"KNOW YOUR ENEMY": The One that Truly Enabled the Real Enemy
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published July 18, 2022
This ironic sticker was discovered on the inside of a city carpark lift (with Clive Palmer's eyes scratched out) and another identical sticker of Scott Morrison was also affixed to the interior floor, but scuffed into illegibility.
The "Know Your Enemy" pre-election smear campaign targeted these two political figures, while advocating for the election of an Albanese Federal Government. It was a Victorian union campaign endorsing Labor.
In actual fact, the "Know Your Enemy" campaign was (as the fine print reveals) authorised by the infamous Australian trade unionist, John Setka — a high-functioning cretin whose phrenological features reveal recessive Neanderthal DNA and a propensity for underhanded thuggery and opportunism.
John Setka was the duplicitous union boss who allegedly took a substantial bribe from Dan Andrews (purportedly 20 million) to impose a "no jab, no job" mandate on the entire construction industry last October — a flagrantly criminal betrayal of all his members.
This craven capitulation to the obvious Pharma plunder of his unionised members was strategic: they had to be suppressed and conquered first for the National Rollout targets to be reached. Andrews was acutely aware of this, and had calculated accordingly: the construction industry would prove the strongest "holdouts," and, thus, the entire VicPol force was effectively militarised to suppress the outrage and defiance expressed in the three days of mass protests that ensued.
Once rubber bullets were offensively deployed to hunt humans and bruise flesh, all organised opposition to Setka's betrayal and the unpopular "no jab, no job" mandate had been brutally quashed. Andrews had won. Many would remain staunch and lose their employment; others, their dignity, health and ultimately their lives.
Should the unions have dutifully defended their workers and their choices (especially Setka, as was expected) — the mandates, the passports, and the entire tyrannical system of biosecurity obedience that had been envisioned for Victoria's "Vaccine Economy" would have been jeopardised. Given that the unions are undeniably strongest in Victoria — they needed to be defeated in Victoria for all other states and industries to uniformly submit. Once defeated (which John Setka facilitated without any resistance) all workplaces across all industries could effectively be mandated to enable the National Rollout to rollover all Victorian workers unabated — which it did.
Prior to the targeting of the construction industry, only frontline workers were subject to workplace mandates. Afterwards, all industries would be unnecessarily mandated. Once Victoria was conquered — all other states adopted the exact same strategy and approach and stomped a uniform medical apartheid and oppression upon all.
John Setka's betrayal of the construction workers made all this possible.
The Andrews Government could not afford any disruption to Victoria's extensive construction projects, and, thus, throughout the supposed "pandemic" the workers had continued without any pause on their contracted projects. The "pandemic" and lockdowns did not exist for the construction industry.
If the union had resisted the mandates by retaliating with strikes and sabotage against the construction industry (setting a precedent of popular defiance and inspiring others), this would have overblown budgets and potentially collapsed lucrative contracts; all of which would have ultimately imperilled the continued leadership of the Andrews Government and the success of the National Rollout.
Thus, a compliant union directed by John Setka was crucial to the agenda. A failure to represent and resist medical tyranny on behalf of his union members was the proverbial "breach in the wall" that flooded the collective veins of the Australian people with toxic-heart-stopping and blood-clotting solution.
John Setka should be remembered and eventually prosecuted as an apex enemy of the Australian people: KNOW YOUR ENEMY, indeed!