PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published October 11, 2020
One is often invited to go down the proverbial “rabbit hole.”
However, since we are truly in a darkened warren, with labyrinthine tunnels intentionally leading us everywhere but out — I would like to extend an invitation to all who might like to navigate to the light beyond:
Let us aspire to exit the “rabbit hole!”
Sure, we must take heed against rushing toward any old “light” that might be ringed with a snare — but may we bound ever upwards, rather than downward; for it is with courage and discernment that we can outsmart the cunning ferrets and the hunter’s nets; avoid the allure of laced-carrots and the clubs of amoral thugs; and evade the Blood Suckers and their myxomatosis cure.
With a defiant hop forward, may we seek to emerge from the disorientating darkness and see the “pandemic” reality as objectively as possible.
To those who are able, you must repeat the journey, exiting and re-entering, and leading out as many as possible. The twisted warren is fated to collapse.
Once above and upon the luminous surface, looking at it all in the light of reason, accessing the facts and acknowledging their inherent truth — it will all appear to disappear, and one has to wonder: have we had a pandemic at all?
Life is us, and we must choose life.
Hop this way, we are headed upward and out…