PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published March 9 & 13, 2021
Tonight, Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt has been suspiciously admitted to hospital. Hunt has overseen the co-ordination of Australia’s medical response to the coronavirus pandemic, and is foremost in promoting the National Vaccination Program.
He was amongst the first Australians to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine two days ago during a televised official launch.
Supposedly, he was hospitalized with a mysterious ‘infection,’ and will be ‘observed overnight while on antibiotics and fluid,’ and ‘is expected to make a full recovery.’
According to a statement released by his office, the ‘infection is not considered related to the vaccine.’
However, many formerly healthy individuals have been similarly hospitalised, suffering adverse effects, unable to work and requiring medical care; while some have actually died as a direct result of the AstraZeneca vaccine.
In launching the vaccine, the athletic 55-year-old Mr Hunt said getting the shot was about "the gift of being able to protect somebody else's life… particularly our elderly".
It would be a wicked irony if he has unwittingly endangered his own life with his televised gift-to-self.
Surely, Hunt opted for the ‘saline solution’ decoy syringe, rather than the actual experimental vaccine product?
Or perhaps his hubris has resulted in him being utterly indoctrinated by the idea of pharmaceutical miracles for imagined pandemics for obscene profit margins — that he was truly none the wiser: a victim of the inevitable nemesis?
In which case, Brian Aldiss’ famously brief definition of science fiction: ‘Hubris clobbered by Nemesis,’ or rather, wishful thinking arrogance colliding with hard reality — may best describe the narrative Greg Hunt has bumbled into.
MARCH 13: Update
TAKING A JAB AT THE TRUTH: Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt Hospitalised with Cellulitis
Two days after his jab, our Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt was hospitalised with the super-infection, cellulitis.
The likelihood of this being merely coincidental is highly unlikely.
Despite the persistent denials from official sources that the hospitalisation for his “infection” was not related to his recent AstraZeneca jab — it most certainly was.
One should be sceptical of the publicised reports that the infection site was his leg, and recognise that any public admission that it might correspond with the injection site (upper arm) would establish causation, trigger community alarm, and absolutely undermine the vaccination campaign he publicly represents.
The truth is forbidden.
The media reports are artfully circumnavigating around the obvious: ‘The infection occurs when bacteria, such as staph, enters through the skin. It could be as simple as a cut, scratch or insect bite, or a pre-existing skin condition like eczema or psoriasis.’
Quite simply — it obviously entered through a syringe needle puncturing his skin.
The super infection, cellulitis, has been documented and generally occurs 48-hours after getting the vaccine, which perfectly correlates with the timeframe in which Greg Hunt required hospitalisation after his AstraZeneca ‘televised jab’ propaganda launch.
The cellulitis infection is a recognised AstraZeneca side effect, and can be found referenced at: https://lvmsystems.com/download/Adult-OH-COVID-19-Vaccine-Questions-and-Reactions-2021-01-03.pdf (NOTE: URL since removed)
‘Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Vaccine Questions and Reactions’ [1] Redness or red streak around the injection site AND [2] started > 48 hours after getting vaccine (Exception: red area < 1 inch or 2.5 cm wide)
R/O: bacterial superinfection, cellulitis’
During the AstraZeneca trials (see heading, AstraZeneca: https://medshadow.org/covid19-vaccine-side-effects/) it was reported that:
‘Nearly half of patients also experienced temporary neutropenia — a reduction in white blood cells that can make a person more susceptible to infections.’
Astoundingly, all the corroborative evidence suggests that Greg Hunt was actually dumb enough to receive the genuine AstraZeneca experiment. A salesman truly unaware of what he is selling — ignorantly sampling his own product to his detriment.
How ‘safe and effective’ is it now, Mr Hunt?