MELBOURNE FREEDOM RALLY: VicPolly Put The Kettle On, but None had their Tea
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published July 29, 2021
Saturday, July 24: The day Melbourne finally woke up, rose, pulled the bedsheets aside, opened the blinds, and marched defiantly from the "sick bed" that it had been forced to lie in.
We were never sick.
Unlike the hypnotised-horde that descended upon Melbourne during the 2020 "first wave," all droning about "Black Lives Matter," because the latest socially-divisive Cultural-Marxist program (exported from the US) demanded it of their Vain Virtue Cult — the Melbourne Freedom Rally was neither blessed, nor desired by the scheming Government Tyrants.
What is was, however, was underestimated.
Under the threat of potentially being "kettled" by the Corona-Cabal's uniformed foot-soldiers, (all dupes with badges, batons and an undeniably bad boss) and being issued a $1600 fine for breaching a Public Health Order imposed by the foppish-nincompoop CHO Sutton — many, many thousands attended.
There was not meant to be many, many thousands.
There was obvious strength in numbers as the VicPol's cowardly "kettling strategy" was abandoned in a panic, and the usual tactical traps were dismantled by the sheer uncontainable magnitude of the public attendance. It was a diverse gathering of people of courage, people of dignity, people of principle — all exhibiting true virtue, and real compassion, as they marched in solidarity for All Lives that Matter under encroaching tyranny.
Many more will gather when the movement inevitably gathers once again — and yesterday's hesitant bystanders will enthusiastically heed tomorrow's call. They will march, unified in purpose, for they will be emboldened by the numbers that have already shown their conviction to the cause of freedom. The crippling fear of being outnumbered and vulnerable is no longer a reality — for they have witnessed the precedent, and they have recognised their own, and they will join the movement as the numbers of those willing to resist continue to swell.
There was not meant to be many, many thousands...
And all this absolutely terrifies the Predator Class who desires only to prey upon the simperingly obedient.