IN DEFENCE OF PETE EVANS: Cancel-Culture, and the True Fascist Ambitions of The Radical Left “Nazi Hunters"
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published November 28, 2020
Pete Evans is neither a neo-Nazi, nor one who would ever endorse white supremacy.
Having first infiltrated the public awareness as a Celebrity Chef on My Kitchen Rules, he artfully subverted his defined “media persona,” and transmuted his superficial fame into a purposeful altruistic vision: celebrity chef; author; entrepreneur; influencer; counter-cultural educator; inspiration and tireless warrior for truth. Evans’ holistic framing of reality, questing for obscured truths, and a general refusal to hum along with the drone of mainstream mindlessness is commendable. He is a passionate and vibrant individual, empathic, infinitely curious, and a purveyor of what he sincerely believes to be of benefit to others.
To judge Evans on the trajectory of his illustrious career, the sum of his efforts and achievements are inherently good. The sphere of his cultural influence is overwhelmingly positive, while his public personality has the compelling quality of being equal parts humble and extraordinarily ambitious. His career aspirations have been underscored by compassion, conscientiousness and sincerity; and unlike many who are similarly elevated by media saturation and television glow — he has uniquely exploited his celebrity and redirected the spotlight to illuminate darkness and to serve others.
Pete Evans has exposed many to revolutionary dietary information by promoting Paleo and Ketogenic diets; and although his controversial vaccine scepticism is questionable to some, it is admired and embraced by many. The vaccine “science” is not absolute. It is undeniable that Big Pharma has always been an unscrupulous racket. To defiantly stand before this particular Devil when instructed to genuflect is a revolutionary act. Medical research and data are always evolving, and an open approach to dialogue on vaccine efficacy and safety is essential, and preferable to blind faith. If one is unable to “see,” perhaps it is best not to aspire to gouge and poke the eyes of others. This should be evident, but many have been propagandized to hold the opposite view, and they reflexively react with the programmed fury of a zealot — and go straight for the eyes.
Evans has succeeded without the usual plastic-virtue of “accepted” celebrity pontificating. Handsome, marketable and formerly beloved of the fickle Leftist media, he flipped the proverbial script and became “problematic.” This was his prerogative: his freewill, manifest. Lazy labels of ‘conspiracy theorist’ and ‘dangerous’ are idiotic, and advanced by those invested in low-information opinions. Indeed, Evans is a proponent of critical thinking and has emerged as a distinct anomaly in this regard: an individual. It is this resilient individualism that has been so jarring for his Leftist cult-minded detractors. Amongst those ideologically led and governed, there can be no other leader, and prominent self-governing individuals of influence are feared and despised. Thus, the Left bided their time, anticipating a “slip-up,” and eventually seized upon a satirical meme (innocently posted to social media) in an endeavour to desecrate and vandalise his career.
The offensive cartoon meme, allegedly shared on other far-right platforms (a dubious claim, for it is undeniably a Leftist cartoon, drawn by a Leftist to lampoon Trump supporters — a fact strangely overlooked by hysterical critics, but glaringly apparent), features a caterpillar wearing a red MAGA hat (Make America Great Again) seated at a table adjacent to a butterfly displaying a prominent ‘Black Sun’ neo-Nazi/satanic occult symbol on its wing.
The caterpillar, with drink in hand, laments, “You’ve changed” to which the butterfly ominously replies, “We’re supposed to.” The satirical suggestion is that the immature form (the caterpillar) of the MAGA wearing Trump supporter, is merely the latent potentiality of far-right fascism yet to ‘develop its wings.’ The butterfly is the imago (the mature form), the ultimate outcome — the neo-Nazi. The inescapable connotation is that the MAGA caterpillar and the neo-Nazi butterfly are in essence one and the same. The implication is that the naïve and ignorant Trump supporter is ultimately a neo-Nazi on an extrapolated timeline.
Ironically, this “offensive meme” is actually an anti-Trump cartoon undoubtedly created by a Leftist artist. Its sole purpose is to denounce the MAGA movement as naïve future neo-Nazis. Trump is of course Hitler. There is nothing vague about this. It represents the irrational teeth-gnashing-spittle-flecking-hatred the Left have toward Trump and his supporters. It does not represent a glorification of neo-Nazi hatred, or a celebration of white supremacy; and any decision to share such a cartoon would fall under one of two distinct motivations: to supportively express a shared hatred for Trump and MAGA, or to reflect and marvel at the sort of Leftist mind that holds this warped-bubble-interpretation of reality. This is apparent. It is not cryptic and open to multiple interpretations.
If an anti-Trump celebrity had posted this meme, it would have been shared, ‘liked’, ‘laughed’, ‘hearted’ and re-posted with a smugly vicious and self-assured knowing. Therein, lies the illogical hypocrisy of the Left’s marauding ‘cancel-culture.’ The stupendous swarm-minded idiocy of their overreaction is fuelled by irrationalism, and exists only as seen through their biased political filter. This filter enables an “imagining” of an irredeemable offence (where there truly is none), and the resulting emotional outrage demands to be appeased. This is what comprises the ideologically motived ‘cancel-culture’ — an expression of true fascism embraced and pursued by the Left. To vilify, and gleefully dismantle Pete Evans’ career by nullifying his endorsements and contracts with the bludgeoning of their ‘cancel-culture,’ is truly tantamount to behaving like the fascists they supposedly abhor. In looking to “cancel” imagined fascists, they have become actual fascists: censor, erase, suppress. What they believe they are “stomping out,” is an act actually performed by an alarming jackboot goose-step of their own.
Given all the available contextualization and a discernable timeline of practiced concern for the wellbeing of others, to suggest that Pete Evans is a ‘neo-Nazi sympathizer’ is utterly absurd. Yet, that is the unanimous mob-verdict of the Leftist-Cult. Such an assertion would be laughable, and readily dismissed if it were not vociferously chanted by the Left wherever, and whenever they perceive objectionable “otherness.” It would be ridiculed for its astounding ridiculousness if it were not for the fact that an entire network of true fascism has been installed in our culture to be activated upon a whim, and that this network can be weaponized to act in unison to erase the chosen target. In this instance, Pete Evans was the ill-fated chosen one.
Upon the “public outcry” that was diabolically manufactured and promulgated by the ever-spiteful Leftist media, his publisher, Pan Macmillan, finalised its relationship with him — offering to recall his numerous publications from distributers. Dymocks, Woolworths, Kmart and Target and House, all complied with the “cancel decree,” and followed suit, ‘cancelling’ his cookbooks, cookware and food products — lest they be contaminated, or contaminate those susceptible to dietary Nazism. He was, perhaps, mercifully removed from the cast of Channel Ten’s ‘I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here!’ Kitchenware brand, Baccarat, declared that “In our view, the images and views expressed by Mr Evans are abhorrent, unacceptable and deeply offensive” — except, these are not Mr Evans views (it is a Leftist cartoon!), and Baccarat surely knows this, but has allowed the stampede of Leftist ‘cancel-culture’ to trample their company into submission.
The Radical Left delight in sadistically administering vicious lashes upon those unwilling to self-flagellate. Indeed, all must be seen to whip themselves to showcase their virtue and allegiance to the Left’s idealistic “progression.” Should one not — then all must be brought to virtuously whip that one! That is their way.
Pete Evans had long been selected for a hysterical, and vicious public flogging.
Long had the Left anticipated tethering him to their ‘cancel-culture,’ laying bare his back, and unleashing a repetitious and frenzied cat-o-nine-tails tipped with metal barbs. The punishment was intended to be brutal and merciless and final. They would assuage their own jealous shortcomings and preserve the Law of the Left: devout conformity. Pete Evans would be whipped into silence, ceremoniously “cancelled,” and his public stature and accomplishments triumphantly dismantled by the ideologically-possessed vandals meting out their vengeance.
Individuals, and individualism are anathema and must be shunned. Especially dangerous, are those freethinkers and contrarians with a considerable public profile and a significant platform of exposure and influence. These individuals are feared and cannot be tolerated, and must be conspired against and overcome with focused ‘swarm tactics.’ Such “oppositional” types are an existential threat to the established cult-mind of the Left’s political ideology. They represent both the antithesis, and the necessary antidote, and must be aggressively targeted for ‘cancellation’ to ensure the preservation of the Leftist Cult.
This is no eulogy for one whose “cancelling” will surely result in a forthcoming resurgence. This is a lament that one so underserving was specifically targeted, hastily “trialled,” and persecuted in the public domain for the supposed offence of posting an “offensive” post. The mere innocent act of posting a contentious meme was met with a chorus of outrage that simply required one desired outcome to appease: complete “cancellation.” Evans was guilty of having risen to prominence and espousing contrary and challenging ideas regarding health, diet and political culture. He was not guilty of endorsing and promoting white supremacist hatred.
Pete is an unapologetic quester for self-betterment, edification and spiritual ideals. It can be stated unequivocally that he is a remarkable human, and an elevated soul. His detractors may believe otherwise, but their nihilistic cult-ideologies represent the misguided cramming of any differing thought into a sterile uniform agreement: an anti-humanization of humanity. In contrast, they are pursuing entropy — actively striving to suppress and diminish creative energy and ideas to the detriment of all. In any free society, it should be paramount to question reality, stimulate controversy, and actively engage with others equally devoted and impassioned to pursue such a noble and like-minded quest.
The ideas espoused by Pete Evans may not necessarily resonate with everyone, but a world in which all think alike, is a world irredeemably hellish, bereft of light and destined to perish.
Should you defiantly pursue your own individualism; should you declare another view and refuse to denounce it; should you absolve yourself of the sin of not claiming their sins; should you renounce any submission to their cultic decrees; and should you rise when commanded to kneel, and kneel when summoned to rise — you will be ruthlessly ridiculed and subjected to the very real neo-fascism of the Left’s ‘cancel-culture.’
We must rally against this.
People of conscience must recognise these Leftist “Nazi Hunters” for the existential threat they pose to all freethinkers and free society. This destructive Leftist Cult is encroaching upon us all; suffocating every element that comprises the human experience; and like the voracious crown-of-thorns-starfish consuming the vibrant colour of coral reefs - laying all to waste - the Radical Left is similarly “feeding” upon the colours of life. We must band together, all the disparate Tribes*, and come together in harmony to resist their persecution by circulating ideas, and acting in solidarity to preserve tolerance, and human decency.
Pete Evans was ‘made an example,’ but he is a fine example of what we should all aspire to be in pursuing our own unique expression. He is a positive contributor to the evolution of humanity.
How dare he choose to be other than their intolerance was willing to tolerate?
How dare he be Pete Evans?
*Tribe, and Tribalism, as defined as the antithesis to the Leftist Cult mentality explored in my piece: ‘THE PERPETUALLY RESENTFUL ONES: A Reflection On The Antihuman Humans Amongst Us’