THE ROARING 20s: Days of twenty-something fake cases
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published August 17, 2021
"The Roaring 20s" before the inevitable narrative collapse.
The sheer desperation of the Demons is truly palpable — their current play is ever more transparent, and lacking the former finesse of earlier cunning.
The tired illusion is no longer sustainable and it is faltering.
They are panicking, and in their panic they are miscalculating their former strengths (and the general goodwill that was naively offered when things seemed more cogent and plausible)— and many more are being jarred awake to the utter absurdity and the obvious artificiality of the "pandemic reality."
What arrogance to believe they could replay the exact same lockdown narrative of doom — curfew and all!
No real virus infects in a predictable pattern — days of consecutive 20s is simply not possible; however, the virus of Authoritarianism and the authoritarian minds it infects will always conform to a predictable pattern: evil.
When the majority of Victorians finally realise that their Government has imposed a siege upon them — not to protect, but with the strategic purpose of starving their will to resist Pharma Occupation: all this will end!