IN THE AFTERMATH OF AUTHORITARIANISM: A Reflection On Those Forces That Were Up To No Good
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published December 18, 2020
It is December 2020, the first month of the Australian summer, and as Christmas approaches, Victorians are seemingly free once more.
The Festive Season is upon us, and the worst of the pandemic is ostensibly over. Having emerged from the World’s most protracted lockdown, besieged by a madman’s draconian Police State; demoralised, traumatised and sadistically conditioned to applaud our housebound captivity and revere our captor — we have been granted a temporary reprieve, and are finally “free” to perform our function as cogs in the economic machinery. The true cost of the extensive dehumanising measures inflicted upon the populous has been momentarily shunted aside. We are cautiously encouraged to make merry, step around dangling mistletoe, and to spend.
Victorians now distract and pacify themselves with reclaiming and piecing together fragments of their former old-normal. Some pieces will remain forever in disarray — for this is the New abNormal, after all. Wary and weary, many still foolishly wear masks, despite the mandate being lifted and the scientific uselessness of masks against respiratory infections. Conditioned to obey, and incapable of emerging from their media-induced hypnosis, these people still fret that they might be amongst the unfortunate 0.02% who could potentially be listed as having ‘died from COVID-19.’
Tremendous psychological damage has been achieved.
However, many have woken, as if from a collective stupor, some more awake than others; some having never slept; but all undeniably affected by the receding impressions of our recent tyrannical nightmare.
Victoria is approaching fifty days of ‘double donuts.’
This infantilized conception of consecutive days of ‘zero new cases’ and ‘zero deaths’ (00) from COVID-19 is consistent with being instructed to stand on floor stickers; play masked make-believe; obsessively wash and sanitize hands; and cower indoors to evade an exaggerated viral threat for 23 hours daily. It is all utterly idiotic, unscientific, and a criminal exploitation of the gullible masses.
Many ignorantly delight in the daily ‘double donuts,’ assuming the virus ‘eradicated.’ They wholeheartedly believe that such ends have justified the totalitarian means, and that the Victorian Government’s cruel suppression measures have all been vindicated.
Some even laud Dan Andrews as ‘The Savior of Victoria.’
What they fail to recognise is that it has all been “packed away” for the summer months, much like the recent European and American summer, and that should the same inhumane lockdown tactics expedite and maximise the uptake of the forthcoming “vaccine,” it will all be imposed again.
In truth, the virus ceased to “exist” for Victorians only after a calculated choice was made at the very apex of shadowy decision-making. A decision was made to present Dan Andrews’ disastrous lockdown strategy as having resulted in ‘eradication.’ Perhaps the prognosis was that an uncontrollable and irreversible socio-economic collapse was nigh?
The coordinated collusion of Federal and State governments advised by the Australian CEPI Chair, Jane Halton, had suitably fulfilled the AstraZeneca contract of ‘Advance Marketing Commitment.’ Australians were finally deemed prepared in ‘advance’ by the ‘marketing’ of a “pandemic” that the government was ‘committed’ to perform on behalf of all contractually invested pharmaceutical companies. AstraZeneca was foremost. We had been psychological tormented, tortured, traumatised and disorientated to dissolve resistance, and induce a willingness to embrace a “necessary” vaccine for a virtually non-existent viral threat. With control of both the case numbers and mortalities, this monolithic hoax had been implemented, and the propaganda made it real beyond all objective reality.
We now eagerly anticipate our glorious jab — or so they hope.
Every aspect of the pandemic narrative has been meticulously controlled. The COVID case numbers were fabricated from inaccurate PCR tests that were intentionally calibrated at 45 cycles (10 cycles beyond being even remotely scientific), giving an 89-94% likelihood of a ‘false positive.’ The elderly supposedly dying in Aged Care Facilities were just that, yet they were despicably listed as ‘a COVID mortality’ to inflate and deceptively portray an increasing ‘daily death toll.’ Combined, Victoria had the media-illusion of exponential new daily case numbers and accompanying mortality — precisely what was required to propel the pandemic illusion convincingly forward. All this was the justification and basis for the “life saving” lockdown. Lives were supposedly “saved,” despite those numerous lives and livelihoods now irreparably damaged, and the scores of those who took their own lives in the chaos of being compelled to forsake all, to ‘save lives.’
It is an extraordinary blessing that ‘a virus so deadly that one had to be tested to know that they even had it,’ could actually be “eradicated” from the community. The same logic suggests that if we were not obsessively testing — there would be no virus, no active cases, no falsely attributed mortalities and no actual pandemic: alas, we have been played for fools. To those capable of discernment, and incapable of being duped, it is truly a time of misplaced optimism, contrasted with a lingering sense of what the gathering dark clouds yonder truly portend. Indeed, the insidious Vaccine Agenda of The Great Reset DNA-Meddlers remains in the offing, insidiously rolling in from afar and drawing ever nearer.
The first of such ominous clouds has been prematurely revealed.
Indeed, an unnerving precedent has already been observed under Globalist-compromised New Zealand. After 102 days of supposed ‘eradication,’ four ‘mystery’ community cases were discovered in August. So much for successful ‘eradication.’ Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, a traitorous Radical Left mouthpiece for the Great Reset Architects, deemed it appropriate to announce that the re-emergence of the virus, while necessitating an additional Stage 4 Lockdown, would also require ‘forced relocation’ to a ‘double-fenced Quarantine Facility’ overseen by the military.
This was an astounding declaration, unwarranted, and entirely disproportionate, yet it was undeniably pre-scripted and queued for implementation. Essentially, should ‘any member’ of a New Zealand household test positive for COVID-19, they would be removed, (forcibly if required) and quarantined by the military for an indefinite period — all for a virus that 99% of those who “test positive” remain asymptomatic and 99.98% survive. Pertinently, most COVID-19 cases are incorrectly determined to be ‘positive’ by the corrupt PCR testing methodology.
It was also compulsory for New Zealanders to accept a PCR test when requested. Ardern gloated that anyone refusing would be arrested, and relocated indefinitely to a Quarantine Facility until compliance was achieved. Fortunately, the virus was “contained,” but New Zealanders were given an insight into the opportunistic medical-fascism that looms. Considering the intentional inaccuracy of the PCR tests, and the potential of indefinitely “vanishing” those dissidents opposed to the pandemic hoax, perhaps even enforcing future vaccination — beneath such blackened clouds, the forecast is undeniably chilling.
Concurrently, in Victoria, Premier Dan Andrews was relishing the supreme and unchallenged leadership afforded under a declared ‘State of Emergency’ and a ‘State of Disaster;’ neither of which were necessary for anything other than amplifying his tyrannical impulses. Parliament was suspended, and he could fulfill his propensity for unfettered authoritarianism. Andrews had gleefully installed a Police State, imposed de facto Martial Law, and aggressively restricted all aspects of civilian activity.
A peevish and psychopathic-narcissist, Andrews did not ‘save us’ from anything remotely resembling a virus, or a pandemic. He callously enslaved us, and embroiled us all in a preliminary ‘Great Reset’ PsyOp intended to deform and reform fundamental elements of Western Civilisation — an ongoing Technocratic-Globalist agenda, far from concluded. We were the unwitting early subjects of a nefarious ‘stress test’ that explored the extent to which applied “force” would be accepted before considerable resistance was encountered. Many satisfied the curiosity of the Milgram-inspired experiment with complete compliance, whereas others would simply not submit. Indeed, the whole premise for the lockdown was founded on a ludicrously exaggerated farce, and the true danger was more than apparent: authoritarians slavishly devoted to authority — the ironic rise of the neo-Fascist Left.
Those who proved oppositional and unwilling to integrate and partake in the pandemic lie posed a considerable problem. Their passionate resistance, and their pursuit of networking to disseminate information, actual science and concealed truth was utterly verboten. Andrews commanded his VicPol Thug-Force to pre-emptively target, harass, arrest and brutalize these “problematic” personalities. The authoritarian types (many of the Leftist Death Cult) who slavishly believed the ‘official pandemic narrative,’ and who were entranced by the diktats, and enamoured by their dictator, were also encouraged to inform, betray, and ridicule those not so gullible and pliant.
A governmental strategy of ‘social division’ was an essential tactic.
Those challenging the pandemic reality were deemed “enemy combatants” in what was truly psycho-spiritual warfare. These actual ‘freedom fighters’ were labelled as ‘dangerous,’ ‘privileged,’ ‘Covidiots, ‘Conspiracy Theorists,’ and when they were witnessed protesting for the liberty of all Victorians, defying the rule of the Premier-Tyrant, they were vilified and mocked with assertions that they were ‘far-right neo-Nazis’ and ‘White Supremacists.’
In the midst of all this societal discord, capitalizing on his groundwork, Andrews cunningly maneuvered to pass ‘The Omnibus Bill.’
It was pure evil.
After exposure, and as a result of activism, campaigning and focused outrage, this Bill was eventually gutted and neutralized, and what was eventually passed by Parliament was a mere husk of the former poisoned fruit. However, the contents and purpose of ‘The Omnibus Bill’ revealed the sinister designs envisioned by Andrews to preserve his autocratic leadership. If one contemplates the implications of planning to action such a Bill, it is apparent that Dan Andrews is motivated by anti-human malice, and a lust for supreme control.
Reminiscent of post-war East German Secret Police, ‘The Omnibus Bill’ would enable the formation of a private army of ‘Authorized Officers,’ each functioning as a networked Stasi-apparatus to quash and intimidate dissidents. The writing of this very article would surely have been monitored, deemed ‘dangerous,’ and a ‘threat to public health,’ thus jeopardizing my freedom.
I would be a prime candidate to be “vanished.”
Should ‘The Omnibus Bill’ have been passed, these ‘Authorized Officers’ would be given free license to ‘reasonably determine’ someone ‘who might disobey the Chief Health Officer’s (CHO) directive,’ a pre-emptive assessment, a charge of pre-crime, and on that basis alone, be arrested without any recourse and detained indefinitely in a detention facility. There is an undeniable parallel with New Zealand’s seemingly innocuous ‘Quarantine Facility’ vision. The agenda is identical in both geographic locations — to identify and remove “dissidents” under the cover of COVID-19.
With ‘The Omnibus Bill’ effectively vanquished, the perpetual lockdown strategy once calculated by a ‘supercomputer’ now seemed unjustifiable. Miraculously, fewer daily case numbers and deaths were being recorded. The trend continued. And then there were days of zeros. Remarkably, and somewhat unexpectedly, it appeared that Victoria had prematurely exited the projected pandemic timeline. Normality was starting to return. This all bodes well, until one considers that the imminent “vaccine” is intended to be ‘as mandatory as possible.’
Now we come to the present moment. Considering all that has come to pass, it is undeniably disconcerting that Victorian Police are currently ‘looking for 3000+ new recruits.’ Will they constitute a replacement for the ‘Authorized Officers?’ What is anticipated, and what is actually being foreshadowed?
The recruiting process takes six months. The intent is to have these newly-badged officers in uniform, and on active duty for the winter months. It would be unwise to dismiss a possible correlation with a typical cold-and-flu season, an inevitable “re-emergence” of COVID-19, and the need to resume the battle against those desiring liberty. These are effectively a battalion of soldiers being amassed against us.
The Police Recruitment Campaign is advertising with the cynical slogan, ‘become a force for good,’ but, alas, Victorians have undeniably witnessed our Police Force ‘just following orders,’ menacingly spellbound; possessed with power; and arrayed as a counterforce against the freedom of the citizenry of Victoria — unmistakably, as ‘a force for evil.’
Any such future ‘force for good’ will not reside within the collective mass of humanity, nor will it ever arise within institutional Law Enforcement.
How could it ever be otherwise?
A true ‘force for good’ will exist, and can only exist as it blazes fiercely within the individual; and it is this individual, networked with other like-minded individuals that will ‘batten down the hatches,’ indeed, have already taken such an initiative despite the deceptive blue skies, and together, will bravely weather the coming storm on behalf of all.
It is what soulful free-minded individuals do.