DID VICTORIA REALLY BEAT DELTA TWICE?: Beaten Down the Beaten Lockdown Path
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published July 30, 2021
Ah, the idiotic bravado of Dan Andrews and his lie that Victoria has achieved the remarkable feat of "beating a Delta outbreak TWICE."
There was no outbreak to beat: not the first time, and certainly not the second.
We were all locked-down, and then we were all taken out of lockdown-by-design according to a predetermined timeline — to psychologically beat us down, and to break us down.
And they will do it again, and again, and again — until will ALL say, "Not again, never again!"
Andrew's self-congratulatory claim has been made to validate and justify his decision to "snap-lockdown" 6.7 million Victorians on a flimsy whim. In truth, it was never his decision — it was decided for him, and he just executed it as part of the National Vaccine Marketing push.
In contrast, the initial "lockdown hesitancy" of Gladys over the NSW "outbreak" has now been "made an example of" by the current totalitarian terrorisation campaign.
Perhaps, this was always the intended outcome?
Indeed, is this now the "lesson learned" that will ensure that all future "outbreaks" will be met with a "last resort" first response of disproportionate restrictions and an immediate snap lockdown? Must we all now automatically expect to lock-down over a few fictitious cases, and illogically crunch the cogs of commerce and life itself — each, and every time, that the media signals new "cases?"
Lockdowns are an obvious terrorisation tactic for vaccine coercion and projected social reformation (The Great Reset, and all that that entails), and they ultimately destroy livelihoods and lives — they do not "save lives." They should never be resorted to — let alone as a first resort that has been justified as a "last resort."
In truth, both recent Delta "outbreaks" in Victoria only ever broke out in the media, were controlled by the media, and were eventually brought to an end by the media.
Our media always seems to have an uncanny insight into when a lockdown looms, when a lockdown will be extended, and when a lockdown will end.
Indeed, the mainstream media and our government are now a single entity, a symbiosis, a true fusion of manipulative intent and malicious purpose.
There was no objective real-world basis for the imposition of any of the recent government mandates, restrictions, or lockdowns (there probably never has been) — as the "Delta variant threat” truly did not exist beyond the radio, newspaper, smartphone newsfeed, and the programmed signalling of the television.
It truly does not exist for those whose minds are no longer susceptible to the program — having ceased to behave as either a receiver, or a transmitter of the agenda.
It has all been an obvious exaggeration, and largely a hoax, to many, for some time.
It is now time to help others turn off, and to tune out of the insidious media "signalling” — we must change the current "program," and work together to properly understand our predicament, and to restore a future that is free from government overreach.
Let us continue to each individually emit our signal of truth, as we all collectively contribute to the necessary counter-programming to the broadcast Lie.
May our efforts help us all to get off the beaten lockdown path... and to graciously show others the way.