HOW COME NO ONE IS ASKING THIS QUESTION? Why Crossbenchers who Drafted the 'Pandemic Management Bill' are also Voting on it?
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published November 17, 2021
Victorian Parliament will reconvene to debate the Pandemic Management Bill at 9:30am…
The arrogance of Andrews is second only to how audacious and transparently calculating he truly is. In March, foreseeing the unlikelihood of his State of Emergency powers being continued beyond the nine months that was secured in February (ending in December) — he sought to guarantee a continuation of tyranny in the form of permanent pandemic legislation (the current Pandemic Management Bill) to effectively rule by executive decree, evermore.
Given that Andrews was well apprised of the long game necessary to implement the “New Normal agenda” for Victoria, he certainly knew that he needed to pre-emptively draft the necessary legislation that would enable him to ultimately quash all opposition, suppress the people, and to assume Supreme Leadership once it was successfully passed. He was also aware that the allocation of such unchallenged power would be difficult to secure, given that his objective in the intermediary period was to collapse Victoria into a Police State, and to criminally mandate dangerous vaccines in an envisioned Medical Apartheid. Such legislation would not be easily granted, as the collective trauma of his disproportionate and destructive policies would neither be publicly blessed, nor forgiven — so, he sought to ensure that he had a “fix” in place: his ever-dependable, silver-coin-clutching Crossbenchers.
With revealing foresight and guile, he secretly sought the collaborative “contribution” of the crucial Crossbenchers in March: Fiona Patten (Reason Party), Andy Meddick (Animal Justice Party) and Samantha Ratnam (Greens). They were strategically invited to help draft the current draconian legislation — and thus, they would be guaranteed to vote in favour, irrespective of the overwhelming calls to oppose. He had effectively secured their vote for the Bill — they could not be impartial. Indeed, they were co-architects of the potential horrors made permissible within the legislation; egotistically invested and undoubtedly bribed, and unlikely to defect.
Andrews would need them as the decisive vote, as he had previously required them on each occasion in which controversial SoE powers were sought (or when he needed votes to shutdown Parliament to avoid scrutiny — as he subjected Victorians to his 11-week lockdown-siege to market the vaccine by coercion). These three Crossbenchers betrayed all Victorians and gave Andrews the very power to mandate and mutilate our economy and morale: the rise of Andrews was the only emergency in the state they truly endorsed.
Now, the question remains — why should the potentially decisive vote come down to the very treasonous Crossbenchers who helped draft the authoritarian Pandemic Management Bill? Surely, given their direct contribution and involvement throughout the drafting process — they should be denied a vote, as any such vote will always be in favour of approving the appalling legislation that they have conspired to compose
Why is nobody asking this question?
It is a criminal conspiracy for all to see — and should bring it all undone!
May this atrocious Bill be killed! The PEOPLE are coming!