HALTON HEARS A WHO! Australia’s Jane Halton IS Our “Pandemic"
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published November 3, 2020
Jane Halton is truly Australia’s “pandemic” elephant in the room.
Unlike Horton, the affable guardian elephant of Dr Seuss’s ‘Horton Hears a Who!’, the ‘WHO’ that Jane Halton hears is no mere ‘speck of dust’ mysteriously hosting the population of Whoville and an entire planet. Indeed, her WHOville excels in diminishing the value of a human life to that of a speck of dust, and certainly has designs on our whole planet. We haplessly host Halton’s WHOville — as it parasitically sustains and engorges itself on all of us.
Sweet-natured Horton embarked on a treacherous adventure to protect his Whoville from evil animals determined to steal and burn his “speck of dust.” Conversely, Jane Halton is one of the evil animals, treacherously advancing her WHOville’s transhuman global agenda that ultimately aspires to steal and burn our familiar world: ‘a person is a person no matter how small,’ only matters in as far as 'a person' can be exploited, controlled and commodified.
WHOville has her ear, and she is their devout mouthpiece, protector and project implementer.
Comprising the interconnected WHO of WHOville are all the prominent misanthropic enterprises and organizations of human domination. Foremost, in this context, is the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the pharmaceutical empire it symbiotically sustains; the Hell-gates of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; the ever-syphoning World Bank & International Monetary Fund (IMF); the shadowy Davos-Globalist Technocratic transhumanists who envision a perverse Marxist-dystopia of Full Spectrum Dominance (The Great Reset); and The United Nations and their implicit aspiration of a One World Government homogenising all formerly sovereign nations into a mono-mongrelised governed uniformity.
These are the vile voices of WHOville — and they speak in unison. This is what Jane Halton hears, and she has exceptional hearing.
WHOville speaks favourably of Jane Halton, and speaks to her often. She was a distinguished participant at Event 201: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s sponsored ‘Coronavirus Pandemic Role-play.’ WHOville selected the talented Halton as one of only ‘15 global business, government, and public health leaders’ invited to partake as a ‘player.’ It is undeniable that WHOville values her formidable listening skills.
Uncanny in its foreshadowing, and suggestive of implicating foreknowledge — Event 201 took place in New York, on October 2019 (before the Chinese emergence of COVID-19 in December), and involved a ‘3.5-hour tabletop exercise’ that simulated a hypothetical outbreak of ‘a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic.’ The ‘players’ devised strategic ways to counter and contain the “imagined” pandemic outbreak, and it was essentially a rehearsal for the COVID-19 reality of ‘COVID Normal:’ lockdowns, restrictions, information suppression, propaganda and narrative control — all in anticipation of an imminent global vaccination campaign that would permit the permanent installation of a Medical Tyranny.
Halton, as usual, was all ears.
WHOville had acknowledged Halton’s former role amongst the Executive Board of the World Health Organisation (2004-2007), and the fact that she had been the former head of the Australian Department of Health, and in 2018 appointed her as the Chair of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). This international Board established in Davos in 2017 is comprised of 12 global seats, with the Australian “good listener” entrusted with ‘setting and implementing the coalitions direction and strategy.’
CEPI is a Gates-inspired-and-funded ‘international fund and think-tank.’ It essentially markets and secures the capital to finance the production and distribution of vaccines; brokering advanced deals with targeted countries to ensure profitability for the vaccine manufactures. CEPI strives to establish the necessary groundwork for maximum market receptivity and exposure. The coalition does not concern itself with health, but rather, insidiously capitalises on perceived viral hysteria, and is primarily motivated to oversee that production investments are recouped and amplified. CEPI is essentially a vampiric profit-engine of plunder and exploitation.
In an astounding conflict of interest, and despite being both a compromised spruiker for CEPI and a traitorous gate-opener for the marauding Gates, Halton was given a prominent position on Australia’s ‘National COVID-19 Commission Advisory Board.’ Given her conspicuous and numerous affiliations with the various tentacled appendages of the Monolithic Vaccine Leviathan, it was inevitable that she would guide and attach the voracious leeching-maw to gorge itself on Australia.
Commanding compliance from her CEPI Throne, Halton effectively ensnared Australia, and all unwitting Australians, in a preliminary contract that looted 333-million taxpayers’ dollars. She directly influenced Australia’s Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, who treasonously committed Australia to a CEPI-brokered advanced deal with AstraZeneca in June 2020. A ‘Letter of Intent’ was later inked with AstraZeneca in August that further committed Australia to a 1.7 billion-dollar ‘supply and production agreement for COVID-19 vaccines.’
Once a “deal” was brokered, Morrison was compelled to ensure that Australia would adhere to CEPI’s ‘Advance Marketing Commitment’ with AstraZeneca. This required Australia to “market” the idea and emphasise the necessity of a forthcoming COVID-19 vaccine to a largely disinterested and wary populace.
Although the mild “pandemic” was essentially finished in June, it needed to be deceptively prolonged and propagandised as ‘wicked,’ ‘deadly,’ ‘non-discriminating’ and a national problem that required a pharmaceutical-syringe solution. This was immensely problematic and ultimately fraudulent, but AstraZeneca demanded dedication to its vaccine vision and capital interests. The Gates of Hell had been opened. An isolated scapegoat state was chosen: Victoria. The colluding World Bank and IMF had “offered” Australia a financial “incentive” in the form of a poisoned ‘COVID Relief Aid Package,’ temporarily placating the inconvenienced population with a welfare bribe (Jobkeeper, Jobseeker Coronavirus Supplement), while cunningly facilitating the envisioned future debt collapse.
Victoria’s staged “second wave” was merely an artificial extension of the “pandemic” to keep the illusion of a “viral crisis” relevant to all Australians. This was the smoke-and-mirrors of the necessary ‘Advance Marketing Commitment.’ The proposed solution to exiting this immensely disruptive ‘COVID Normal,’ would be for the traumatised masses to acquiesce to the forthcoming “normalising” vaccine.
Having been the former Secretary of the Australian Department of Finance and Health, and currently on the National Advisory Board for COVID-19, and Chair of CEPI — Halton was in a privileged position to sidle-up and whisper directly into Scott Morison’s ear, relaying the binding command as decreed by WHOville: “Your people will be sacrificed to AstraZeneca, make it happen!”
Jane Halton is the embodiment of supreme elitist criminality. Unwavering in her dedication to the damnation of the human species, she is another species entirely: a psychopath, and she is allied with her depraved kind. Halton is absolutely complicit with the zealous anti-human pursuits of Bill Gates, who is undeniably both the foundation and the cornerstone that forms the infernal archway comprised by WHO, CEPI, AstraZeneca and all aspects of COVID-19: the Hell Gates opening on our world.
Halton is a prime enemy of the Australian people. She is a black-hearted despiser of humanity, and one who is positioned at the very apex of unelected decision-making and influence. Indeed, Halton occupies a tier of influence above Australia’s Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, and has undeniably green-lit the totalitarian fervour of Premier Dan Andrews' “second wave” Police State. Her malignancy needs to be sliced from the governing body of Australia. Her ilk are cancerous to the vitality and lives of all, and her immense influence on Australia’s COVID response reveals her active role and prominence in orchestrating the Vaccine Agenda for all Australians.
All current talk of a ‘COVID Normal,’ until the arrival of a vaccine that will be ‘as mandatory as possible,’ is the WHOville talk that was heard by Jane Halton — and now we are all forced to hear it. We do not have to listen.
She operates largely outside the light of public scrutiny, a ghoulish shadow lurker, dictating “health” policy and brokering and ushering mandatory vaccines. It is imperative that she is hauled from her accursed crevice, exposed, and burned triumphantly in the light of retribution.
Australians have collectively suffered a "pandemic," all because:
Halton hears a WHO!