PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published July 15, 2021
"Fleeting transmission" was so fleeting last time because it was exposed as a lie.
'We're back in the world of fleeting transmission,' Weimar said, but surely he is actually meaning the bizarro COVID Clown World?
"Fleeting transmission" (aka 'fleeting contacts') was first attempted in the fourth Victorian lockdown as a novel fear tactic associated with the discovery of the first Indian double-mutant variant: Kappa. However, when the two "fleeting contacts" were embarrassingly exposed as verifiably 'false positives' (which almost all "positives" have been from the deliberately abused PCR test methodology), the government's new narrative shifted jarringly to focus on the uncanny emergence of a SECOND Indian variant.
Thus, the very next day, the Indian Delta double-mutant variant was conveniently "discovered" (the first instance in Australia), giving rise to the lie of 'it is now infecting children,' and extending the Victorian lockdown by a week — it would now be the sole "virus terror" for Australians.
The "Kappa PsyOp" that was only briefly an 'absolute beast moving faster than anything seen before,' was hastily abandoned. It had moved so fast that it was now an invisible blur. It had been utterly debunked, as it had been revealed as an unsalvageable farce; and thus, a new distraction (Delta) was forcefully implanted into a gullible public mind that remains ever-drooling behind the retina-flickering of its television hypnosis.
There was no "fleeting contact."
There were only "false positives" produced by a testing methodology that has been criminally calibrated to produce a scientifically inaccurate "viral molecule."
And they had been caught.
There was assumedly no Kappa (the actual reason for the lockdown), or at least the idea of Kappa was no longer necessary, as damage control now demanded that another virus excuse was required to justify all associated restrictions.
The PCR deception has been the essential component that has protracted and sustained the Pandemic Illusion — and it continues to be.
And now, SS COVID-19 Commander Weimar has announced that we are 'back in that world' of a previously exposed lie.
We never left — the clown cars are haphazardly parked everywhere as an impossible number of clowns make a dramatic exist from each impossible vehicle.