HALF A MILLION MARCHED AGAINST DAN ANDREWS: 4-to-5 Million Victorians are Opposed to his Government!
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published November 22, 2021
The majority SEE you now!
Approximately 350,000 to 500,000 Victorians recently marched in solidarity against the machinations of a tyrannical Premier. We oppose his Globalist vision for a Medical Apartheid economy of endless human enslavement that would be guaranteed by the passing of his permanent Pandemic Bill.
The general rule is that for every one protestor present — there are ten that are supportive, and aligned with the protest movement but are unable, or unwilling to attend.
Perhaps, more Victorians were motivated to be part of the World Wide Rally for Freedom (given the local issue with the insidious Pandemic Bill legislation) than the typical 1:10 ratio of support — but, it could be assumed that perhaps 4-5 million Victorians are currently opposed to Premier Dan Andrews and all that he embodies, and has ruthlessly unleashed upon us.
The vast majority of 6.4 million Victorians want Andrews gone.
Andrews is the cancer that has metastasised in the collective body and psyche of all Victorians — and now we want the obvious malignancy treated, and completely excised so that we can finally heal.
And we will heal, once his psychopathy has been brought to heel, and royally booted!