PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published April 30, 2021
At present, it is not possible to truly ascertain what exactly is occurring in India with their purported ‘second wave.’
What is apparent, however, is that whatever the facts, the actual presented “truth” is undoubtedly distorted, sensationalized and laced with propaganda for Western consumption.
India is currently a Fear Theatre: the new global focus of a consistently exaggerated pandemic terrorization campaign. The parroted phrase, ‘gasping for breath’ and staged images of despair are being used to counter general vaccine hesitancy, and to spook and coerce vaccine uptake everywhere.
There are two plausible explanations for India’s ‘second wave’ scenario currently being promoted:
If this is true, let us presuppose that the Indian government (unlike the coordinated deceit of all World Governments prior) is now accurately recording COVID mortality, and that the ‘two-thousand people dying every day’ are not simply being reclassified from the 25,000 that statistically die each day amongst a population of 1.366 billion?
Furthermore, that the inaccurate PCR tests that were never designed for amplifying viral molecules to determine community infection cases, are now being correctly calibrated at low cycles, and are working optimally to remove all prior 89-94% ‘false positives’ that originally led to the declaration of a false pandemic, which also facilitated the false justification for lockdowns and the false vaccine salvation agenda?
If there is a genuine ‘second wave,’ both genuine ‘positive case numbers’ and genuine associated ‘mortalities,’ will ultimately prove no more worrisome than the average numbers of those that succumb to the seasonal flu — an indisputable fact advanced by Stanford University’s world-leading epidemiologist, Professor John Ioannidis.
Unfortunately, India’s ‘positive cases’ and the concomitant ‘mortality numbers’ cannot be expected to be accurately reported, and it may be logically speculated (based upon what has proven to be a ubiquitous global precedent) — that they are both largely inflated, and deceptively so.
That the ‘second wave’ is the resultant community “infection,” or rather, the unfortunate “side-effect” aftermath of having been the fastest country to administer ‘100 million jabs …in just 85 days in early April.’
Are the recently vaccinated now more prone to severe reactions when encountering wild COVID, or is there something in the vaccine that has impaired their general immunity or deteriorated their health that is now causing instances of death? Blood clots?
India is using two vaccines — the one developed by AstraZeneca with Oxford University (Covishield), and one by an Indian firm, Bharat Biotech (Covaxin).
Tellingly, the pandemic was all but over on January the 15th when India commenced it’s National Vaccination Campaign. With the passing of months and an incremental increase in those vaccinated, the supposed ‘positive cases’ and associated deaths have increased dramatically in observable parallel.
Surely, it is all just a glaringly obvious correlation — and certainly not the direct result of a pre-planned causation?
It would seem that the vaccine solution has now become the problem that is going to require more of the same “solution” that will ultimately generate more of the same problem, ad infinitum.
‘India will now be expanding its vaccination program to include all adults over the age of 18 starting May.’
Now, this is the exact same vaccine that has been officially determined to cause ‘blood clots,’ and should not be administered to anyone under the age of 50, or, truthfully, to anyone, anywhere, ever.
Alas, what could possibly go right?