HOW IS THIS OKAY? The Unvaccinated Prevented from Working
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published March 19, 2022
The sun is shinning, the World's troubles seem so far, yet, perhaps, closer than they may first appear; and for many, life in Victoria is seemingly returning to pre-pandemic normal — however, there are 100,000s of Victorians that are still not permitted to earn an income in their home state, forced out of their former jobs, dismissed and discriminated against for their unwillingness to submit to a suspicious Medical Experiment.
How is this okay?
And the government is still waging a war-of-attrition against them — strangling their financial prosperity and stability in an assault on their freewill choice as they are excluded from the economy: a Human Rights Abuse; a crime.
How is this okay?
Many of the "resistant" have directly witnessed family members and friends now seriously harmed and permanently maimed by their naive eagerness, or the outright coercion that the government inflicted to ensure that they dutifully "bared arms" in a staged war against a virus, and now they suffer in the aftermath of the hysteria.
How is this okay?
There is a war being fought on the people of Victoria, and it is being fought still...
The sun is not shining for many....
How is this okay?