashing endless hell) — Dan Andrews declared that he "was sent" to deliver Victoria out of the pandemic.
Who exactly "sent" you Andrews?
"I’ll tell you what I care about, and what I was sent to do and that is to get the place open, get the place vaccinated, create jobs, set us up next year, have a summer filled with those precious things like connecting with family,” he said.
He has closed "the place" longer than anywhere else in the world; ended jobs, diminished livelihoods and ruined collective health and restricted future employment; and has certainly "set us up" for another "boosted" season "next year" of inevitable lockdown due to syringe-propagated disease and impaired immunity by reckless vaccination.
All that he has done — he has done to strategically destroy: perpetuating the lie of the virus to market the "cure" to the pincushion-gullible and the embittered coerced.
Clearly, it was not God who sent you, because you devoutly believe that Victoria is "secular;" but, you were undeniably "chosen" and certainly assigned the task of incrementally dismantling what was once "The World's Most Liveable City" into a fragmented wasteland of apartheid disconnect.
You were sent to do this.
Indeed, you have performed wonderfully for the Shadow Puppeteers with your exemplary puppetry — the blackmail material they have on you must be truly sordid, inhuman and utterly unconscionable.
You were sent by god, the same god that spoke to Bush, actually the gods Mammon and Moloch, and you will eventually be banished to the sulphuric realms from whence your wretched soul first writhed and chose its blackened destiny.
What you have done — will send you back to Hell a celebrated hero: "The most hated man in Victoria's history."