FIONA PATTEN: The “Reason” Victoria is Currently in Lockdown
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published August 11, 2021
The Reason Party’s Fiona Patten is an undeniable reprobate.
Her decisive parliamentary vote on March 2 (along with fellow charlatanic imbeciles, Samantha Ratnam: The Greens; and Andy Meddick: Animal Justice Party) enabled Premier Dan Andrews to secure an additional nine months of State of Emergency lockdown powers. Her crucial vote literally condemned our state to tyranny and ruin. Victoria is currently in an endless cycle of catastrophic lockdowns because Patten negotiated ‘an open brothel deal,’ and negotiated additional ‘injection rooms’ to secure her black-hearted vote.
Having frolicked with debauched demons, she celebrates the Hell that they choose, and recognises and encourages her own.
Hardened in sin, and truly a hollowed husk of a former human; this She-devil evidently bartered her mind, body, and soul for ill-begotten hedonistic delights; a false political title; and a chance to showcase her serpent pride. She is unapologetically vile, and relishes all attempts to usurp human decency as she unabashedly blasphemes against the Light of Life. She is the antithesis of hope, truth and beauty; deceptively proclaiming to represent “reason,” while fiendishly advancing poisoned ideas that are seeped in nihilistic rot.
She is not merely against any imagined, or real concept of God or associated religion — she is fundamentally antihuman, a proponent of wickedness and an enemy of the people of Victoria: a Destroyer.
Today, Fiona Patten presented a video in which she stood outside a church. With a forked-tongue enunciating her condescending words, she smugly implored Melbournians to mark ‘No religion’ on the census form.
“Do you come here often? Are you religious? I mean, do you come to church? Do you regularly think about religion? Because that is what we are asking on the census. If you’re not religious, then mark ‘No religion’ on the census this Tuesday night.”
Irrespective of one’s religion, and whether they would have ordinarily chosen to attend a religious gathering in a place of worship — all Victorian citizens have not been able to go to a church, synagogue or a mosque, because this wretch-of-a-woman ensured that they would remain closed.
Worshipers of all denominations have not been able to visit their place of worship at all, let alone often, over most of the last 17 months.
It is simply despicable that Patten should produce such a video gloating over her accomplishment: she made this bleak reality possible for many.
Meanwhile, this satanic bride has continued her devoted worship at the Sacrificial Black Altar — may she ultimately receive all that she deserves for her unwavering contribution to perpetuating human misery.
Patten is unequivocally the worst of us; but she has attained an unmistakable elevation amongst the hierarchy of Fiends. Hell will someday receive you warmly, Fiona — may you burn eternal for your lack of human warmth.