PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published January 30, 2022
When this period of Mass Formation Psychosis eventually gives way to mass horror, mass mourning and mass shame for having lacked the capacity to discern on a societal level the psychopathic machinations of Apex Predators; when days of hedonism, materialism and superficial screen-gazing obsessions lay bare the vulnerability that first allowed the multi-pronged depredation that gorged upon our blind trust; when the hour eventually comes, when the sheer terror of the situation and the absolute barbarism is painfully apparent and has become an indisputable atrocity — will the most vulnerable ever forgive those adults who were entrusted to protect them, but, instead, lashed them to the sacrificial altar to appease their "Science," and guarantee their own health?
Is it forgivable?